Chapter 147: Well-Earned Rest

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It had been a couple of hours now, since Philia's ceremonious return back to Aincrad. And in that time there had indeed been quite a feast prepared for the occasion! As a reunited group, we all sat and made merry as we ate and drank together. With the many who never called the Hollow Area home informing the one who did of what has happened in Aincrad since Philia's disappearance, and then after that Philia spoke about all that she had gotten up to during her time locked away, with most all of it involving me quite heavily. And this was rather awkward for two reasons... the first being that it was always awkward to hear retellings of stories that I had been actively involved in, and of the things that I was told to have done. The second reason being...

The realisation of all that had really happened, both dangerous and otherwise, whilst I was alone with Philia in the Hollow Area

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The realisation of all that had really happened, both dangerous and otherwise, whilst I was alone with Philia in the Hollow Area. Fortunately enough, she did not mention my player–killing moment, nor that of the kiss she planted on my cheek out of nowhere. And yet, even though they were both left unmentioned, I was frequently getting the most scary of glares from almost everybody sat around us.

Eventually the storytelling had come to an end, and as night began to set in did those at the impromptu celebration start to grow tired, and slowly over time everyone began to filter upstairs to their rooms. Philia and myself were all that still remained downstairs at this point, as Asuna had just left with Sinon and Lisbeth had made her own way back to her smithy. And once it became just the two of us, I thought it best to just bring this night to a close and so I offered to escort Philia upstairs so as to show her where her reserved room was. Something that she didn't realise she even had...

Philia: "Well, even still... I've been gone for a long time. That must have cost quite a bit to hold onto an empty room for so long, wouldn't it?"

Y/N: "Not once the Inn has been bought, no. Agil owns this whole place now, and he let Asuna pay for all of our rooms as a one-time payment and to then keep them permanently. But, when I realised Asuna paid for all that, I well..."

Philia: "You paid her compensation for the rooms, I'm guessing?"

Y/N: "Oh, uh... Quick guess..."

Philia: "An easy guess more like it! Haha! With how loaded you are, I'm sure that wasn't even a drop in the ocean to you was it!"

Y/N: "It... yeah. I suppose when you put it like that, it really was nothing... a–Anyways! Here's your room here!"

Philia: "Huh... Room #00002...? Why did I get a room this early in the hallway?"

Y/N: "I'm not sure, honestly, it was just what Asuna decided. Apparently there was a lot of fighting for who'd get this room for some reason, and I guess Asuna decided to just put a stop to the arguing by reserving it to you?"

Philia: "A lot of fighting...? Oh, don't tell me that... *sigh* That's not going to help me win them over at all!"

Y/N: "Win them over...? You don't need to win anyone over, Philia. We're all already friends! You need to stop worrying so much, you're safe now. Philia. You really are safe... And the only other place you'll be going from here is the other world."

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