Chapter 6

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As Ezra and his group were in hyperspace, Ezra had a worried look on his face. "Ezra is everything okay?" Emily asked. "I don't know why but I feel worried. Like by attacking the rebels I started something I wasn't ready to start yet. Like I put my clan in danger for my personal reason." Ezra told her. "What happened between you and the rebels? I remember you and Sabine telling me you used to be with them until you left." Emily asked. "Five years ago, the woman in charge of the Rebellion sent me, Sabine and our friends on a mission. When me and Sabine were caught in a firefight outside the imperial base while our friends went inside. Then the woman called a rebel bombardment on the base. That bombardment killed our friends. She didn't even care that they were dead, just scratched them off as casualties of war." Ezra explained clenching his fist. "I'm sorry to hear that." Emily said placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's fine. I just didn't want to bring my clan into a personal matter." Ezra to her. "Ezra we are your clan. You are the best leader we have. We are with you to the end no matter what." Emily said. Ezra smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm glad to have such loyal soldiers in my clan." He said. "Sir we're coming out of hyperspace." The pilot said and the ships exited hyperspace over Concordia.

When the ships landed the soldiers began unloading all the supplies on the ships. Sabine and Mira walked out of the base to greet them. When Mira saw Ezra, she ran towards him and hugged his leg tight. "Hey there Mira." Ezra said hugging her back. "Daddy I'm glad you're back, I missed you." Mira said. Ezra chuckled and picked her up. "I missed you too." He said. Sabine walked up to him and kissed him. "Everything went okay on the mission?" She asked. "Yeah but we ran into a small problem." Ezra said. "What was it this time?" Sabine asked. "The rebels were there as well." Ezra told her. "What! Are you okay? Was anyone hurt?" Sabine asked concerned grabbing Ezra's arm. "Hey it's alright. We handled it like we always do. They tried to take the cargo from us but they met their demise." Ezra reassured her. "That's a relief. What were they doing in Mandalorian territory?" Sabine asked. "I don't know but we'll make sure they don't come back." Ezra said. Then a soldier ran up to them both. "Excuse me sir! Sorry to bother you but we got an unknown transmission from someone who wishes to speak to you both." He said. "Come on if it is who I think it is, she just made a mistake." Sabine said and they ran into the base followed by Emily and Alex.

Before they went to the command center, Ezra and Sabine took Mira in the throne room. "Mira I want you to stay here until we get back ok." Sabine said. "Okay mommy." Mira said and Ezra and Sabine left.

They all got to the command center. "Pull up the transmission." Ezra ordered. A holo image of Mon Mothma appeared. "Ezra and Sabine. Why am I not surprised." She said. "What do you want sleemo?" Sabine said. "What I want is for you and your clan to stay out of our way. The Rebellion is coming to the Mandalore sector and we will ise it as our own. So stand down." Mothma said. "You forgot, we don't take orders from you anymore. You better stay out of our territory or you will be in trouble." Ezra warned. "You two are just like your friends. Nothing but scum in the world and nothing more." Mothma said. "You better watch what you say. This is are only warning: don't come back." Sabine said. "You can't stop us from coming back. We will keep coming back and we will end you and your clan." Mothma told them. "Go ahead and try you're gonna need the entire Rebellion to end Mandalorians." Ezra said and ended the transmission.

"I want to make sure everyone is ready for anything. Alex can you handle that?" Sabine asked. "You can count on me." Alex said. "Um boss." Emily called. "What's wrong?" Ezra asked. Emily pointed behind them. Once they turned around they saw Mira standing in the doorway with a worried look. Ezra and Sabine immediately went over and kneeled down to her. "Sweetie what's wrong?" Sabine asked. "Is that mean lady going to take you away from me. I don't want to lose you." Mira said with tears running down her face. Ezra and Sabine hugged their daughter tight. "You will never lose us Mira I promise. We'll always be together." Ezra told her. Mira wiped away tears and smiled at them. "We love you Mira." Sabine said. "I love you guys too."

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