Chapter 103: Battle of Sundari part 19

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Ezra and Sabine

Ezra and Sabine was running down the street with stormtroopers hot on their tail. Sabine shot at the troopers while Ezra deflected their shots back at them with his lightsabers. They took cover in an alleyway while continuing to defend themselves from the incoming imperials. "Man and I thought running from the Empire while being rebels was hard enough." Sabine said. "Yeah, well we knew Thrawn wasn't gonna go easy on us once we entered the city. So this is way of showing that he's not gonna hesitate for us." Ezra said. "So lets give him something to frown about." Sabine said as she rolled out of the alleyway firing a rocket from her jetpack sraight at the incoming troopers blowing them up. "Lets go!" She shouted as they both took off running in the alleyway.

Soon they both entered a small building and leaned against the wall painting. "That was easier than expected." Ezra said and Sabine chuckled. "So where are we?" Sabine asked. Ezra looked up to see a bunch of tables with chairs and a counter at the end. "It looks like a bar." Ezra said going over to the counter and hoped over it. He looked under the counter and grabbed two bottles and read the labels. "They're Ne'tra gal." Ezra said. "Oh those are alcoholic drinks." Sabine told him. "Oh. Well they're the only ones back here so might as well. Here." Ezra said and threw her a bottle and she caught it. They both sat down in the chairs and took off the caps. "Here's to our first drinks." Ezra said sarcastically. "Yeah. In our 20s and we're already drinking." Sabine added and they both laughed before taking a drink. "Hm. Not bad." Sabine said. "Yeah. Kinda has a sweet taste to it." Ezra added before taking another sip. "Don't go too fast now. One of Clan Bridger's leaders can't go drunk during a mission." Sabine teased earning a punch in the arm by Ezra.

Ezra looked at Sabine and saw that she was uneasy about something. "Hey you okay?" He asked. Sabine stayed silent for a few moments before speaking up. "I just... Wanna get this whole thing over with. I want to take down Thrawn and get the Empire off Mandalore so our people can be free but I just want us to spend sometime away from fighting. I want us to spend more time with our children and just be happy without being drawn into a war. We had some close calls and everytime I think about the worst things that can happen. I fear for your life everytime you leave home and I can't help but worry about you. This war against to Empire is just too much for me and I don't like being apart of it knowing that we have a family at home that needs us." Sabine told him.

Ezra turned his chair towards Sabine and pulled her chair close to him. Sabine let her head lean on Ezra's chest as he stroked her hair in comfort. "It's okay. I know how you feel. Believe me I do. This war with the Empire will be over soon. I'm not gonna leave you or our children anytime soon. My reason for fighting the Empire is to make sure my family is safe. Everything's gonna be fine. Tell you what. Once we take back Mandalore and make sure Thrawn and the Empire don't come back here, I'll stop going on missions for awhile to spend more time with you, Mira and Rona. How about that?" Ezra said. Sabine looked up at him. "Promise?" She asked. Ezra placed a hand on her cheek and smiled. "Have I ever broken a promise before." He said making Sabine smile and put her arms around his neck pulling him into a long passionate kiss.

Their moment was broken by a strange sound outside. They looked to see an imperial probe droid looking at them. Before it could float away from them Ezra held it still with the force and Sabine shot a electric dart at it making it fall to the ground. "That was a mood killer. I was enjoying that kiss." Ezra said with a chuckle and Sabine couldn't help but smile. "Lets see what this thing knows." Sabine said walking over to the probe followed by Ezra.

They set the probe down on a table and Sabine opened up its data hard drive. Sabine plugged in the probes memory banks and played a holo gram of Grand Admiral Thrawn himself.

"I want most of our forces focused on taking out Clan Bridger. They are the might of this whole operation and if they fall, the rest will follow. We have shot down most of their gunships and they are scattered around this sector. Scout out these sectors and find their forces. But make no mistake. I want the Clan Bridger leaders alive. If you find any other survivors bring them to me as well. If you have trouble bringing them to me then feel free to kill."

"Thrawn's making it his grudge against us known." Ezra said. "Ezra." Sabine called making Ezra look at her. "We need to find them. I don't want Thrawn getting his hands on them." Sabine told him. "Yeah. Me neither. Where should we start first?" Ezra asked and Sabine pulled up a map of the crash sites. "We can start here. That's the closest one." She said. "Okay. Let's go." Ezra added as they both walked out of the bar.

20 minutes later

Ezra and Sabine made it to the crash site and saw the wreckage of the gunship laying in the street. They went up to the wreckage and checked inside but saw nothing. "Whoever was here left in a hurry. There's blaster marks on the walls over there and on the ground. They couldn't have gotten far." Ezra said. "Lets keep going." Sabine said as they walked down the street some more.

As soon as they came out of an alleyway they saw down the street a small building with the door kicked. They walked over to the building with blasters out and ready and they were in front of the door. "Stay sharp. I'll take point." Ezra said and Sabine nodded. They entered the building and looked around the room. Sabine walked over to a couch and saw something on the ground. It was some orange leg armor and a boot. "Someone's here. This our armor color on the floor." Sabine said as she got up and decided to check the other rooms.

She didn't go half way into the hallway until she saw a destroyed imperial droid on the floor. She looked to her right and gave out a sigh of relief. "Ezra. I found two of our survivors." Sabine told him. Ezra came over and saw what she was looking at and smiled under his helmet. It was Cayde and Anna. Anna was passed out in Cayde's arms who was also passed out as well. Ezra went over to them and kneeled down to them. "They must have been exhausted after the crash. Not to mention also from fighting this droid. I'm glad to see that they're okay." Ezra said hand on Anna's head. "Yeah. Lets put them somewhere more comfortable." Sabine said as she helped carry them both into the bedroom so they could rest.

Once that was done with, they both went back into the first room. Sabine took off her helmet and sat down on the couch followed by Ezra who sat next to her rubbing his eyes. "Go on and get some rest too. I'll take the first watch for now." Sabine told him. "No. I'm *yawns* I'm fine." Ezra managed to say. "Ezra. You're not fine. You're tired. Get some rest." Sabine told him. Not feeling like arguing back. Ezra laid his head on Sabine's lap with his legs propped up on the arm rest. "Wake me when there's trouble. Promise." Ezra said grabbing her hand. "Have I ever broken a promise before." Sabine said. "Yeah. Good point." Ezra added before kissing her hand and drifting off to sleep. Sabine smiled as she stroked Ezra's short blue hair that she loved and leaned down to give Ezra a kiss on the cheek. "Sweet dreams, babe." She said before sitting back on the couch relaxing and keeping watch.

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