Chapter 99: Picnic-Side Confession

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November 6th, 2024 - One day until the Boss Room on Floor 75 is cleared.



Hello U/N,

Thanks again for visiting us these past couple of days, I know we've not been in the best of ways since what happened. But both Kirito and I wanted to tell you that we appreciated your visits in writing!

We also wanted to invite you to a picnic we'll be hosting on Floor 22 in two days time.

There's a fishing tournament going on, and I know you picked up the fishing skill a little bit for cooking. Apparently there's a really interesting quest connected to it!

But even if that's not true, I've invited all of our friends to join us, so we can have a big get-together again regardless! It's been a while since the last one hasn't it?

Hope to see you there!
- Asuna


That was the message Asuna sent me less than an hour after I had killed PoH, the last remaining member of Laughing Coffin. And I finally felt like the player-killing issue was finally behind us, and that I could finally relax for the first time in... way too long actually! It must have been... January this year that I really decided to confront the murderers by fighting fire with fire.

And after almost eight months of guerrilla warfare and playing both sentry to the people and vanguard to the clearing effort simultaneously- I was punished with an Orange Cursor. That was the first Green Player I have ever killed... and hopefully will ever have to kill.

I know that PoH was a villain, that nobody would blame me for what I did- especially considering that Lux was a potential hostage at risk at the time. But unfortunately the system only saw these types of things in black and white, of criminals and innocents... and for the time being, I'm considered a criminal by all the NPC's of this world...

Out of curiosity, I do kind of want to head back down to the first Nine Floors. Maybe see if I can find Kizmel and see how she would react, would she aggro me on sight? Or would she talk to me and understand my actions? For an AI, she was incredibly intelligent at understanding human thought and traditions... I still remember that talk I had with her back during Shrove Tuesday all those years ago, when she helped to get me out of that funk I was in after killing those players back then.

To think how much farther I have fallen since then... But at least we have climbed further up the tower as a result of mine and everyone else's sacrifices?

* * *

Thanks to Argo I was able to find a simple Karma Restoration Quest, it was a ridiculously easy one down on the First Floor. All I had to do was carry a couple of boxes from one warehouse to another whilst under watch from an NPC guard.

I suppose this was meant to be an easy one in case you accidentally committed a small crime when you were still new to the game to stop you from getting locked out of progressing properly... you know, before this became a death game.

A couple hours later and I was already back to my Green Cursor status. I can't help but think that was way too easy considering what crime I technically committed...

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