Chapter 20

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It was almost time for Clan Bridger to jump out of hyperspace over the planet Ilum. Everyone was excited and ready to get this done. Ezra, Emily, Tristan and Amari were in the cockpit going over their battle plan.

"Alright Emily where are the Kyber Crystals being held at?" Ezra asked. "They are being held inside a large Imperial compound in the western hemisphere of the planet. The planet is being guarded by one star destroyer and it has only a few turrets protecting it." Emily explained. "That much? What could they possibly be doing on that planet?" Amari asked. "That's unclear. Scans picked up a lot of massive energy on the planet besides to Crystals." Emily told them. "Lets not worry about that now. Is there anything else about the planet?" Ezra asked. "Only that the data logs say that there was something big inside this mountain that they was investigating." Emily explained and pulled up the mountain.

" Emily explained and pulled up the mountain

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"That's not a mountain. It's a Jedi Temple." Ezra said. "How do you know?" Tristan asked. Ezra grabbed something out of his back belt pouch and placed it on the table.

 Ezra grabbed something out of his back belt pouch and placed it on the table

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"Is that a Jedi Holocron?" Amari asked. "Yeah. It belonged to my master. It tells me all the locations of every Jedi Temple in the galaxy. Every since the Jedi fell, the Empire has been hunting down all the temples and either destroying them or building bases on them." Ezra explained. "So that's why the Empire is on this planet." Emily said. "That's not all. It was told that the this temple holds a mass amount of Kyber Crystals deep in the caverns of the temple. I believe this is how the Empire keeps on collecting Kyber Crystals." Ezra said.

"Right. That explains it. But why? What could they be building that they need the power of the Kyber Crystals?" Tristan asked. "I don't know but whatever it is, it's obviously nothing good." Ezra said. "Sir we're coming out of hyperspace over Ilum." A pilot informed. They all looked out the window and saw as the hyperspace lains disappeared and the large white planet appeared.

 They all looked out the window and saw as the hyperspace lains disappeared and the large white planet appeared

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"What did the Empire do to this planet?" Amari asked. "They mined the planet for the Kyber Crystals. They digged so deep and so wide that it was seen from orbit. People call it, The Imperial Trench." Emily said. "Man if this is what the Empire does for power, I'm glad we're not apart of it." Tristan stated.

The Clan Bridger ships flew into the planets orbit. It was a small snow storm blowing through the air as the ships flew in the sky. "Pilots, can the ships handle this snow storm?" Ezra asked. "Yes sir. We can land down wherever you want." The pilot said. "Good. Land us on top of the mountain where the Jedi Temple is." Ezra ordered. "Yes sir." They said.

The ships landed on top of the mountain over the Jedi Temple. Ezra, Emily, Amari, Tristan and Clan Bridger soldiers walked out of their ships. "Alright everyone. Gather around." Ezra said and everyone walked up to him. "Alright the Imperial base is over that far cliff side. Once we get the the cliff, scout a plan of attack. Is everyone clear?" Ezra explained. "Yes sir!" The soldiers said. "Good, now let's move. Keep a low profile. The Empire will likely have probes in the area, we don't want to alert them of our presence yet." Ezra added and they all started to walked.

After a few minutes of walking, they reached the cliff side. Ezra gestured everyone to get low and they did. Ezra, Emily, Amari and Tristan approached the edge and looked down at the Imperial base.

 Ezra, Emily, Amari and Tristan approached the edge and looked down at the Imperial base

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"Well it's big that's for sure." Tristan stated. Emily looked threw her binoculars and saw the base layout. "Yeah. I see stormtroopers patrolling and guard, Imperial scout walkers and heavy turrets." Emily explained. "I can tell this mission is gonna be harder than the last ones." Amari said. "Yeah but we'll get through it. Emily switch to x-ray and find out where the Crystals are." Ezra said. "Already on it boss." Emily said. Emily scanned every inch of the base until she found it. "Got it. They're in the east wing of the base." She said.

"So what's the plan? Divide and concur like last time?" Tristan asked. "No. Too many troopers to have our forces to split up like that. We need a different approach." Ezra said. "Hey boss I think I see our different approach." Emily said. "Where?" Ezra asked. "Over in the outskirts. Look." Emily said. Ezra looked where she was looking and saw a patrol of walkers approaching the base.

 Ezra looked where she was looking and saw a patrol of walkers approaching the base

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"See. If we can hijack two of them, we can infiltrate the base with their own vehicles." Emily explained. "Nice call Emily. That will be a great advantage for us. Lets go prep the men." Ezra said and they walked over to the others to discuss the plan.

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