Chapter 50

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Cayde and Anna went into their direction towards the armory. They were able to sneak past some rebel guards along the way. "How much further?" Anna asked. "It should be up ahead." Cayde answered. "Should be?" Anna asked. "Hey it's not like we can ask for directions around here. So we'll have to trust what the coordinates say." Cayde told her.

Soon they found a door at the end of a hallway. "That must be it." Anna said. "See? What did I tell you?" Cayde asked and Anna rolled her eyes under her helmet. Then the doors to the armory opened. Cayde quickly grabbed Anna's hand and led her to a corner in another hallway. The rebel soldiers were getting closer and they saw shadows coming from the other hallway. Cayde saw a cramped opening in the wall and led Anna to it. They both rushed in the space and both realized it was smaller than it look. They were in front of each other bodies barely touching. They saw the rebel soldiers walking past one by one in different directions. Cayde looked down and saw Anna's hand shaking a little. He gently grabbed her hand to calm her down. Anna felt this and looked down at her hand in Cayde's. She looked up at Cayde who was looking away at the opening watching all the rebels walk past. Anna smiled under her helmet and grasp his hand back.

After a few moments, the hall way was clear. Cayde let go of Anna's hand and peeked his head out to look around. Anna was disappointed at the fact that Cayde let go but she shrugged it off to focus on the mission. "It's clear. Lets go." Cayde said. They step out of the small space and saw the armory door was now guarded by two rebel soldiers. "Great, now what?" Anna asked. "I got this." Cayde said.

Cayde jumped out of the corner charging full speed at the rebels. They didn't have enough time to react but when they did it was too late. Cayde jumped in the air and. Dropkicked the first one in the head. The other one tried to hit him with his blaster but Cayde blocked it and kneed him in the gut knocking him down. "All clear." Cayde told Anna. Anna walked out of the corner and was surprised at his work. "Nice. C'mon lets get in there." She said.

Then the alarms went off in the base. "Alert! Intruders detected! All units to battle stations!" The loud speaker said. "Ezra, Emily! What's going on at your end?" Cayde asked in his comm. "We've...ran into a small problem here." Ezra came back. Cayde and Anna could here blaster fire from there end of the comm. "By 'small problem' he means big problem! We got almost the entire base on us over here!" Emily came back. "They won't be able to make it out if that happens." Anna stated concerned.

"Not on my watch." Cayde said. "What are you gonna do?" Anna asked. "Listen. I'm gonna plant bombs on different parts of the base to spread out their forces to keep them off you guys for the time being. You can finish up here without me." Cayde explained. "What? But they'll be on you if they find you. And Ezra told us to stay together." Anna protested. "Well sometimes I don't listen to Ezra that well. I've always had that trait and it grew once I met him. I'll be fine just plant the bombs and meet up with them." Cayde told her. Before he could run off Anna grabbed his hand. "Please. Be careful. And don't get hurt." She said. Cayde didn't have to see her face, but he knew she was worried. "Ah c'mon. Don't get all mushy on me now. I'll be okay." He said as he gently tapped Anna's helmet with his own and ran off. "Don't worry! I'll find you when it's over!" He shouted back and disappeared from the hallway.

Anna entered the armory and looked around the room.

Anna entered the armory and looked around the room

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"Okay. This won't take long." Anna said to herself and spoke in her comm. "Ezra, Emily. I'm about to plant the bombs. Are you two doing okay on your end?" She asked.

Emily dodged another blaster bolt and continued to fire back. "Don't worry about us kid! Just get your end of the job done!" She said back in her comm and ended the transmission. Ezra and Emily had no cover in the small hallway as more rebel soldiers flooded the hallway firing at them. Ezra had one lightsaber out deflecting shots and having his blaster in his other hand shooting at the rebels. "Boss! We can't do this forever!" Emily informed. Ezra had to think of something fast and then something came to him.

"Emily! Get behind me!" Ezra ordered. Without hesitation, Emily obeyed and got behind Ezra. Ezra closed his eyes under his helmet and focused all his force energy. Then sparks started to come off his body. From his fingers, to his legs, to his chest and torso, to his helmet b sudden sparks came off of Ezra's body. When Emily noticed this, she prepared herself for whatever came next. Under Ezra's helmet, his eyes opened glowing not any type of normal blue his eyes had and they were also sparking. Suddenly, Ezra reached both his hands out and lighting came out of his fingers towards the rebels. When it connected, the rebels started to shake and scream in uncontrollable pain. Soon they fell to the floor either dead or knocked out with their bodies steaming.

Emily peeked from around Ezra's shoulder and was amazed. "" Was all the words she could bring out. "That was called Force Judgement. I learned it from the Jedi Holocron. And I've known how to use it for a ling while." Ezra explained. "Does Sabine even know about this?" Emily asked. "Yeah of course she's knows. I tell her everything. I'm not gonna keep secrets from my wife. She'll try everything to pry the info outta me." Ezra told her and they both shared a laugh.

"C'mon lets finish the job." Ezra said. They entered the reactor room and looked around for the main generator. "Over there." Emily said. They ran over to the direction and saw the main thing they gotta blow up.

 They ran over to the direction and saw the main thing they gotta blow up

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They wasted no time into putting the bombs on the generator. Soon they got done and ran out the room.

A few short moments past and they saw Anna running from another side of the hall shooting behind her. Once she noticed them, she quickly ran over to them. "The bombs in the armory have been set." Anna informed them. "Good. Where's Cayde?" Ezra asked. "He said he was gonna cause a distraction for us." Anna told him. Just then the base started to shake and they heard an explosion not far. "That must be him." Ezra stated.

Suddenly, a thermal detonator went off in front of Anna sending her flying back and her helmet coming off. When Anna fell back, she felt a sharp pain in her arm and she couldn't move it. "Kid!" Emily shouted. They tried to go back to her but they were met with blaster fire from across them in the next hallway. Anna got up clutching her arm. "Guys! Get outta here!" She protested. "Just go! I'll find my way out through on of the back entries! I'll be okay!" Anna said. Emily didn't want to but Ezra pulled her on. Emily looked at him and he gave her a nod in reassurance. Emily nodded and turned back to Anna. "We'll find you! I promise!" She shouted before running with Ezra. Anna smiled and ran in the other direction.

Soon, Anna found the back exit and opened the door. As she ran away from the base, she felt more pain in her arm. "I gotta get this patched up." She muttered to herself. When she was at a safe distance she looked back and saw the base go up into smokes. "Hope everyone made it out okay." She said. Anna looked down at her arm. Her arm was shaking and when she tried to move it, she winced at the pain. "I gotta get back to the Ghost." Anna started to walk down the dark alleyway trying to find her way back to the Ghost. She stopped for a second because she felt more pain in her arm. Suddenly, as she was about to keep walking, large arms from behind her grabbed putting a hand over her mouth and pulling her into darkness.

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