Chapter 120: Counseling On Two Fronts

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Philia had seemingly clued in to the fact that something had been troubling me, I guess I never really was one to be that good at hiding my discomforts. I never really needed to after all... since Kureha moved to another country, I never really hung around other people, choosing instead to just stay in my room alone.

And Philia gave no quarter; she pulled us both away from our clearing effort of the Hollow Area, of trying to find a Karma-Restoration Quest for her. Instead she would rather take me back to the Administration Area to talk about it.

... I hate talking.

 I hate talking

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Philia: "Soooo... are you just going to tell me, or do I need to pull it out of you?"

Y/N: "w-Well I mean, i-it really isn't anything, please uh- please don't worry about it..."

Philia: "It's too late for that! I'm definitely worried about it, worried about you!"

Y/N: ". . ."

Philia: "You know I'm not going to let this go, right? I'm way too stubborn for that!"

Y/N: "Heh, don't I know it!"

Philia: "Hey! You weren't meant to agree with me! Haha!"

Y/N: "aha..."

Philia: "Anyways! Enough about me, we're meant to be talking about you! What is up with you?!"

Y/N: "Seriously, it's nothing! Please, don't worry about it!"

Philia: "Look. I know that you've been trying really hard out here for my sake, and I really appreciate that... but if you don't tell me what's eating away at you then I'm not going to spend another day out there in the Hollow Area!"

Y/N: "! You can't be serious?! You can't do that!"

Philia: "I can! Because there's no way I can focus out there when I know that there is something eating away at you! That's just asking for something to go wrong!"

Y/N: "..."

Philia: "So, are we going to talk about what it is that's bugging you... or are we just going to sit right here until the guys in Aincrad clear Floor 100?!"

Y/N: "sigh I... do I really have to? Can't I just-"

Philia: "-No, you can't just bottle it up like you normally do!"

Y/N: "h-How did you know that's what I was going to say?"

Philia: "Come on! We've known each other for a good couple years now, and you've been by my side in this Hollow Area for a long while now. It would be pretty lame of me if I didn't! So... go on, spill!"

Y/N: "... f-fine..."


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