Chapter 70

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Ahsoka, Rex and the others followed the Xenomorph to the cave after placing the bombs on it. They waited outside for it to enter the cave for awhile. "How long do we have to wait until it goes in?" The sargent asked. "Patients. It'll go in eventually." Ahsoka said. After a few moments the Xenomorph went inside the cave. "Okay. Sabine we're going inside the cave." Ahsoka said in her comm. "Copy that. I'll be outside waiting for you guys and covering your escape. Good luck." Sabine said. "Thanks. Alright guys lets go." Ahsoka said and they walked towards the cave entrance. As they walked towards the entrance, the Predator showed up in front of them. "You wanna take point?" Ahsoka asked. He growled with a nod. "Be my guess." Ahsoka said and they followed the Predator.

They stayed at a far enough distance from their secret bomb towards the feeding grounds. They were walking deeper and deeper in the tunnel system. "Sabine, not to be a doubtful, but what if Cayde and Anna are....already dead?" Rex asked in his comm. "Don't worry. They're still alive. I know it." Sabine said back with a determined voice.

Soon they all made it to a big room that was filled with Xenomorph. In the center of the whole thing, they saw a big Xenomorph. "That's probably there queen." Ahsoka said. "It's bigger than I thought it would be." Rex stated. The Predator made a growl. "He's right. If we stick to the plan, this all will be over soon before they can react." Ahsoka said. "Ma'am. Over there." The sargent said pointing over to the side. Ahsoka looked and they saw both Anna and Cayde surrounded by Xenomorph. "We have to make sure they aren't close to the blast." Rex stated. Their Xenomorph bomb went threw the crowd of all the other Xenomorphs walking up to the queen. "Rex. Take two men down there to go extract Anna and Cayde." Ahsoka told him. Rex nodded and took two soldiers to go down there. They wait until their walking bomb was up close to the queen before the blew it. Then the Xenomorph was stopped by one of the big ones. The Predator growled a bit. "Don't worry it'll work." Ahsoka reassured. Then the big made a large roar in anger. "Okay maybe it won't work. Sargent blow it now." Ahsoka ordered.

Suddenly, the entire room filled with a fiery bomb sending some back a little. The Predator jumped down and started to dismantle any survivors killing each one by hand. Rex and two other Soldiers dodged and weaved away from every Xenomorph that came at them. When Anna and Cayde saw them, they immediately sprang into action by kicking away from their captives and running towards Rex. Two Xenomorphs tried to attack them but was shot down by Rex. "Aren't we glad to see you." Cayde said. "Nice to see you both still alive. C'mon, we gotta get outta here." Rez said as they ran back to the exit.

Ahsoka and the others held their ground at the entrance taking out any Xenomorph that came their way. They saw something moving within the smoke from the explosion. Ahsoka looked closer and saw the queen was still alive. "Predator! That queen's still alive!" She shouted down to him. The Predator made a growl and charged at the queen. He pounced on it's face and giving it a quick stab before jumping off onto its back and started to stab it multiple times.

While the Predator was in a heated battle with the queen, Rex, Anna, Cayde and the others made back to Ahsoka. "We need to get outta here! More of them are heading this way!" Rex informed. "Everyone move now!" Ahsoka ordered and they all ran back down the tunnel towards the entrance with a lot of Xenomorph behind them.

They ran threw the long tunnel system while having almost 50 Xenomorphs behind them. "Sabine! We got them. We're heading out now. Be prepared for a lot of tails." Ahsoka said in her comm. "Okay. Hurry and get outta there." Sabine answered and they continued to run as fast as they could. They ran until they saw moon light ahead. "We're almost out! Keep running!" Rex said. Once they got to the cave exit, they were met with Sabine along with others blasters pointed along with the transports turrets. "GET DOWN!" Sabine yelled. Once they hit the ground blaster bolts went flying above their heads into the cave killing all the Xenomorphs that was chasing them. Once they thought they had got them all, the blaster fire stopped. Ahsoka and the others got up and walked over to Sabine. "Cayde, Anna, you guys okay?" Sabine asked. "A little sore but we'll make it." Cayde said and Sabine smiled. Then they heard footsteps coming out of the cave. They all pointed their blasters but then lowered when they saw who it was. It was the Predator and he was dragging something behind him. He threw it in front of him and it was the queen's head. "Whoa. He made quick work with it." Cayde stated. "Yeah. Come on, lets head back to the cruiser." Sabine said. They all got on the transport and road it all the way to the cruiser.

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