Chapter 65

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Everything happened in a flash. Emily's heart skipped at the sound of the blaster going off. In an instant, someone shot Emily's fathers blaster out of his hand as he was about to shoot Alex in the head. Everyone looked to the right and saw Madison with blaster in hand and aimed straight. Then Emily broke free from the troopers knocking them both down on the ground. She grabbed her blaster from behind and shot down some more troopers while running towards Alex. Her father along with others retreated back leaving Alex on the ground and got into cover.

Emily kneeled down to Alex. "You okay?" She asked. "Yeah. For a moment there I really thought I was gonna die." He said with a chuckle. Emily pressed her lips onto Alex's and parted. "As long as I'm around that's never gonna happen." She said. Then Madison ran up to them. "Thanks Maddy. I thought for a second you was gonna be too late." Emily said. "Yeah well it's a good thing I caught on to what you were saying earlier." Madison stated.


"Madison. Trust me." Emily said as she handed her one of her blasters. Madison nodded and went behind the large crates.

End of flashback

"So how bout we take care of business and then get outta here." Emily said and they nodded. They got into cover and shot down stormtroopers left and right. The imps were being overwhelmed and couldn't take the pressure and some of them retreated back into the prison. While blasting any trooper she sees, Emily noticed her father leaving with two other troopers. She felt enraged just by seeing him and decided to go after him.

When her father was at the exit he heard a blaster go off twice. He turned around and saw Emily walking past his dead guards. "*chuckle* So you finally decided to face me by yourself? You're an idiot. You couldn't do anything back then, what makes you think you can do anything now." He said. Emily felt a flicker of fear inside her but shrugged it away. She ran towards her father and kneed him in the gut. He fell to the ground and was repeatedly kicked in the head and gut. "Tell me! Did it give you pleasure to hurt little girls?!" Emily shouted and stomped on his face. She then grabbed his arm and kicked it out of place. "Did it make you happy to torture my sister for years?!" Emily shouted as she broke both of his legs. "Was it going to make you happy to kill my boyfriend?! My Alex!" Emily shouted again snatching him up by the collar. "Yes it would. What did you expect? An apology? I'm an Imperial. I don't say sorry I just do what I love doing. Hahaha! Go ahead kill me. Torture me. It'll just prove you're my daughter." Her father said. "I don't care. It's time you suffer." Emily saud raising her fist.

"Emily no!" Madison shouted behind her. Emily turned around and saw Madison and Alex. "Why shouldn't I? He tortured us. Tortured you. Almost killed Alex. I need to make him pay for everything." Emily told them. Madison walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Em. You already defeated him. Don't become him." She said. Emily looked back down at the man with hatred and disgust. She closed her eyes, let out a sigh and let him go. "We maybe related, but you're no father of mine. Someone else has already taken that title." Emily said and walked away. "Hahahahahaha! I always knew you were nothing but a weak little girl." He said then was met by a blaster bolt going into his chest and he fell down dead. Emily and Madison looked and saw Alex with blaster raised. He twirled the blaster on his finger and put it in his holster. "I for one got sick and tired of hearing him." He said. Madison turned to Emily. "So got anywhere we can go?" She asked. "Yeah. Home." Emily said. Madison grabbed hold of Emily as they flew away with jetpacks.

4 hours later

The three was back on the Ghost in hyperspace heading back to Concordia. Alex was in the cockpit most of the time letting Emily and Madison catch up. He knew they needed to. For most of the trip Emily and Madison were talking the entire time. Emily was telling her about what she was doing, told her about Clan Bridger and what they've been doing for five years. It felt like old times for both of them. Just them talking and nothing else. When Emily stopped the conversation, she felt some tears go down her face.

"Hey. What's wrong Em?" Madison asked. Emily didn't say anything and just threw herself into Madison wrapping her arms around her. Madison was surprised at first but hugged back. "I really missed you Maddy. I missed my big sister." Emily said. Madison smiled and stroked her hair. "I missed you two Em." She said and they stayed like that for a few minutes.

That's when Alex Walked in and they broke the hug. "Hey. Sorry to interrupt but we're coming out of hyperspace." He said. "Madison can you go on ahead. I wanna talk to Alex." Emily said. Madison nodded and left them alone. Emily walked to Alex and looked up at him. "Alex. Thank you." She said. "For what?" Alex asked. "You helped me get my sister back. You comforted me when I needed it. I couldn't have asked for a better person than you. So thank you." Emily told him. "As long as I'm still kickin', I'll always be here for you." Alex said and they kissed.

The Ghost came out of hyperspace over Concordia. After they gave the clearance codes, they landed at the base. The Ghost ramp lowered and they walked out being met by Ezra. "Hope you two didn't put a scratch on my ship." He said. "Don't worry we were careful." Alex said. Ezra noticed Madison. "Who's this?" He asked. "This is Madison. The person who sent the beacon. And who is also my big sister." Emily told him. "Well it's nice to meet you." Ezra said reaching his hand out for a shake. Madison declined the hand shake and went forward to hug him. "Thank you for looking after my sister all these years." She said breaking the hug. "It was no problem. She's been the best out of all my people." Ezra told her. "So Madison. You thinking about staying with us? I can teach you what Ezra taught me." Emily said earning a chuckle from Madison. "Well if you're here than I'm here too. So yeah I'll join you guys." She said. "Alright it's settled then." Ezra said placing a hand on her shoulder. "Welcome to Clan Bridger."

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