Chapter 100: Battle of Sundari part 16

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On the next day the teams was prepared to go inside the capital city of Sundari. Gunships were fuelled up and ready for departure. The teams was small but still a good amount for them. Clans Kryze and Vizsla will be together for departure but will separate once on the ground with 20 soldiers each and two tanks. Clan Awaud will be on the ground with 20 soldiers and 2 tanks. Clans Rook and Eldar will be on the ground with 30 soldiers and 3 thanks. Clan Wren will be on the ground with 30 soldiers and 2 tanks. And Clan Bridger will be Ezra and Sabine on the ground with 40 soldiers 2 tanks, (along with Emily, Alex, Anna, Cayde and Madison obviously).

All the Clans were on the landing platform and they stared off into the city. "Can't believe this is almost over. The war to take back Mandalore ends with us controlling the city." Ursa said. "The war isn't over until we take over the city." Amari said. "Indeed. Get ready to move out. We leave at once." Bo ordered.

Everyone got in there assigned ships and prepared to take off. "Remember, we only got on shot at taking back Sundari. We won't have that much communication once we go inside the city. Go to your assigned sectors. Watch each others backs and don't die." Bo said in the comm and all the gunships took off from the platform and headed inside the city.

Suddenly, as soon as the ships entered, they were met with cannon fire from the ground making the gunships shake. "Everyone scatter now!" Bo said and all ships broke off and headed down into the city to get away from cannon fire. Once Clan Bridger got closer down to the city they thought they would be safe from the cannon fire but they were wrong. They were soon taking fire from imperial walkers on the ground and couldn't stay together much longer. "Everyone split up now!" Ezra ordered but it was too late. Each of their gunships got hit making them go down. The pilots were able to steer away but couldn't stop the sudden impact that awaited them. Soon each Clan Bridger gunship crashed down at different parts of the city sector far from each other. The only thing left for them to do now, is to survive.

Ezra and Sabine

Sabine woke up with a groan as she looked around and saw that she was on the ground. As she sat up she saw she was still inside the crashed gunship surrounded by bodies. "No." She whispered as she felt sadden because of the lost of her men. She looked some around some more and saw Ezra still unconscious on the ground. She crawled over to him to make sure he was all right. "Ezra? Ezra? You okay?" Sabine called worried for him but no response. Sabine grabbed his arm and tried to pull him out of the wreckage.

Once she got him out of the wreckage she sat his body up on a wall and kneeled down to him taking off both her helmet and his. "Come on Ez. Please wake up. Ezra." Sabine called to him. Ezra then start to slowly open his eyes and stare at Sabine. "Hey." He said with a small smile. "Hey." Sabine said back with a small chuckle and kissed him multiple times on the lips. "You need to stop scaring me like that." Sabine said hugging him tight. "Sorry. It's okay." Ezra said hugging back.

Sabine's face fell and pulled away from the hug. "I wish things were okay." She said looking at the crashed ship. "We lost some in the crashed." Sabine said sadly. Ezra grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. "Hey. It's not your fault. You can't blame yourself for this." Ezra said. "I know. I just everyone else is okay after their crashes." Sabine said. "Trust me. I'm sure they made it out just fine." Ezra told her. Then they heard an imperial walker and saw one slowly making its way towards them with a squad of stormtroopers. "We gotta go. Come on." Ezra said getting up and they started to run down the alleyway.

Soon once they exited the alleyway they cut through a building and came out on a different street but saw more imperial troopers coming at them down the street. They went inside a window and hide inside as the troopers went past them. Ezra and Sabine watched as the troopers past by outside. Once all the troopers disappeared Sabine gave out a sigh of relief and Ezra gave out a chuckle. "What's so funny?" Sabine asked. Ezra took off his helmet and gave her a smile. "I just haven't gotten this much alone time with you in a while." Ezra said. Sabine also took off her helmet and smiled back. "You always know how to make me feel better." She said. Ezra placed a hand on her cheek in a comfort and Sabine grabbed his hand and closed her eyes. "Mm. Thanks." Sabine said kissing his hand. "Anytime." Ezra said. They got up and looked at each other. "So what now?" Sabine asked. "We should proceed with the plan and head to the rendezvous point. Everyone else will probably go there as well. You ready?" Ezra said. "Yeah. And Ezra?" Sabine said. "Yeah?" Ezra asked. Sabine pulled him close to her and they shared a long passionate kiss. They parted and looked at each other. "For luck." Sabine said and Ezra smiled. They put on their helmets and started to walk down the street.

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