Chapter 33

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Emily and Alex was almost out of hyperspace to Dantooine. They were both in the cockpit. Emily was checking her blaster while Alex pilot the ship. "Hey Em?" Alex asked. "Yeah Alex?" Emily asked back. "You nervous?" He asked. "When have you ever seen me nervous about a mission. I can handle anything." Emily told him. "I know that it's just, if what Ezra said was true about this planet then we'll have our hands full getting what we came for." Alex explained. "Well yeah, but when as that ever stop us. Every mission is dangerous but we always come out on top." Emily said. "Yeah you're right. I just don't want you to get caught by the rebels and get hurt." Alex told her. Emily smiled and placed her hand on his. "I appreciate the concern. Don't worry, as long as we have each others backs,  we'll be in and out before anyone notices." She said and kissed Alex on the cheek. Alex smiled.

The ship came out of hyperspace over Dantooine. They saw multiple rebel cruisers orbiting the planet. "That's a lot of ships." Alex stated. "Yeah. But good thing our ship can stealth. Hurry up and activate the cloaking." Emily said. "Got it." Alex started looking around for the button to cloak the ship. "...Uh...Which button is it again?" He asked slightly embarrassed. Emily sighed and pressed the button and the ship cloaked. "Uh T-Thanks Em." Alex said. "You're lucky I lo......Like you." Emily said. Alex noticed what Emily was about to say but didn't mention it to her.

Alex piloted the cloaked ship passed the rebel cruisers and down to the planets surface. As they flew in the sky they saw that the planet was mostly deserts, but also saw some forest and streams under them. "I got a ping on the rebel base. It's 50 miles to the north." Emily informed. "Okay lets go." Alex said and flew the ship north.

They were flying for a few minutes when Emily told Alex to land. Alex obeyed and land the ship on top of a hill. "The base is 5 miles out. We'll walk the rest of the way." Emily said. They walked off the ship. They started to walk off but Emily stopped. "Wait. We can't leave the ship out in the open." Emily said. "I got it." Alex said and pressed a button on his wrist and the ship cloaked. "Okay that works but you better not forget where we left it." Emily said. "I won't don't worry." Alex said. They both put on their helmets and started to walk.

After 10 minutes of walking, they came to a stop on top of a hill. They both crouched down. Emily pulled down the way finder on her helmet and saw the base.

 Emily pulled down the way finder on her helmet and saw the base

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"How does the Rebellion always have big ships and big bases?" Emily asked. "Don't know, don't care. It's nothing compared to the bases we have." Alex said and Emily chuckled. Alex also pulled down his way finder and looked at the base. "Guards positioned at the front, patrols on both sides, snipers on the roof. Ezra was right, these guys keep stuff on lockdown here." Alex said.

Then they saw a ship landing at the base unfamiliar to them both. They saw a figure exited the ship. "Who is that?" Alex asked. Emily looked closer into her way finder at the figure. The figure was wearing white armor. "It's Jobin." She said with a gasp. "You've gotta be kidding me. Why's he here of all places?" Alex asked. "I don't know. But this mission just got riskier. He was able to challenge Ezra in combat and he's not even a Jedi." Emily explained. "Should we call off the mission and report this to Ezra?" Alex asked. "No, of course not. We promised Ezra that we do this mission. We're not chickening out now. We just gotta sneak in without him noticing we're here." Emily explained. "Okay then. What's the plan?" Alex asked.

Emily thought for a moment and noticed transport vessels entering and exiting the base. "Look there. If we can sneak on one of them we should be able to enter without any problems but getting out will be tricky." She explained. "I like it. We'll wait for the next transport to arrive and we'll sneak in." Alex said. "Alright. The hard part of any mission. Waiting." Emily stated and wait they did.

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