Chapter 37

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"I...Love you too."

Emily broke the hug she had with Alex and looked at him. His eyes were open and he had a wide grin on his face. More tears came out of Emily's eyes. "I'm so sorry Alex. I should've said it earlier. I can't loose you. I-I need you in my life." Emily told him crying again. Alex reached his hand up and wiped away tears off of Emily's face. "It's okay Em. I don't blame you for anything, never have, never will. You've been my best friend since day one of joining Clan Bridger. And I'm proud to have someone like you too love." Alex told her. Emily slightly smiled. "I'm glad you came into my life too. I just wish we had more time together." Emily said. "Well, there is one bright side to all this." Alex stated. "What's that?" Emily asked. "I got a chance to have this much alone time with you." Alex said and Emily chuckled slightly. "It's good to know that in any situation, you always crack a joke to brighten the mood." Emily stated and kissed his forehead. "It's good to know you always liked my jokes as well." Alex added as he grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"Do you think the others think we're dead?" Emily asked. "I don't know, but what we both went through was worth keeping them safe. If we are to die, then I'm glad we stayed ground to the very end." Alex answered. Emily smiled as she brushed Alex's hair with her hand. "I love you Emily." "I love you more Alex." "Nah I love you more." Alex said and Emily laughed a little.

The next morning

As Emily and Alex were trying to enjoy what looked like there last few moments in the galaxy in their cell, the door slid opened and Jobin Along with three rebels came in. Emily had an angry look on her face. She tried to get up but was still too weak. "So how is my broken captives doing so far?" Jobin asked. "Just shut up already. Kill us if you're gonna, but don't waste our time with talking." Emily said getting some of her sass back.

"Talking can go a long way for some people. But that doesn't interest you blood thirsty Mandalorians." Jobin said. "What a bunch of hypocrites you all are. Mon Mothma is out for blood because we killed some soldiers and destroyed some bases. Ezra told me what happened the last time him and Sabine were apart of you so called 'freedom fighters'. She nothing but a coward sending people to do her biting instead of doing it herself. Your all nothing but pawns in a game that she doesn't even know how to play. It's only a matter of time before you're all dead and she'll have nothing. Then her head will be on a platter served to whatever side gets to her first." Emily explained.

Jobin grabbed her by the neck and leaned down to her. "Never speak ill about my mother." He said in an angry voice. "So you're the son of that women. Now I see where you get your short temper and non caring actions from. To bad once the rest of our Clan figures out what happened, they'll destroy you and your mother." Emily said. Jobin let her go and got up. "It doesn't matter if they know or not. Your deaths will demoralize the rest and your clan will crumble.' Jobin told her. "That's where your wrong man." Alex stated. "Indeed. It doesn't matter who you kill. There'll always be another to rise up. Cut off one head, two more shall take its place as the saying says." Emily explained. "Is that really the Mandalorian way?" Jobin asked. "This is the way." Both Emily and Alex said.

"So be it. Let your ancestors judge you in the afterlife." Jobin said. He stepped out of the way and the three rebel soldiers grabbed their blasters. They charged them and aimed them at Emily and Alex. Emily and Alex grabbed each others hand and leaned their foreheads together. "I love you." Alex said. "I love you too." Emily said back before they kissed and closed their eyes ready for whatever happens next. The rebel soldiers grasped their triggers ready to fire.

Boom! Another cliffhanger!

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