Chapter 104: Battle of Sundari part 20

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Cayde was starting to wake up and he found himself in a bed. He sat up and looked around the room and saw Anna sleeping in another bed next to him. He heard footsteps coming from the door and looked to see Sabine with a cup in her hand. "You're awake, good." She said. "Sabine? You're okay. What happened?" Cayde asked as Sabine sat down on the bed with him. "Me and Ezra found you both here unconscious. You two must have been exhausted. Here, drink." Sabine said handing him the cup and Cayde took it. "Where's Ezra?" He asked. "He's resting. I told him to sleep for awhile and I'll keep watch." Sabine said. "Don't you need rest too?" Cayde asked. "I'm fine. Ezra's the one doing the most work so I just wanna give him a break." Sabine said. Cayde looked over at Anna and got a worried look.

"You worried about her?" Sabine asked. "How can I not be? She means everything to me. This is the second time I saved her at the last second. She told you what happened to her back on Gargon?" Cayde said. "Yeah. She talked to me about it. She got over it after after a few months. She's tough. Why bring it up?" Sabine asked. "I don't really want to bother you about this." Cayde said and Sabine placed a hand on his shoulder. "It only bothers me when it bothers you. Talk to me." Sabine told him. "It's just... I'm worried for her. Everytime I'm not around her I fear that I might lose her. I can't bear the thought of what might happen if I'm too late to save her. I want to be there to keep her safe. To protect her." Cayde said.

"Man. Both you and Alex do have a lot in common with Ezra. Always trying to protect your love life no matter what. You have to understand that Anna has been threw so much in her life. You can't always be there to protect her. She's strong enough to handle herself. She doesn't need a protector, she needs something to lean on. To help her get rid of all the pain. And that's where you come in. Be the shoulder she leans on. Not the shield for her to hide behind." Sabine told him. Cayde looked at her with a small smile. "Thanks. I needed to hear that." He said and Sabine smiled as well patting him on the shoulder. "Get some more rest. In a little bit we need to keep moving." Sabine said but Cayde shook his head. "Nah. You go get some rest yourself. I'll take it from here." Cayde said getting up. Sabine smiled before nodding and leaving the room. She went back into the main room on the couch where Ezra was still sound asleep. Sabine sat next to him and leaned on him. Ezra put an arm around her and pulled her close to him. "I was wondering how long it would take you." Ezra said half sleep and Sabine chuckled. "Shut up and just hold me you big goofball." Sabine said now going to sleep herself leaning her head on Ezra's chest closing her eyes.


Anna darted her eyes opened and sat up looking around. "Anna. You're awake." Cayde said hugging her. Anna was taking by surprise but hugged back tighter. "Cayde what happened?" Anna asked. "I were unconscious for a while. I came back her and saw you being strangled by an imperial droid." Cayde told her. Anna frowned and crossed her arms. "Guess you had to come in and save me again." She mumbled but it was loud enough for Cayde to hear. "What's that suppose to mean?" He asked and Anna stayed silent. Cayde placed two fingers under her chin and turned her head towards her. "Hey. Talk to me. I don't like seeing you like this." Cayde said and Anna sighed. "I'm just tired of always being the one saved. I'm a Mandalorian. I should be able to handle myself in a fight. I want to be strong enough to handle myself in any situation." Anna said. "But you are strong. Don't let a few mishaps throw you out of a loop. We all have our moments. Good and bad ones. I know I can't always protect you, but as long as I am still breathing I will always be there for you. No matter what." Cayde told her. Anna looked up at him with a small smile and hugged him. Once they pulled away they shared a kiss.

"How's your ankle?" Cayde asked. Anna looked down and moved her foot around. "It feels a little better now. Can you help me stand." Anna said. Cayde grabbed her arm and put it over his shoulder lifting her up. Once Cayde let go, Anna stood up straight and took a step forward and then another. "Well I can walk that's good." Anna said taking a few more steps forward but stumble a little. Cayde grabbed her arm in case she fell. "Thanks." Anna said softly. "No problem." Cayde said as they exited the room.

They walked into the main room and saw Ezra and Sabine sitting on the couch going over equipment. "Ezra? Sabine?" Anna asked. "Hey Anna. Glad you're up." Sabine said. "When did you guys get here?" Anna asked. "We've been here for a while. Just waiting on you to get up." Ezra said. "Oh. Well I'm glad you both survived the crash. We just need to find the others." Anna said.

Just then Ezra's com started beeping. "What's that?" Sabine asked. "My com is picking up a signal. And it's moving." Ezra said. "How far is it?" Cayde asked. "It's coming at us." Ezra said. They pulled out there blasters and aimed at the door. They heard many footsteps and also a few large steps coming from the street. They ready themselves for whatever fight that awaited them.

"Ezra! Sabine!" A familiar voice shouted from outside. They lowered their weapons and walked towards the door. "Emily?" Sabine called out and immediately three heads peeked inside. Emily, Alex and Madison. "Guys! You're okay!" Emily said as they ran inside. Emily trapped Anna in a big bear hug and pulled away. "How'd you guys find us?" Sabine asked. "We tracked your comms to this location and followed the signal. "Good thinking. How many people we got?" Ezra asked. "We got a full platoon of 25 soldiers and we managed to save two tanks from the crash. We got enough people to carry out our mission." Madison explained. "Excellent. Lets set up a small base and begin our plans." Ezra said as they got to work.

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