Chapter 41

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Clan Bridger Attack Cruisers were in hyperspace almost to their destination. Everyone was prepping fighters and weapons. Ezra was on the bridge going over some more star charts. Emily sat alone in the observation deck of the cruiser looking at the hyperspace lanes outside. All her thoughts were about her and Alex. She just hated knowing that the rebel that torture him is still out there and still in this galaxy. Her anger to the rebels grew more and more everyday. She remembers a few times she just brutally beat a random rebel soldier for no reason nonstop. She didn't care. The rebels were getting what they deserved. She had her helmet in her arm and stared off feeling angry with herself and the Rebellion.

She heard the door open behind her. She turned around and saw Anna standing in the doorway. "What're you doing here, kid?" Emily asked a little annoyed because she wanted to be alone. "I was just walking around. This ship is pretty cool." Anna told her. Emily turned back to the window still staring into hyperspace. Anna walked next to her slightly nervous. "I've heard so many things about your work in the Clan. You're one of the most badass Mandalorian I heard about. And there was another too with you. Wasn't his name Alex?" Anna asked. "Yeah. Why?" Emily asked. "No reason, just would like to get to know everyone I can since I'm apart of the Clan now and to learn what I can. Hey, maybe you could teach me a few of your tricks back at the base. It would mean a lot to learn from you." Anna told her.

Emily turned to face her. "You wanna know how you can learn stuff in this clan. By surviving your fights. If you don't, you can't learn. You don't ask questions, you just learn and right now, you're asking too many questions. I don't have an interest in teaching you, but my advice to you, follow orders and listen to instructions when they are giving." Emily explained in a cold tone. "Oh...Uh...Okay then." Anna said kinda sad and left Emily alone. Emily looked back as Anna left the room. She let out a sigh while shaking her head and facing the window again.

20 minutes later

Emily joined Ezra and others on the bridge. She saw Anna in the corner sitting on the ground loading her blaster with what looked like a sad look. Emily shrug it off and went towards Ezra. When Ezra saw her, he stopped what he was doing and faced her. "Emily. I've been meaning to talked to you." He said. "About?" Emily asked with arms crossed. "When Anna came to the bridge, I noticed she was kinda sad. When I asked her what's wrong, she told me you kinda turned her down in a cold way." Ezra told her. Emily glaced over to Anna from the corner of her eye and sighed. "Look Ezra, I know I was kinda hard on her but, I wasn't in the mood for talking. You know how I feel now a days." Emily explained. Ezra placed a hand on her shoulder. "I understand completely. With Alex's condition, you have every right to feel how you feel. But, that doesn't mean you have throw your emotions on someone else. Especially when they don't deserve it. Just try and be nice to Anna. She's seems really excited to be here. Understand?" Ezra said. Emily looked up at him. "Yeah boss. I understand." She said. "Good. We're coming out of hyperspace now. You ready?" Ezra asked and Emily nodded. Ezra looked over at Anna who was still sitting on the floor. "Hey Anna. Come over here, we're about to jump outta hyperspace." Ezra called her over. Anna looked up with an excited smile and raced over to them.

The cruisers came out of hyperspace right in front of the rebel transports.

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