Chapter 28: Paucris Major Part 2

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The Ghost, Clan Bridger and Clan Wren fighters came out of hyperspace over the planet. It looked like one big rock in the center of space.

 It looked like one big rock in the center of space

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"Man, the planet looks like dust." Alex said. "Yeah, nothing I've ever see before." Emily added. As they flew closer, they didn't see any rebel cruisers orbiting the planet. "Did they abandon the planet?" Sabine asked. "I don't know. Emily see if you can get a read out of the base." Ezra ordered. "On it boss." Emily said. She turned her chair to a monitor and did a planetary scan of the planet. "Yup the base is still there. And so are the rebels." Emily told him. Then they got a transmission from Ursa. "Sabine, Ezra, scans are picking up ships coming off the planets surface." She said. They looked and saw ships leaving the surface in a blockade formation. A few corillian corvettes hammer head corvettes and one stolen Imperial Quasar fire class cruiser.

 A few corillian corvettes hammer head corvettes and one stolen Imperial Quasar fire class cruiser

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"They were ready for an assault." Ezra stated. "Doesn't matter. They're practicality flying to their deaths." Emily said. "Good ol Emily. Always ready for a fight." Sabine said. "All forces! Engage the enemy!" Ezra ordered in his comm. "Sir yes sir!" Soldiers came back. All the fighters flew on each side of the Ghost in attack formation. They charged at the rebel cruisers as their fighters flew out of their ships. "Mira. Ready for some fun?" Ezra asked his daughter as she was still cuddled up in Ezra's lap. "Yeah!" Mira shouted excited as she punched the air and Ezra chuckled.

The Mandalorian fighters began to attack the rebel fighters as explosions filled the vacuum of space. They flew in all directions blasting rebel fighter after rebel fighter. The rebels tried to keep up with them but they were too fast for them. One by one rebels were destroyed by either Clan Bridger or Clan Wren fighters. On the Ghost, Emily was in the nose gun and Alex was in the turret both shooting down ship after ship. "We got more behind us!" Alex said. He turned the turret around and shot the rebels behind them. He was able to shoot down a few but the rest was out of his reach. "I can't get a clear shot from here!" Alex said. "I can't get them from where I am." Emily stated. "Hold on everyone!" Sabine said. She lift the controls of the ship and it was going upside down. "WEEEEEEE!" Mira yelled as she waved her hands in the air as they went upside down. The Ghost was now behind the rebel fighters and Emily shot down every last one. "Okay that's all of them." Emily said. Ezra started to speak in his comm. "All fighters! Take out the cruisers!" He ordered.

They all flew towards the rebel cruisers. The cruisers started fire at them as they came closer and closer to them but they out maneuver the cruiser fire. "Get ready to fire missiles!" Sabine ordered in her comm. As they flew closer they were in range of the cruisers. "Fire missiles now!" Sabine ordered. The missiles launched and they knocked out three cruisers. They reloaded the missiles and launched the rest of the missiles at the other cruisers destroying them. "Boss, we are detecting escape pods. Should we capture them?" Emily asked. "No. They'll land on the planet and be scattered. We'll deal with them once we get on the ground." Ezra said.

They got another transmission from Ursa. "Ezra, Sabine, we are detecting more fighters launching from the rebel base." She said. "Okay. Amari, lead the space battle and deal with the fighters. Ursa and Tristan, meet us on the surface with our ground forces." Ezra said. "Got it." Ursa, Amari and Tristan said back. Ezra turned to Sabine. "Let the fun continue." Sabine said. "Indeed. Right Mira?" Ezra asked. "Yeah! This is fun!" Mira shouted with excitement in her voice and Ezra and Sabine chuckled. The Ghost and other Clan Bridger ships started their decent to the planets surface

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