Chapter 44

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What Emily had heard made her heart skip a beat. All the memories of her last time on Dantooine started to crash on top of her. She remembers the pain, the torture, the heartbreak and the man who did it all. There was only four emotions that she felt remembering that; fear, sadness, guilt and anger.

Her thoughts were broken by a hand on your shoulder. Emily looked to see Anna giving you a worried look. Emily didn't realize it, she had tears going down her face. "Emily, you still with us?" Sabine asked concerned. "Y-Yeah. Yeah I'm alright." Emily said as she quickly wiped away tears. "So...about Dantooine?" She added.

"Me and Sabine feel like it's finally time to get rid of there base. We can't let them keep operating there anymore. Not after what they did to you." Ezra explained. "But why now? After nearly five months?" Emily asked. "Because last time when we went there to rescue you and Alex, we didn't bring enough ships to end them. Just enough to stage a rescue mission." Sabine answered. "So when are we going?" Emily asked. "At the end of the week." Ezra said. "What? Why?!" Emily said a little angry. "Because we got some new intel from Gargon." Sabine said and pulled up a holo image of the planet.

"My contact says that the rebel base on Gargon is supplying Dantooine with the means to defend the base. He says they use old Republic stealth ships from the clone wars to get past our scanners and make all the way back to Dantooine. I'm taking a small team with me to Gargon to meet up with my contact so we can destroy the base." Ezra explained. "No. We should attack now while we have a chance to." Emily said. "We can't Emily. If Jobin's also there with them, it'll make things more complicated. I don't want anymore of my people in the same condition Alex is in." Ezra said. "There won't be. Jobin is MINE. I'll kill him myself." Emily stated. "The last you fought him, Anna had to come save you." Sabine said. "I'll be ready next. If we kill him it'll cripple them. Especially Mon Mothma." Emily said.

"What makes you say that?" Ezra asked. "I'm sorry I never told you this sooner. Mothma's son." Emily explained and Ezra and Sabine was surprise. "That makes since. They both act the same." Ezra said. "Emily maybe we should listen to them. What if we go there now and we'll be in trouble." Anna said. "Are you kidding me kid? We're strong enough to end them. But instead we waste time in doing pointless things! Hell we can strom Yavin 4 right now and end them without hesitation! No one here wants them dead more than I do!" Emily said in a angry tone. "Emily." Ezra called out making her turn to him with an angry look. Ezra jerked his head to the door and walked over gesturing her to follow and she did so.

Once they both left the command center, they entered a room Ezra turn to face her. "Emily we can't launch an attack without proper planning. And we can't attack out of fear and anger. I've taught you better than that." He said. "Ezra. I'm not afraid of them. I was only afraid of loosing Alex to that monster." Emily said. "Emily, I get you want to end them. But we can't charge in blindly and expect a victory." Ezra explained. "But don't you want to end him for what he did to Alex, to me?" Emily asked. "Yes." Ezra answered. "So why can't you see that end this now is better than waiting. Do you know what it's even like? To be tortured and nearly killed?" Emily asked. "Yes, more than you know." Ezra answered.

Ezra took off his chest plate and set it to the side. Once he lifted up his shirt, Emily gasp. She saw Ezra had cuts all over his torso. He then rolled up his sleeve to show cuts on his arms. "Sabine knows too. The Empire's torture methods are far more worst than the rebels. Sabine almost lost me a few times as well. And I almost lost her." Ezra explained sadden. "Ezra I...I had know idea. I'm sorry." Emily said.

"I'm the one who needs to apologize. I'm the one who sent you and Alex there knowing it was dangerous. And I was right. I held off attacking because I didn't want end up having my people in the same medical bed as Alex. Or having to bury them. So I'm sorry for putting you and Alex through that." Ezra said. Emily walked closer to him. "Ezra. I don't blame you. I could never blame you or be mad at you. I would do anything you say without a second thought because I owe you my life." Emily said. "What do you mean?" Ezra asked. "When I told you about my life before the Clan, you made me feel at home with everyone. You treated me better than my own farther ever could. And I thank you for that. I could never repay you for what you've done for me. And I just feel so lost. I need your guidance, your comfort. I don't have that anymore because....Alex." Emily explained as tears went down her face.

Ezra embraced her in a hug as Emily buried her face into his chest. "Let it out Emily. I'm here." Ezra said. Emily then started to cry and let out muffled sobs as she tightened her grip on Ezra's shirt. They stayed like that for minutes. Soon Emily stopped crying and broke the hug. "So, we still going to Gargon?" She asked. Ezra smiled. "Yeah come on lets get ready." He said and they both walked out.

One hour later

Everything was ready. Ezra decided to only bring Emily and Anna with him while Sabine stayed behind to watch the base. They were taking the Ghost on the mission as well. Ezra was at the Ghost with Sabine when Anna showed up. "Hey Anna you ready?" Ezra asked. "Yep. Just waiting on Emily I guess." Anna said.

Emily was in the medical wing next to Alex's bed. Alex was still sleeping peacefully. Emily smiled. "You were always too cute when you sleep Alex. That's one of many reasons why I fell in love with you." Emily said. She grabbed his hand and held it to her cheek. His skin felt soft and warm on her cheek as she closed her eyes and just melted into the touch. "Alex. If you don't wake up....I'm gonna kick your ass. So please, for me, wake up soon." Emily said and kissed him on the lips. She sat up and left his medical room. Unknown to her, after she left, Alex's heart monitor started to beep a little bit faster than before.

Emily met up with Ezra, Sabine and Anna at the Ghost. "Glad you could make." Ezra said. "Just saying bye to someone." Emily said. "Okay go get settled in the Ghost. We got a long travel ahead of us." Ezra said. "C'mon Em. Ezra said there's a holo chest game inside and I wanna see if I can beat you at it." Anna said. Emily smiled and put Anna in a playful headlock. "In your dreams kid." She said as they walked onto the ship while Ezra and Sabine chuckled at them. "We'll be back when we can." Ezra told Sabine. "Okay. Good luck and tell him I said hi." Sabine said. "I will. Love you." Ezra said. "Love you too." Sabine said and they kissed. Ezra walked on the Ghost and into the cockpit to take off. Once he took off he set the coordinates to Gargon and made the jump to hyperspace.

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