Chapter 63

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Both Emily and Madison were shocked to see him. The same man who tortured them both during childhood. The man that never gave a damn about them. He flashed a cold evil smile at them which made them shiver in the same fear they had all those years ago.

"H-How are you alive? We thought you died." Emily asked. "Fools. I was out of the house by the time it was attack. That's when I found your sister and brought her here." Their father told them. "So you work for the Empire now?" Emily asked. "Wrong. I've always been apart of the Empire. I am the warden of this prison. And I brought your sister here so that I can enjoy torturing her. Back then I was hoping I get both of you, but that you both are here, I can relive my fun all those years ago." He said with an evil chuckle.

That's when Alex stepped in front of Emily and Madison. "You're NOT getting your hands on them. I'll make sure of it." He said. "Oh. What's this brat. You got a bodyguard to keep you safe. I've always know you were weak and couldn't do things alone." The father said. "Im. Not. WEAK!!!!" Emily shouted and through a bomb at his direction. After the explosion, a firefight broke out in each direction. Emily grabbed Madison by the waist and jumped off of the catwalk followed by Alex. They both activated their jetpacks to slow down their descent and once they landed, they were being fired apon. Alex quickly flipped over a table and they took cover behind it. "Madison, can you shoot?" Emily asked. "Yeah." Madison said and Emily gave her one of her blasters.

They all shot down the incoming stormtroopers. The more they took down, the more kept coming. They were starting to get boxed in as more came out of a door. Alex through a smoke bomb and the room filled with a thick fog. Alex led the two to a open door and while running through it Alex turned around and shot the door controls. "What do we do now? The entire prison is on us." Emily asked. "We go to plan B. Get to the courtyard and we'll get outta her using jetpacks." Alex said. "No you can't. The courtyard has a build in one way shield. Nothing can get through it. And most likely our father will have troopers at the courtyard as soon as we get their." Madison explained.

"Where's the shield controls?" Alex asked. "They should be in the control room near the wardens office. East side of the prison on the fourth level." Madison told him. "Wait but the courtyard is on the west side. What do we do?" Emily asked. "We got no choice but to split up. I'll go shut down the shield and you guys get to the courtyard." Alex told them. "But their will be guards everywhere by the time we get to the courtyard." Emily stated. "No there won't be. I'm also gonna release the other prisoners in here and start a riot. Once that happens, the stormtroopers will be too occupied with the riot to worry about us." Alex explained. "It's the only plan we got. I say we go for it." Madison suggested. "Alright. Be careful Alex. Love you." Emily said. "Love you too." Alex said back and ran away down a hall. Emily peeked over to see Madison smiling at her and she rolled her eyes under her helmet.

Emily and Madison ran down multiple hallways and past any prison cells on their way to the courtyard. Then out of no where, stormtroopers flooded the hallway in front of them and started shooting. With no cover, Emily pushed Madison on the ground as the blaster bolts zoomed over their heads. "Stay low." She told her and ran towards the stormtroopers. She dodged any and all blaster shots from the stormtroopers. It was easy because they were bad shots. Once she got close, Emily jumped up and kicked the first one to the ground. She grabbed another by both arms and threw him over her shoulder and stomped on the helmet. She shot three down to the ground and the last two charged at her. Emily grabbed her knife and stabbed the one in the visor. The next one was stabbed few times in the gut and then shot in the head. Madison ran up to her amazed. "Wow. You have learned a lot since we were kids." She said. "Yeah. That's true. C'mon lets keep moving." Emily said and they continued to run.

After a few minutes of running, they finale made it to the entrance to the courtyard. Emily looked out the window and saw guards still at their post. "Okay. The only thing we need to do now is wait for Alex to do his thing." Emily said. "Yeah. *chuckles*" Madison added. "What's so funny?" Emily asked. "Nothing. It's just....when I sent out that beacon, I wasn't sure if anyone would come." Madison said. "You're the one who sent that?" Emily asked. "Mm. Hoping that if anyone got it, they would come and break me out. If I'm being honest, I was hoping nobody did. So they wouldn't have to be captured, get tortured and die in this hellhole." Madison said. "I can tell this place has done a lot to you. I can never imagine what our father did to you in this place. But I know you'll have me to help you." Emily told her. "Hehe. Never thought I see the day. My own little sister taking care of me in a dark time. Guess our father was right about me being weak." Madison said in a sad tone. Emily took off her helmet and looked deeply at her. "Maddy. You're not weak. You never were. I always thought I was the weak link. You always had to come to my aid and take horrible beatings when we were kids. I've always look up to you as the strongest person in the galaxy to survive. But me, I just be in your shadow as the girl who needed saving from her big sister." Emily said.

"Em. Don't you dare call yourself the weak link. You've taken multiple beatings that were harder than mines. I may have gotten more, but you had full force and you survived them." Madison said. "Yeah. Because of you." Emily said. "No. Because of your no quit attitude. We both have had that trait for years. I mean look at you; you grew up, learned how to fight, shoot and you became a strong warrior to the max. You're the best of both of us. You always had a spark inside you that was amazing. No one can say otherwise." Madison reassured her. Emily smiled and hugged her.

Then the alarms went off and they both parted. "Attention! Prison riot! All available troops are needed to help control the prisoners!" A voice said on an inter comm. They both looked out the window and saw troopers leaving their post and going inside the base. "Emily, Madison. It should be clear for you guys to go. I'm on my wat now." Alex said in the comm. "Thanks Alex. See you soon." Emily said and grabbed her helmet. "You ready?" She asked. "Lets go." Madison said.

They ran out the door and across the courtyard. Emily grabbed a rock and threw over the wall. "Alex did it. The shield is down." She said. "Great lets leave while we can." Madison said. "No. I'm not going until I see him." Emily said. Just then blaster fire came out of no where behind them. They both turned around to see stormtroopers running at them while shoot. Emily and Madison took cover behind some big stacks of crates and fired back at them. "Alex. We're taking fire. What's your position?" Emily asked in her comm but got static on the end. "Alex please come in." Emily said again but still got static.

Just then, all the blaster fire stopped. Emily and Madison peeked their heads out to see what was going on. That's when their father walked up flanked by two stormtroopers in black armor. "I'm impressed you made it this far. But no one has ever escaped this place. I advise you to surrender." He said. "Why? Only to be tortured by you! No way!" Emily shouted. "I thought you might say that." He said and snapped his fingers. Then two more dark troopers walked in front of him dragging Alex on the ground. "Alex. No." Emily said softly. "Which is why I had my men bring your friend here. This is your choice brats: surrender and suffer the consequences, or watch as I kill your friend." Their father said raising his blaster to Alex's skull. Neither Emily nor Madison said anything. "Fine. Have your way." Their father said and grasped his trigger.

"Wait!" Emily shouted. "Fine. You win." She told him taking off her helmet. "Emily no." Madison said grabbing her arm. "Maddy listen. I've trusted you my whole life. Now it's time for you to trust me." Emily said. "But-" "Madison. Please. Trust me."

Emily stepped out in the open with her hands raised walking up to him. Alex raised his head to look at her. "Sorry Em. They got the jump on me." He said. "It's okay Alex. You're gonna be okay." Emily tried to reassure him then turned her attention to her father. "Please. If you let him and my sister go, you can have me. I know you've always loved to hurt me. So take me in and let them go." She said. "Sorry brat, but I know you better. The best way to hurt you, is to hurt the ones you love." Her father said. "What? But you said-" "It's was wrong and foolish to trust me. Time to make you suffer by killing him." Her father said putting the barrel of his blaster on the back of Alex's head. "NO!" Emily shouted and tried to stop it but was held back by stormtroopers. Tears started to escape from her eyes as her father grasped the trigger ready to fire. Alex gave Emily a smile of reassurance as he mouthed the words 'I love you'. "I love you too." Emily whispered.


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