Chapter 24

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Clan Bridger ships were in hyperspace on their way to the rebel outpost station. They were almost there and were going over their plan of attack.

Ezra started to explain their battle tactic. "Okay, so the plan is this: first fighters move in for the assault. The rebels will obviously have defenses for any attack. When they launch their fighters to attack us, our fighter will clear a path for the boarding party to infiltrate the station. Once we're in, we take out any residents throughout the station, take their supplies and blow it to ashes." "While inside, me, Emily and some others will go to the power center to plant the charges, while Alex leads a team to raid the rebels supplies." Sabine added.

"I'm always raiding supplies." Alex stated. "Aw c'mon, don't be jealous that I get to blow the place up with Sabine." Emily said. "It's you that's gonna be jealous that I finally top you." Alex told her. "Don't go crying to me when you loss again." Emily said. "I won't." Alex said. Emily gave him a confused look with a smirk. Alex quickly realized the way he said that. "Loose. I-I won't...." He tried to correct himself. "Ha! Too late! Screwed it up!" Emily said laughing. "I'll never understand how you two can turn everything into a competition." Ezra said. "Now, hold on Ez, lets not forget long ago that you and I were also like that." Sabine stated. "And it's just some friendly competition with us boss. That I will win." Emily said punching Alex on the shoulder and in return, Alex pulled her into a kiss as they both started to make out. Ezra and Sabine looked at each other and back to them. They shook their heads and sighed. As the two continued to kiss, Ezra pretended to clear his throat. They stopped kissing and stood their blushing and embarrassed looking away.

"Sir, we're coming out of hyperspace." A pilot informed. "Well you two will have all the time to do that later. Right now we have a mission to do." Sabine said. "R-Right. Lets do it." Emily said. They walked towards the cockpit and looked out the window. All Clan Bridger ships came out of hyperspace and they saw the rebel outpost station.

 All Clan Bridger ships came out of hyperspace and they saw the rebel outpost station

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"All ships prepare to attack." Ezra ordered. Clan Bridger ships flew in attack formation towards the station. They saw rebel fighters coming out of the station and towards them. Both sides started to fire at each other. Explosions and rockets were going in multiple directions. Clan Bridger ships were over powering the rebels and they were dropping like flies. "Sir, permission to move for the station." A pilot said. "Do we have a clear path?" Ezra asked. "Yes sir." He answered. "Permission granted. Move head towards the station." Ezra ordered. "Sir yes sir." The pilot said.

They flew their ships straight towards the station going past any rebel fighters. Any enemy pilots that went for them, they were blown out off space by a Clan Bridger fighter. They made it to the station and landed in the hanger bay. Rebel soldiers surrounded the Mandalorian ships. At least 30 rebels flooded the hanger bay and had blasters aimed at the ships. "CLAN BRIDGER! THIS IS IT FOR YOU! IF YOU STEP OUT OF YOUR SHIPS YOU WILL BE FIRED AT! LEAVE NOW OR WE WILL DESTROY YOU!" A rebel yelled at them. Their was silence on both ends of the forces. 5 rebel soldiers walked towards one of the ships with blasters aimed. One of them tapped their blaster on the door of the ship. Then in a surprise, the door slid opened. They saw the nothing but pitch black inside.

As two of them slowly walked up the ramp to the door, two lightsabers ignited and decapitated them both. Ezra slowly walked out of the ship with his lightsabers and helmet on. The rebels started to back up fearing the worst out of what was gonna happen. "OPEN FIRE!!!" One said and they all started to shoot. Ezra lifted his hand and all the blaster bolts froze and disappeared. The rebels gasped in fear at the powerful Mandalorian force user. Ezra lifted one of his lightsabers and pointed it at them as the other ramps to the other ships opened. "Clan Bridger! Raise hell!" Ezra shouted and multiple blaster fire came out of the ships. Clan Bridger forces came flooding out of the ships and engaged. Some rebels were being slaughtered and some others were retreating out of the hanger bay.

Once the hanger by was cleared, Ezra, Sabine, Alex and Emily got into their groups. "Lets make this quick and easy people. Kill any rebels in your path." Ezra ordered.

Then a big door slid open and they pointed their blasters at the door. As the door was completely open, a figure in white armor walked into the hanger bay towards them. Emily and Alex fired their blasters at the figure but he activated a wrist shield to block their shots. "So this is the famous Clan Bridger I've heard so much about. Mon Mothma told me you were dangerous. I'm glad she wasn't wrong, I could use a good fight." The figure said. "So a rebel commando I presume." Ezra said.

"Oh Not quite my friend. Far more cooler." The figure said and activated a blue lightsaber.

" The figure said and activated a blue lightsaber

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