Chapter 73

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The Clan Bridger fleet was in hyperspace to Dantooine to rescue Mira from the rebels. Ezra stood in the same spot for the entire hyperspace ride just staring out the window with arms crossed. He was beyond angry for what happened. He hate seeing Sabine cry and just thinking about how hurt she is because of this made him angrier. But nothing made him more angrier than the thought of someone else having his daughter. When he got to Dantooine, he was really gonna make the Rebels suffer for what they've done.

His trance was broken by a hand on his shoulder. He looked to see Ahsoka standing next to him with a worried look. "Ezra? Are you feeling okay?" She asked. "No. My daughter was taken from her own home and I couldn't stop it. Sabine's heartbroken and I'm just angry." Ezra said in a angry tone. "I know. Just don't let your anger get to outta hand. Sabine's not only worried for her daughter, she's worried about you. So am I. I don't want you to be vulnerable to the Darkside." Ahsoka told him. "I say let it consume me. I'm at the point where I just don't care anymore. If it means getting my daughter back than I'll take it." Ezra said. "Ezra you don't mean that. I've known you long enough to know that. I understand wanting to get your daughter back, but the way to do it is wrong. It's not Jedi way." Ahsoka explained to him. "Hate to break it to you Ahsoka, but I'm not a Jedi anymore. And neither are you. So don't preach to me about what's the Jedi way and what isn't. I'm not in the mood for a lecture." Ezra said in a cold tone. Ahsoka sighed. "Just please listen to me. For Mira. Don't let yourself be consumed by darkness." She said and walked away.

As she walked away from the deck, she saw Emily, Alex, Madison, Cayde and Anna standing in front of a holo table. "Guys I'm worried about Ezra." Ahsoka stated. "Why?" Emily asked. "His anger. Don't you all see it?" Ahsoka asked. "We're kinda used to it. It isn't the first time we've seen him angry about something." Cayde said. "But this is a new level of anger we've seen him on. Not that I don't blame him. But as a leader he needs to show restraint." Madison said. "He knows how to show restraint. We've never seen him break the chains on those restraints yet." Alex stated. "I don't know why you all are so work up about. It's Mira. Ezra's daughter. I be pissed too if I was him. And I can tell ya. The Rebellion is gonna feel the aftermath of this one." Emily said. "Yes but aren't you worried he might take things too far?" Ahsoka asked. "Well no. Not the first time I've seen him pushed over the limit. Back on Paucris Major, Mira was almost shot by a sniper. When we caught the sniper. Ezra brutally beat him to a pulp and shot him square in the head. And I stood by what he did and didn't think it was overkill." Emily explained. "You sure do know how to take up for Ezra. You remind me of Sabine a lot." Ahsoka stated. "At the darkest point of my life, Ezra saved me. Made me who I am today. Same with Sabine. And not just me, all of us. I'll stand by both his and Sabine's side in any situation no matter how costly." Emily explained and the others nodded. "Alright then I trust you all's judgement. Lets hope things turn out fine from here on out." Ahsoka said.

The fleet soon came out of hyperspace over Dantooine. In front of them was a fleet of rebel ships waiting for them. Ahsoka, Emily, Alex, Madison, Cayde and Anna joined Ezra on deck. "All ships, target those ships. Maximum fire power." Ezra ordered. Only milliseconds later, all ships unleashed a full force attack on all the Rebel cruisers. The rebels didn't have enough time to react and their ships were being destroyed one by one. "Don't stop. I wanna see those ships turn to dust." Ezra ordered and the attack continued. Any fighters that was heading towards them was destroyed by the fleet. The rebels didn't have enough time to try and escape until they were all almost destroyed. "Continue your attack. I'll be on the surface." Ezra said and walked out followed by the others.

Ezra and the others got on a gunship and road it to the surface. Almost 70 gunships landed on the outskirts of the base with almost 30 tanks. "Are all the tanks ready?" Ezra asked. "Not yet. Well get them all up and ready as soon as possible." Alex said. "Boss, look." Emily said pointing ahead. Ezra looked and saw multiple rebel soldiers, tanks and gunships heading for them.

 Ezra looked and saw multiple rebel soldiers, tanks and gunships heading for them

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"Everyone get the troops ready. I'll deal with them." Ezra said and flew away with his jetpack ignoring their calls. Ezra went full speed towards the rebels blocking all the blaster fire from the rebels. He landed in the middle of the rebels letting the force implode all around him. The rebels surrounded him along with the tanks. In a flash Ezra activated his lightsabers and sliced up five rebels at once. The rebels were too late to start opening fire on him because Ezra was killing them off one by one. Stabbing and decapitating some and cutting the rest in half. He landed on a cut off the guns making it explode. Then he used his Force Judgement to take down the gunships and others tanks as he continued to kill the rest of the rebel soldiers.

Soon the rest of Clan Bridger and the tanks joined Ezra and helped take down the rest of the rebels. After they did that, they made their way to the base. They took out all the defenses and took out any rebels retreating. Ezra, Emily, Alex, Ahsoka, Madison, Cayde and Anna along with others entered the rebel base taking out the remaining rebels in the process. "Find my daughter. And if you see Jobin, let me know." Ezra ordered and they nodded.

After an hour, everyone searched the base for Mira or Jobin. Ezra was in the command center of the base with Ahsoka when Emily, Alex, Madison Cayde and Anna came in. "Anything?" Ezra asked. Emily took off her helmet and had a sad look. "Sorry boss. We can't find Jobin....or Mira." She said and looked down. Ezra's fist tightened in anger. He then heard a terminal beeping and went to press it. When he turned it on both Jobin and Mothma. "Did you really think it would be that easy. She never was on Dantooine." Jobin said. "And she's not on Yavin either so you can forget about that as well." Mothma added. "Where is she?!" Ezra shouted. "Somewhere you'll never find her." Jobin said. Ezra got closer to the hologram. "Listen to me and listen good. If anything happens to her, if you've done something to her, I'll rip both of your spines out and crush your skulls to dust and make sure there is nothing left but a broken corpse." Ezra coldly threatened that made them take a step back and end the transmission. Ezra and the others were left with one question.

Where was Mira?

Unknown planet, Rebel Outpost

Mira woke up to a cold feeling. She looked around and saw she wasn't at home in here bed. "Mommy? Daddy?" She called out but no reply. She started to get scared and got up. She was in a metal room with a bench. She rubbed her arms and hugged herself to try and keep warm. "Mommy! Daddy!" She called out again but no answer. Tears started to escape her eyes feeling really scared about where she was.

Then the door opened and a man walked into the room. Mira backed up to the wall. "W-Who are you." Mira asked.

"My name is Jobin."

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