Chapter 84

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Both Dreadnoughts exited hyperspace over Concordia. After they were able to get Nam and Clan Awaud to join their fight, they headed back to Clan Bridger's base to go over the plans to attack on Mandalore. They took the shuttles back down to the airfield. Ezra, Sabine, Ursa, Amari and Tristan walked out of the shuttles with Bo, Roman and Nam who was holding Vera in his arms.

"Okay so once we get everything set up, I'll contact all the other Clan leaders so wr can discuss our plans. Then we'll discuss when we should start. Ezra does your clan know what we're doing?" Roman asked. "Yeah. I had Emily and the others brief them on what's going on. Don't worry. My people are the best and they'll do their part." Ezra said. "Okay good. Nam, are your people ready for an all out war?" Bo asked. "We've been at war since the beginning. Trust me my people will come through." Nam said.

As they all walked into the throne room they saw Mira and Amelia playing with Rona. "Daddy, can I go play with them?" Vera asked. "Is it alright?" Nam asked Ezra. "Yeah. My daughter's a good kid. She can go play." Ezra said. Nam set Vera down and she went over towards them. When Mira saw her she got up. "Hi I'm Mira what's yours?" She asked. "I'm Vera. Can I play?" Vera asked. "Sure. That's Amelia and my baby sister Rona." Mira said and they continued to play.

Ezra, Sabine, Ursa, Amari, Tristan, Bo, Roman and Tristan were all in the command center ready to go over their invasion plan. Bo pressed a button on the holo table and they waited for the other clan leaders to answer. Soon Clan leaders Ava Rook and Talec Eldar appeared. "Okay Bo, we're all here. Shall we began?" Roman said. Bo nodded and pulled up an image of Mandalore.

"You all know why we're here. Mandalore: our home away from home. A symbol of strength and power to us all. Once belonged to us now belongs to the Empire. We're going to take back Mandalore. In the past, it wouldn't be easy for us to do this. But thanks to Clan Bridger, we now have the means to start this invasion. The assault will happen like this. Clans Bridger and Wren cruisers will attack the Imperial star fleet above the planet. Fighters will engage while protecting our transports so they can get past the fleet and down to the planet. Half of Clans Eldar and Rook will help with the space battle while the rest of the Clans will help with the ground invasion. We can't head straight for Sundari because of their large ani-aircraft cannons. There's a base that remotely powers most of the cannons but the other one is inside Sundari. So don't expect that much air support. The radio tower is heavily guarded so we'll divide our forces into groups. Ezra and Sabine will assault the tower with me and Roman. Ursa, Amari and Tristan will cause a distraction on the left." Bo explained.

"What about this small bunker on the right?" Ezra asked. "That's where your men come in. I need you to pick your best people to attack this bunker. From what we heard the Empire has something secret down there." Bo said. "I already know the right people for this job." Ezra said. "Good. Once we take out this first defense here, we'll push in the the secondary defense and head straight for the capital. We'll take out the other cannon tower inside and that will open a window for the rest of our forces the move in. Once that happens, we'll have all the entrances around the city blocked off so no other imperial forces will enter. We've been told that the people of Sundari was put into the undergrounds of the city so we won't have to deal with civilian casualties. It's not gonna be easy taking the city. We don't know how many forces are inside. We'll have to be prepared for anything. We cannot afford to lose. The Empire has terrorized our system for far too long and it's time to send them packing. Is everyone clear on the plan?" Bo explained and they all nodded. "Okay good. Get some rest and make sure your clans are prep, tomorrow the Empire's reign over Mandalore ends." Bo said.

After the the plan was set, Bo, Roman, Ursa, Amari, Tristan and Nam left back to their planets to prepare their Clans. Clan Bridger was briefed onto what was going down and they were pumped. Mira, Amelia and Vera was sad to leave each other but their parents promised that tomorrow that they will see each other again.

Ezra and Sabine were taking off their armor getting ready for bed. "Gotta say, Bo gave out a good plan of attack." Ezra stated. "Indeed she did. A natural leader in her own rights. Can't believe after all this time we get to go back and finally take Mandalore." Sabine added. "You nervous?" Ezra asked. "Yeah a little. You think we can pull it off?" Sabine asked sitting on the bed. "Yeah of course. What's making you have second thoughts?" Ezra asked sitting next to her. "Thrawn. Seth. They caused us problems before. Thrawn's dangerous and we don't know what to expect with him. I'm just worried that we might be rushing things." Sabine explained. "Hey. It's okay. We'll get this job done. It isn't like before with Thrawn. Have faith." Ezra said with a smile and she smiled back. "Thanks. C'mon we should get some sleep." Sabine said giving him a kiss as they both laid down and fell asleep.

Late that night

Sabine woke up to someone mumbling. She looked around and saw no one was in the room and wondered where it was coming from. She looked to the left side of her bed and saw Ezra mumbling in his sleep. His skin wad pale and sweaty, he had a frown and it looked like he was panicked. Sabine got really worried and gently shook his arm. "Ez. Ezra, wake up. You're dreaming. Ez please wake up." She called out.

Then Ezra darted his eyes open shooting up with a yelp reaching for his lightsaber. "Ezra it's okay. You were dreaming. Relax." Sabine said grabbing his arm. Ezra's breathing started to settle down as he looked at Sabine. "Sabine. I'm....I'm sorry. I don't know what...." Ezra was saying. Sabine wrapped an arm around him and pulled him close. "Was it another nightmare?" She asked and he nodded. "Wanna tell me what was it about?" Sabine asked. "It was Seth. He...He took you, Mira and Rona. He was walking towards you three with a lightsaber and he made me watch as...." Ezra started but couldn't go on. "Shhh, it's okay. It was just nightmare. Relax and breath." Sabine told him as she kissed his cheek. Ezra laid back down with Sabine still hugging him for reassurance. "I...I love you." Ezra said in a shaky voice. "I Love you too. Go back to sleep I'll be here." Sabine said and soon Ezra drifted back to sleep. Before Sabine could go back to sleep, one question went through her mind as to what happened.

'Was it just a dream......or a vision?'

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