Chapter 21

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The plan was simple; sneak around the Imperial Walkers while it's still far out their base. Ezra and Emily take one team to hijack one walker while Amari and Tristan take another team to hijack another. They place bombs on the other two and enter the base undetected. Once they got inside the bases gates, they trigger the bombs on the first two walkers and create chaos with the ones they hijacked. Once that happens, Ezra and Emily exit from their walker and enter the base, find the Kyber Crystals and get out.

Clan Bridger was waiting not far on a snow hill for the large walkers to march pass. Once the first two passed they used their jetpacks to fly towards the two behind them. Emily took a team to place the bombs on the first two while Ezra, Amari and Tristan hijack the other two walkers.

Amari, Tristan and their team latched themselves on the side of the their walker. Amari banged on the door a few times and waited for a reply. The door opened and a snowtrooper poked his head out. He looked where Amari was and was surprised. "What the?"
"What's sup doc." Amari said and blasted him. His team jumped inside the walker and started blasting all the troopers inside. Once they were done they made their way to the cockpit of the walker. Amari and Tristan blasted both pilots and removed their bodies from the seats. Tristan and one other solder sat done and took control of their walker.

While that was happening, Emily and her team flew with jetpacks low under the first walker. Emily told them to first place the bombs on each leg of the walker. After they did that, they then put bombs under the belly and around the neck of the walker. "Ma'am we're all done here." A soldier told Emily. "Good. Now on to the next one." Emily said and they flew to the next one. They started to place the bombs on the same places. They were almost done until the side door of the walker opened. Emily noticed that one of the Clan Bridger soldiers didn't see the door open and was right under it. In a flash she grabbed his hand and turned off her jetpack. She grabbed one of the cables underneath. She gestured the soldier to say silent by placing a finger in front of her helmet and he nodded. A snowtrooper peaked his head out and looked around. After a few moments, the door closed and Emily and the soldier reactivated their jetpacks. "I'm sorry ma'am, I wasn't paying attention." He said. "It's fine, it's not your fault. We wouldn't have know that would happen. Just be glad we didn't get caught." Emily said. They got done placing the bombs and retreated to the others.

While that was happening, Ezra and his team was on top of their walker. "How do we get in sir?" A soldier asked. "Like this." Ezra answered and ignited his lightsabers. He stuck them both into the steal skin of the walker and started to cut a hole in it. Once the hole was made, Ezra and his men jumped down taking snowtroopers by surprise. "Hey! What do you think your doing? Surrender!" One said raising his blaster. "I got a better idea." Ezra said and used the force to grabbed their weapons. The weapons flew out of the troopers hands and landed on the ground in front of Ezra. "Execute." Ezra said and his men started blasting the snowtroopers. They reached the cockpit and blasted the pilots and two soldiers sat down in the pilot seats.

Moments later, Emily and her team entered Ezra's walker. Emily walked into the cockpit where Ezra was. "Boss, bombs are set and ready to go." She informed. "Good. Amari, Tristan, you guys ready as well?" Ezra asked in his comm. "Yeah we're all set here." Amari answered back. "Alright, stay in their formation. Once we get inside the base, we blow the walkers and began our attack." Ezra said.

It took a couple of minutes, but then the Imperial base came into view and the walkers marched inside. They were now passed the gates and wall. An Imperial officer standing on a small platform gestured the first two walkers to go left, and then the second two to the right. The walkers on the left stopped at their designated area. Troopers started to walk out until they heard multiple beeps. One snowtrooper walked to the direction of the beeps. As he approached, the beeps got louder and faster. Once he got to where thr beeps were coming from, he saw multiple bombs on the walkers.
"Ah, son of a-!"

The bombs went off on both walkers making a massive explosion. Alarms were going off and troopers were running everywhere. Then at the far right side of the base, the other walkers started blasting the troopers on the ground and destroying platforms. The side doors on each side of each walker opened and Clan Bridger forces came out and started firing at the Imperials. Some jumped on top of their walkers blasting troopers while others flew around with their jetpacks. More Imperial troopers came outside the base and starting firing at the Mandalorians. Then small scout walkers appeared and started shooting. Amari flew out of his walker and on top of it. He and others fired their rockets at the small scout walkers destroying some. "Ezra, Emily. We got their attention. You're clear to head inside." Amari said in his comm. "Solid copy. We'll try to be quick." Ezra said back.

Ezra and Emily jumped out of their walker and used their jetpacks to fly towards the entrance. Once they got inside they are met by stormtroopers. They quickly delt with them and continued their search.

After 20 minutes of searching they came across the last room to check. Ezra placed a hand on the door and closed his eyes under his helmet. "They're in here. I can feel it." He said. Emily hacked the door controls and it slid open. The walked towards two large crates and saw the Kyber Crystals inside. "I need some men at my coordinates now. We found the Kyber Crystals." Ezra ordered in his comm. "Sir yes sir!" Clan Bridger soldiers answered back.

Eight Clan Bridger soldiers rushed inside the room Ezra and Emily were in. "Awaiting orders sir!" A soldier said. "Help us take theses Kyber Crystals back outside. Escort them in diamond formation." Ezra ordered. "Sir!" They said.

They all ran down the walls blasting stormtroopers along the way one their way to the exit. "I want all ships at our coordinates engaging cover fire and two ships ready to come pick up the packages." Ezra ordered in his comm. "Yes sir!" The pilots answered back.

They made it back outside and saw explosions happening in all directions. They saw the stolen Imperial walkers destroying everything in their way and Clan Bridger soldiers in the skies creating chaos. They saw their ships in the sky. "Come on this way!" Ezra said. They all ran through the battle field with blaster fire coming at them. "Tristan! Give us some cover fire will you!" Ezra said in his comm. Tristan's walker fired at the Imperial troopers that were shooting at Ezra and Ezra gave out a two finger salute to Tristan's direction.

Two ships landed outside the Imperial base as Ezra and his team ran towards them. They put the Kyber Crystals on both ships and the ships lifted off. "Clan Bridger! Mission accomplished! We're heading home!" Ezra ordered in his comm and he and his team flew in the air with their jetpacks. All the Clan Bridger forces flew in the air towards each of their ships and they left the planet's orbit.

They were in space about to plot their course to head back to Concordia. One of the pilots noticed the Star destroyer turning to attack them. "Sir the star destroyer is preparing to attack." He said. "It's too late for that. Make the jump." Ezra ordered and all the ships jumped in to hyperspace.

"Wohooo! We did it!" Emily shouted in excitement. "We actually stole Kyber Crystals from every Imperial sector. We pulled it off." Tristan said. "Was there any doubt?" Ezra asked. "Never was. We pulled off the biggest heist in history." Amari stated. "Yep. Get some rest guys. We'll be home in a few." Ezra said. They all went into their rooms and got some well deserved rest from the long two weeks they had.

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