Chapter 105: Battle of Sundari part 21

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On a quiet night in the city of Sundari, an Imperial compound was in the home to some valuable artillery for the Empire and was being guarded by multiple imperial soldiers. Two imperial soldiers were patrolling one part of the compound by themselves.

"Hey did you hear about the Mandalorians?" One asked. "Yeah. They're attacking multiple outposts around the city sector." The onther said. "They better not come this way. We got this whole area on lockdown." He said. "Yeah. Cause if they do, we'll--!" "You'll what?" A voice said behind them. They turn around to see a female Mandalorian standing in front of them. "That last few bucketheads I've went up against were all bark and no bite." She said. The troopers aimed their blaster at her but one of them was quickly shot down from behind. The other trooper turned around to see nothing but his neck was quickly snapped from behind by the female Mandalorian. "Thanks for the sniper support Alex. Am I clear?" She asked. "Yeah Em. You're clear. Keep going forward." Alex said in the comm and Emily started to run forward.

Soon Emily made it to a door in the wall and kneeled down to a control panel. She hooked up her data pad to the panel and started to type in codes to open the door. "Hey you. Don't move." A stormtrooper said behind her. Then another Mandalorian showed uo behind the trooper and stabbed him in the back with a blade. "Right on time Anna." Emily said. "I just done setting the charges throughout the compound." Anna said. "Good. Lets bring in the calvary." Emily said as the door opened. Emily gave out a whistle and a few Mandalorians came through the door including Ezra, Sabine, Cayde and Madison. "Nice work you two. Lets get what we came for and head back to the hideout." Sabine said. "We'll head threw the front door and catch them by surprise. Cayde, Madison take some men and go threw the windows. Once you get in, find the commander of this compound and take him alive." Ezra said and they nodded running away with some soldiers.

Ezra, Sabine and the others stood outside the front door ready to breach. "Everyone in position?" Sabine asked. "All set here." Cayde said in the comm. "Same here." Madison also said. "Alex? Are we all clear up top?" Ezra asked. "Yeah boss. No alarms have been tripped and there are no more guards outside." Alex said. "Okay. Anna set the charge." Ezra ordered. "Yes sir." Anna kneeled down and placed a charge on the center of the door. She pressed the three buttons and the charge started to blink. After a few seconds the doors blew open and they stormed the compound. Blaster fire went back and forward between stormtroopers and Clan Bridger. They took cover behind some crates while Cayde and Madison came threw the windows and took out the stormtroopers on the catwalk. Sabine threw some bombs in the air and Emily and Anna shot them making them blow up knocking stormtroopers back. Most of the stormtroopers started to fall back into the hallway and Clan Bridger started to follow them.

They saw the stormtroopers enter different rooms to hide in and they all went in every room.

"First room clear."

"Second room clear."

"Third room clear."

"Fourth room clear."

"Boss! Over here!"

Ezra and Sabine heard Emily call out from the other end of the hall and walked over. They went to the last room down the hall and saw Emily and Anna standing over a kneeling imperial officer. "This is the commander of the compound." Emily said. "Good. We'll take him and see what he knows." Ezra said. "Piss off! Once the Grand Admiral finds your pitiful little clan he'll wipe you all out." The officer said. "When he finds us it's gonna be an imperial blood bath." Emily said. "I was talking to the leader. Not the lapdogs." The officer said earning a hard hit to the back of the head by Anna knocking him out. "Lets head back to the hideout. Once we get back you two are in charge of interrogating him." Sabine said and they all walked out of the room. After they were at a far distance from the compound Ezra gave a nod to Anna and She pressed a button on her wrist making the compound go up in smokes.


After they got to back to the hideout and Emily and Anna started their interrogation on the imperial officer. They have been at it for almost five hours trying to get any and all information from him. Beating him, cutting him, pulling teeth out, electrocuting him with electro staffs, and other means of torture. After another few minutes they stopped and took a short break. "Okay. So he hasn't told us much. Just some info about imperial convoys and supply station." Emily said. "He's bound to tell us more. We just need to keep *yawns* breaking him." Anna said And Emily gave out a small chuckle. "Nah. Go give Ezra a report and then go get some rest." Emily said. Anna sighed giving her a nod and leaving the room. "All right. Back to the fun." Emily said. "It's....too bad..." The officer said. "What is? That you're already breaking?" Emily asked. "No...that a young girl like her has to die. And you won't be able to protect her from the death that awaits her." The officer said with a weak chuckle. Emily gave out a growl and punched him hard in the face and did it again and again.

Anna entered the command room of the hideout and saw Ezra, Sabine, Madison and Cayde standing around a holo table. They saw her enter and saw the blood splatter on her armor. "Is he still alive?" Sabine asked with a chuckle. "Barely. The officer was kind enough to give us some information so far. Emily is still interrogating him right now and told me to come give you the report." Anna said. "Good. Lets hear what he had to say." Ezra said and Anna walked over to the holo table. "Okay. He gave locations on a few outposts and supply convoys around our area. Many areas around here are still unknown. He's also given us the information on one imperial factory 25 miles north of here." Anna explained while pointing out the locations in the holo table. "Good work. This is a good find. Once Emily gets the rest of the information we'll head out soon. Nice work Anna." Ezra said. "*yawns* thanks Ezra." Anna said. Ezra walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Go get your armor cleaned up and go get some rest. You deserve it." He said. Anna gave a nod and walked over to the door. "Cayde make sure she gets to her room." Sabine said. "With pleasure." Cayde said. He walked over to Anna and put her arm around him for support. "I can walk just fine." Anna said. "Yeah I know. This is just more fun. I'll also clean your armor for you while you rest." Cayde said and Anna smiled. "Thanks." She said before giving him a kiss on the cheek as they walked down the hall.


Emily exited the interrogation room with blood covering her armor. She went to her room and grabbed a large bucket of water and a sponge. She sat down and took off her armor pieces and started to clean the blood off her armor. Her mind wondered off as she started to hum to herself.

Her thoughts were broken by a hand around her waist and she smiled. "Hey Alex." She said. "Hey. How was interrogation?" He asked. "Well he's past out so we won't be talking until he wakes up." Emily said with a chuckle. "Yeah. Everything else okay?" Alex asked. "Yeah. Why?" Emily said. "No reason. Just looking out for you." Alex said. "Thanks. Right now just making sure that all this blood don't dry up on my armor." Emily said and Alex chuckled. She felt Alex give her a small kiss on the neck and she hummed with pleasure. "Mind if I help you out for a bit?" Alex asked and Emily smiled more. "Sure. Thanks." She sais as Alex sat across from her and helped clean her armor.


As the imperial commander was waking up Emily and Alex entered the room. "All right. Ready to talk or you wanna continue with the bloody fun." Emily said putting on her gloves. "N-No. I've had enough of that. I'll give you the last location of an imperial base." He said. "Good. Ezra and Sabine's gonna wanna hear this." Alex said and Emily called Ezra on the comm. "Boss. He's ready to give the last bit of info he's got." She said and hung up.

Ezra and Sabine entered the interrogation room. "Okay. Start talking." Ezra said holding out a holo map of the city sector. The officer raised one hand and tapped the location on the map. "There. That's where the base is. But let is be know that the only reason that I'm telling you this is that I know you all won't survive long enough to attack them. I suggest you hug your love ones before we kill you all." The officer said. "That's a lot of big talk for trash like you." Ezra said grabbing his blaster and aiming it at him. "Long live the Empire." The officer said. "Long live Mandalore." Ezra said and shot the officer. "Tomorrow we'll go over our plan. Everyone get some rest." Ezra said and they all left the room.

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