Chapter 132: Progress and Preparation

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Y/N: "Alright!  Looks like that buff was exactly what we needed, now the seal's been broken! Let's head out!"

Philia: "Okay! So, do you think we're going to have climb up that tower then?"

Y/N: "I'm going to guess so, that's where we saw that giant dragon fly up to after all! Why...? You're not afraid of heights, are you?!"

Philia: "No way! I can handle it all just as well as you can! Maybe even better!"

Y/N: "Oho? Is that a challenge I hear?"

Philia: "Uh-huh! You better believe it!"

Y/N: "Hmmm... well, normally I solo Field Bosses. So, do you think you can handle that dragon by itself then?"

Philia: "w-well... I mean... probably, maybe? b-But why take the risk when I have your spear right here!!"

Y/N: "Hey! I'm more than just my weapon! There's a person attached to this spear, you know! I will not be objectified!"

Philia: "Heehee! Of course, of course! Whatever you say!"

Y/N: "Hmmm... I think I'm starting to see how this relationship of ours truly is now!"

Philia: "I'm only joking! You know you're more than just your stats to me, right?"

Y/N: "Uh-huh... Sure, sure. Whatever you say!"

Philia: "I'm serious! Do you think I'd be this chatty with some sword-for-hire!? I don't know if you remember, but I'm not the most social of people, especially with strangers..."

Y/N: "Hmmm... it's been quite a while since I've seen you like that actually, now that you mention it... even when you met Sinon for the first time, you did pretty well!"

Philia: "Well... that's because... no, never mind that! Let's just scale that tower already, shall we!?"

* * *

Philia: "w-w-we really are quite high up now... a-aren't we!"

Y/N: "I suppose so! I can barely see the ground below us from this high up. See, look Philia! "

Philia: "n-n-no! It's okay! I believe you, I believe you! ... not even a railing, this tower is terrifying!"

Y/N: "Relax! You'll be fine! You're on the inside, next to the tower. So if anything, I should be the one worrying about falling!"

Philia: "h-Here! Let's link arms! Then you can't fall, right?"


Y/N: "Ahaha! I feel so much safer now! Thanks Philia! But we're almost at the top of the tower now, so the Boss Fight will be any second now... how's your equipment looking?"

Philia: "Hmph! You're always mocking me... But, I'm ready to go! Just like always! Although... if it's a dragon... my dagger might not have the reach I'd like to hope for dealing with it..."

Y/N: "Just don't take any unnecessary risks, and we'll be fine. Just like always!"

Philia: "Yep! Just like always! We can do th-"



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