Chapter 95: Meeting Lux

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April 12, 2024... four months before the raid on the Laughing Coffin's Headquarters.

I had just left the Field of Floor 19, having just concluded the affair that was the attempted murder of Griselda, the Guild Leader of The Golden Apple Guild.

Fortunately nobody innocent had to die, but those three players... they were from that Laughing Coffin Guild, right? They almost killed the other three players that had amassed there earlier: Schmitt, Yolko and Caynz. If it wasn't for my initial distraction and Kirito's threat, they might have died tonight... as part of Grimlock's plan to hide his initial crime of killing his wife... or well- his attempt to have his wife killed, fortunately I was able to prevent that from happening!

And those three cloaked players, they were from the same Guild that were hired to kill Griselda in the first place, right?

. . .

They're definitely an issue. I should really put my ear to the ground, try and get as much in their way as I can so that less innocent people die... but where am I going to get that type of information from? 

I doubt entirely that Argo deals with these murderers under the table, she has more integrity than that!

So I guess I'm either going to have to find a less altruistic source of information... but where am I going to find that?

. . .

Eh, I can think about that tomorrow. I think I just want to head to bed now I think, it's pretty late at night now, there's almost nobody around town now. Then tomorrow I can get back to the grind like usual-

???: "Excuse me? Did you happen to drop this?"

Y/N: "Hmm?"

I turn around to face the mysterious voice and see a rather small girl with long silvery hair and bright yellow eyes looking up at me with her arms outstretched

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I turn around to face the mysterious voice and see a rather small girl with long silvery hair and bright yellow eyes looking up at me with her arms outstretched. Within her hands was a rather cheap-looking dagger... definitely not one of mine.

Y/N: "That thing? Not one of mine, no. Thanks anyways-"

???: "-Wait!... s- Sorry, I mean... are you sure? I saw it fall away from you just now. I'm sure of it!"

Y/N: "Sorry Miss, but I don't use daggers and I didn't loot any today. It's definitely not mine."

???: "B-But... this dagger looks really expensive, and nobody else here looks like they could afford a dagger like this!"

Y/N: "This is just a basic home-made dagger Miss, anybody with a decent smithing skill could probably make something like this..."

???: "o-oh... I uh- I thought maybe this might have been worth some Col... sigh I could really do with some good luck..."

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