Chapter 77

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Clan Bridger cruisers came out of hyperspace over the planet Crait. They were met by four rebel cruisers guarding it. Ahsoka, Madison, Alex, Anna and Cayde soon joined Ezra and Emily on the bridge. "Interesting. They have more ships than us." Alex stated. "They may have us out numbered, but they're out matched." Emily added. "We don't have time for this. The longer we do this, the more Mira's life will be endanger. Ahsoka, Madison, lead the space battle, the rest of us will storm past the blockade and head for the surface with our forces." Ezra explained. "You can count on us." Ahsoka said and Madison nodded.

Ezra, Emily, Alex, Cayde and Anna were in the hangar bay and saw everyone getting ready on gunships and tanks. They got on a gunship with other soldiers. "Is everyone ready?" Ezra asked. "Yes sir." A soldier said. "Then take off." Ezra ordered.

The cruisers doors opened and many gunships exited the cruisers. Multiple rebel fighters was flying towards them. "All fighters, protect the gunships while we head for the surface. Once we get down there, I'll give the word for the bombers to attack." Ezra ordered. Just when he said that, Clan Bridger fighters surrounded the gunships in a defensive formation. On there way past the rebel cruisers they took out every rebel fighter in there way.

The gunships made it to the surface of the planet and landed on the outskirts of the rebel mountain base that was guarded by a giant metal gate. When Ezra exited his gunship and got down on one knee. He placed his hand on the ground and moved it around slowly. "Hmm. Red salt. Good for a smokescreen." He closed his eyes under his helmet and used to force to create his surroundings. It seemed like everything around him froze and a new surrounding came in view. "We can use the bombers to hit the gate and create a smokescreen to cover our approach. We can take out the turrets and any rebels in there trench. I've been studying this base for awhile so I know everything about it. Stick to this plan and we'll do it. But.....Mira's not here either! I can't feel her! Hopefully someone here knows where she is. And if not...they'll all die." Ezra let out a sigh and his surroundings went back to normal.

He got up and faced the others. "Okay I figured out a way to attack the base. Bad news is Mira's not here. So lets hurry up and take this base out and move on to the next one." Ezra said. "So what's the plan?" Anna asked. "We'll use the bombers to hit the ground near them to create a smokescreen to cover our approach. The ground is mostly made of red salt so it'll be easy. While they do that, they'll also do bombardments on the door to try and get it open. Once we get close, the tanks will take out the turrets guarding the base and we'll move into the trenches to take out all the remaining rebels. Once we get inside, we need to find any info we can about where Mira is and see if anyone knows where she is." Ezra explained and they nodded.

At the rebel base, they quickly closed down the giant doors while most of the rebels and turrets stayed outside to defend the base. "Listen up! The enemy has engaged our starfighters so you all can forget about air support! We need to hold the line here and not let a single one past!" A rebel shouted. They all were in the their trenches and waited for Clan Bridger to arrive.

As they waited they saw multiple Clan Bridger bombers coming down at them. "Everyone get ready!" As they prepared themselves for the worst but it never happened. The bombs it the ground in front of them having all the red salt dust go into the air. "Ha! Those idiots couldn't hit a womprat if it was sleeping!"

Just then a bolt hit a rebel in the head in between the eyes. "What the...?!" Just then multiple blaster bolts came flying out of the red dust at straight at them. They didn't have time to react and some took cover while the rest was shot down in an instant. Then rockets came from the dust and destroyed the turrets. That's when Clan Bridger came out of the dust via tank, on foot or jetpack. They surrounded the remaining rebels. The rebels quickly surrendered and dropped their weapons. "Keep them alive. We'll need them until we find the man in charge." Ezra ordered. "Boss we got a problem." Emily said. "What is it?" Ezra asked. "The bombers couldn't blow the door off. It's completely sealed shut." Emily told him. Ezra nodded and turned on his comm. "Get the cannon ready." He said. "Yes sir." A soldier came back. "What weapon?" Alex asked. "We had a weapon being built on one of the Dreadnoughts. It was still in the testing faze. Never thought I had to use it here and now. But it's probably the only weapon that can destroy this door." Ezra explained. "Sir the cannon's ready and loaded." A soldier said in the comm. "Good aim at the side of the mountain where we are." Ezra ordered.

In orbit one of the Dreadnoughts lower hangars and s giant cannon came out of the bottom.

In orbit one of the Dreadnoughts lower hangars and s giant cannon came out of the bottom

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They aimed it down at the surface. "Sir there are still some rebel cruisers in the way of us firing." The Captain said. "Don't worry. The cannon's strong enough to blast through them like paper. You may fire when ready." Ezra said. "Copy that. Prepare to fire." The captain ordered. The cannon started to power up. Once it was fully charged they fired it. The cannon shot out a red beam. It took out any surrounding rebel starfighters and went straight through the rebel cruisers. The beam turned the sky red on the surface and hit the metal door. It only took a few moments for a giant hole in the door. "Everyone storm in! I want those rebels dead on here on there knees!" Ezra ordered and they all entered in.

30 minutes later

After they entered, most of the rebels were killed while the rest surrendered. The rebels who surrendered were outside on the ground with hands above there heads. "Line up rebels!" Alex ordered. Clan Bridger soldiers grab the soldiers and officers and dragged them. The rebels were put on their knees. When Ezra walked up to them, he sensed the fear in most of them. He slowly walked down to each rebel one by one examining them.

When he can on the last one and there was something familiar about him. "What are you looking at murderer." The rebel said earning a hit upside the head by Emily. "I know you don't I?" Ezra asked. The rebel spat on the ground in front of him. Ezra grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up by one hand. "Huh. Davits Draven." Ezra said. "You know him?" Cayde asked. "Yeah. He was a close and trusted partner to Mon Mothma." Ezra said. "So are you gonna kill me or what." Draven said. "Hmmmm. No. You know something. About my daughter. I can feel it." Ezra said. "Uh! I won't talk! You deserve to be punished and your daughter is a good way to hurt you." Draven said.

Ezra got triggered and punched him square in the gut and dropped him on the ground hard. "Will take him to the cruiser. Emily. I don't care what you do, get any info out of him. And make it hurt." Ezra said. Emily felt a smirk crept on her face. "It'll be my pleasure." She said and she ordered some soldiers to drag him on the gunship followed by Anna. "Ezra what about the rest of em." Alex asked. "Kill them." Ezra ordered and he nodded. Just then, Alex, Cayde and others fired on all the rebels and killed them all.

Once it was over they left to go back to the Dreadnoughts.

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