Chapter 88: Battle of Mandalore part 4

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"I don't think they're too happy about us attacking this train!" Amari shouted as he dodged a blaster bolt. "Well that's too bad! I wouldn't want to make them unhappy!" Ursa shouted back as she kicked a rocket trooper out of the sky.

Clan Wren forces were currently attacking the Armored Train on route to the cannon control tower. Once they engaged, turrets came from the top and was shooting at the tanks. The tanks were trying to provide cover for the soldiers while also trying to take out the turrets. Their mission was either to disable or destroy the train before it reached the tower. Ursa, Amari and Tristan were leading their clan on jetpacks taking out the imperial super commandos attacking them.

As they continued to fight, Ursa realized that the train was picking up speed. "Guys the train is going faster! We need to move!" She said. "You and Tristan go! We'll handle the rest of theses guys! Amari set. "You ready Tristan?" Ursa asked. "Lets go!" Tristan said and they flew at full speed to the train.

Soon Ursa and Tristan landed on top of the train. "Look for a hatch. There should be one here." Ursa said looking down while walking to the front. Tristan walked to the back and to his surprise a hatch open right under him. "Found one!" He shouted to his mother, but when he looked back at the hatch he was met by a hard punch sending him flying back. "Tristan!" Ursa shouted as she ran over to him and kneeled down. "Are you alright?" She asked. "Yeah. What was that?" He asked as Ursa helped him up. Soon coming out of the hatch was two imperial droids.

 Soon coming out of the hatch was two imperial droids

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"This might be a problem." Ursa said. Then two more showed up behind Ursa and Tristan surrounding them. "Ah you've gotta be kidding me!" Tristan said. "Tristan! Back to back!" Ursa ordered as they stood with their backs facing each other, Ursa facing the front with the two droids while Tristan faced the back with the other two droids. "You gonna be okay taking those two on mom?" Tristan asked. "Son. You forget who you're talking to." Ursa said smirking under her helmet and went for the attack. Ursa used her jetpack to boost her speed and kicked the droid in the chest sending it stumbling back. The second droid tried to swing at her but she dodged it and kicked it in the leg making it also stumble back. Tristan jumped over his two droids and shot at their backs with his blasters but the droids were barely affected by the shots and continued to march towards him. Tristan was backing up still shooting at the droids but they kept coming. "Ah screw it." Tristan said and went for the attack. Ursa was also having trouble as well. No matter how many strike she did on the droids they kept coming at her. Ursa went for a hard punch in the face but as she did so, the droid grabbed her arm and punched her in the helmet with its other arm making her helmet come off and sending her back. The other one grabbed her by her neck and lifted her up. Ursa was struggling to get out of its grip as the droid was squeezing her neck tighter and tighter as Ursa was about to lose her strength.

Then Tristan swooped in cutting the droids arm off making it let go of Ursa. Ursa landed hard holding her neck and coughing. She looked up and saw Tristan standing in front of her in a protective stance as all four droids came closer. Tristan used his jetpack to jump in the air and threw bombs on two droids and they blew up. Tristan landed back on the train and tackled the third droid. He activated his jetpack again pushing the droid off the train. Then the other droid shot his jetpack making him fall and roll off the train. Then Ursa quickly grabbed his hand as he was dangling off the train. The last droid was walking towards them. "You ready?" Ursa asked and Tristan nodded. Ursa swung her son over her head and he land on top of the droid, grabbing his blaster and shot it multiple times in the head. Once he got up he helped his mother up. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah. Thanks. Come on lets head inside." Ursa said. Once they found the hatch and jumped inside the train.

They made it to the door that led to the train controls. Tristan put a charge on the door and activated it. The door blew open and they walked inside with blasters aimed. The imperial officer turned around shock but quickly press a button on the control panel and shot up the controls. "You're too late. I've destroyed the controls and now the train is going fast to the tower. I've also activated the self destruction sequence and it'll blown once it reaches the tower." The officer said. Tristan shot the officer and they both ran to the control panel. "There's no way we can fix this." Tristan said. "Then lets go to plan B. Amari, have one if the tanks fire ahead of us on the tracks." Ursa said in her comm. "On it." Amari came back. They both looked out the window and saw a blast hit the tracks ahead of them. "Okay Tristan lets go." Ursa said. "No wait. I need to slow the train down. If it keeps going at this speed it might bounce over the broken track. You go. I've got this." Tristan said. Ursa didn't want to leave him but she had to. "You better be off this train by the time it blows." She said before leaving.

Ursa got on top of the train and used her jetpack to fly off the train. She saw Amari and the others coming to her. "Where's Tristan?" Amari asked. "He's still on the train. Lets go." Ursa said and they followed the train.

Tristan pressed a button on the controls to stop the timer and to just blow on any impact. Then he pulled a lever to slow down the train a little and the train was going a little but slower. "Okay that should do it." Tristan said as he was about to walk out but was met by a punch to the helmet. He got up and saw one of the Imperial droids was still active. The droid pushed him onto the controls panel trying to crush him but Tristan fought back. He looked out the window and saw the train was getting closer to the broken track.

Ursa and Amari was still following the train hoping to see Tristan coming out but they didn't. "Come on Tristan please. Get out of there." Ursa said. Suddenly, the train went off the track and blew up in a fiery explosion. Ursa and Amari landed on the ground next to the destroyed train and saw no one. Ursa dropped her helmet as tears formed. "TRISTAN!!!" She yelled as she tried to run towards the fire but Amari held her back. Tears went down her face not seeing her son escape the train before it blew as she fell to her knees looking down.

Then they saw something fly in the air from the other side of the train. Ursa and Amari looked up to see something land in front of them and their eyes widened. It was Tristan. "Tristan!" Ursa shouted as she ran over to her son trapping him in a big. Tristan took off his helmet and hugged her back. Ursa broke the hug and slapped him in the face. "Don't do that again!"  She said as tears still went down her face and she trapped him in another tight hug. "Wow. Never seen you cry before." Tristan said. "I thought you were..." Ursa started not wanting to finish her sentence. "It's okay mom. I'm okay. I wasn't hurt." Tristan reassured her hugging back again. Ursa looked up at him with a smile.

They broke the hug as Amari ran up to them. "Glad you weren't hurt Tristan. Come on. We still have a mission to do." He said. "You're right. We should meet up with Bo and the others at the tower." Ursa added and they all flew towards the tower.

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