Chapter 71

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After learning that Sabine would be having another child, Ezra promised her that he would stay by her side, forgetting about missions, the Empire and the Rebellion. All Sabine wanted was for him to stay with her and he did so. One thing's for sure, Ezra would do anything for his family.

The past five months, things on Concordia have been relaxing for everyone. Ahsoka and Rex were getting more and more comfortable on the base and was able to learn alot of what they missed. Rex and Ahsoka volunteer to help command base whenever Ezra or Sabine was gone. Mira was getting along with Rex everyday, but was a little shy around Ahsoka. Mira thought Ahsoka was nice and everything but still felt nervous being around. She would remember Ezra telling stories about her but never imagined meeting her.

One day, Ahsoka was outside the base meditating. She wanted to get away from all the distractions from the base and feel at peace. While meditating she felt something land on her shoulder. She smiled and used her finger to stroke under the bird's chin. "Get a good look around the planet?" Ahsoka asked the bird earning a chirp. "I thought you might say that. Do you like it here?" Ahsoka said earning another chirp. "Yeah I like it here too." Ahsoka said. Then the bird flew off her shoulder and on a nearby tree branch. Ahsoka felt a familiar force signature nearby. "Come on out Mira." She said.

Mira was hiding behind a tree when she heard her name be called by Ahsoka. She hesitantly walked out in the open and Ahsoka turned to look at her. Mira was a orange hoodie with some black shorts on. "What are you doing out here on your own?" Ahsoka asked. "Uh....I was.....following you. I'm sorry. I'm not allowed to be outside the base." Mira explained. Ahsoka smiled. "It's okay. Come on over here." She said and Mira obeyed. She sat in Ahsoka's lap and they both looked out into the distance.

"So Mira, have you ever been off world before?" Ahsoka asked. "Well not a lot. Sometimes only when we go see my grandparents and uncle on Krownest. This one time mommy and daddy took me on a mission to steal back those ships in the sky. It was cool." Mira told her. "I see. Ezra and Sabine are taking their parenting hood a little too serious." Ahsoka stated with a chuckle. "They tell me that it's to protect me." Mira told her. "Do you think they're being too overprotective?" Ahsoka asked. "Nah. Not really. To be honest I really do want to travel to other planets out there. Daddy would always tell me stories about all the planets he and mommy went to." Mira said. "Have they ever talked about their past before?" Ahsoka asked. "No. They told me it makes them sad to remember. Mommy always told me not to talk to daddy about his past the most. She says it's too much for him to remember." Mira explained. "Yeah. She's right about that." Ahsoka said quietly.

"So, what about you? You're a Jedi right?" Mira asked. "Yes. I was a padawan to the most powerful Jedi back then. I was apart of a Jedi Order as well." Ahsoka answered. "Cool. What was it like?" Mira asked. "Well I didn't know what it was like back in the old days, but when I was in the Order, we were stuck in a war that lasted for a long while. By the time the war was over the Jedi Order was gone. Nowadays, the Jedi are just whispers from old stories." Ahsoka said a little sad. "Oh. So what happened to your master?" Mira asked. Ahsoka looked away for a moment at the question. "I....rather not say." She said. "Oh, sorry if I made you said." Mira said feeling a bit sad herself.

Ahsoka turned back to her and gave her a reassuring smile. "It's okay to ask questions. Nothing in life can stop a child's curiosity." She said and Mira smiled. Then Mira wrapped her arms around Ahsoka in a hug. Ahsoka smiled and hugged back. The moment was broken by the sound of Ahsoka's comm going off. Ahsoka grabbed it and answered. "This is Ahsoka." "Hey Ahsoka. Have you seen Mira? We can't find her anywhere." Ezra asked from the comm. Ahsoka looked at Mira and smiled. "Don't worry. She's with me and she's okay." She said. "That's good. It's about to get dark soon. Come on back to base." Ezra said and ended the transmission. "I had fun out here with you Ahsoka." Mira said with a smile. "And so did I." Ahsoka said back with a smile of her own. She picked Mira up in her arms and started to walk back in the direction of the base. While walking, Ahsoka's bird landed on her arm with a chirp. "Your bird looks awesome." Mira said. "Thank you. Wanna pet her?" Ahsoka asked and Mira nodded. She reached her hand out to the bird waiting for its response.

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