Chapter 102: Battle of Sundari part 18

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Anna and Cayde

"Anna? Hey Anna! Wake up! Anna!"

Anna heard a faint voice calling her name and started to slowly open her eyes. She saw the shape of a figure over her and behind the figure was broken down pieces of a ship. Her eyes focused more and saw Cayde over her. "Cayde?" "Hey red. It's good to see your okay." Cayde said stroking her red hair. "What happened?" Anna asked. "We crashed landed and got separated from everyone else. We need to move before imperial patrols come lookin' for us." Cayde said. "I can't move my leg." Anna said. Cayde looked and saw her leg stuck under a large piece of metal. "Don't worry I got it." Cayde said as he got up and went down to the metal piece. "I'm gonna try to lift this thing up and once I do, you pull your leg out." Cayde said and Anna nodded. Cayde lifted up the metal piece as high as he could. It was heavy but he didn't care just as long as he gets Anna out. Anna felt the weight on her leg get lift off and winced at the pain a little as she pushed herself out of way getting her leg free from the wreckage. Cayde let the piece dropped and went to Anna's side. "Can you walk?" He asked. "I don't think so. I think my ankle is sprained." Anna said. "C'mon, we'll look at it later." Cayde said as he put on his helmet. He also grabbed Anna's and carries her out of the wreckage of the ship. Once he did that he saw imperial stormtroopers heading their way. Cayde took off running with Anna in his arms down the street with the bucketheads on their tail.

Cayde cuts down an alleyway and runs all the way down to the other side with the troopers still behind them. Cayde then grabbed a detonator off his belt. "Anna, keep your eyes covered." Cayde told her and she nodded. Cayde activated the detonator and threw it behind him. The next thing that happens is a bang but no explosion. "What was that?" Anna asked. "A flash bang. That'll give us some time to escape." Cayde said as he continued to run.

Cayde managed to hide in a back alleyway away from the stormtroopers. "Okay. I think we lost them." He said. "Um Cayde." Anna called. Cayde looked at her as she was blushing. "Can you...put me down?" Anna asked and Cayde smirked under his helmet. "Nah I'm good. I love seeing you so flustered when we're alone." He teased making Anna go really red. "Shut up. Can you just put me down." Anna said. "Nope. Your ankle is sprained and I'm not letting you walk until you're healed. So in the mean time you'll have to sit back and enjoy the ride." Cayde said. Anna crossed her arms while blushing but smiled. "Okay." She said and Cayde started to walk.

Cayde walked while carrying Anna down the street for the past few minutes after they escaped the crash. "Hope I'm not too heavy for you." Anna said. "Meh. You're not that heavy." Cayde said. "And what do you mean by that?" Anna asked. Well you could lose a pound or two." Cayde teased. "You jerk!" Anna said as she punched him in the chest and they laughed.

They found a small building to stop there for some rest. Cayde sat Anna down on a couch. Cayde took off his helmet and kneeled down to Anna's leg. "Here, give me your leg." He said and Anna nodded putting her leg in his lap. Cayde started to put a little pressure on her ankle which Anna winced at the pain a little. "Sorry." Cayde said. "No it's all right. It just hurts." Anna said. "All we need to do is to wrap it up so it can heal. I don't have any bacta on me to make it heal faster so this will have to do." Cayde said grabbing some wrapping cloth off his belt. He took off some of Anna's leg armor and her boot and gently grabbed her foot. He wrapped the cloth around her ankle and foot. "Okay all done." He said. "Thanks Cayde." Anna said with a smile. "Anytime red." Cayde said as he sat on the couch with her and Anna pur her legs in his lap laying back. "I'm beet. All this stuff is exhausting." Cayde said. "Yeah. The price of being at war with tyrants if you ask me." Anna said with a chuckle. "Yup. Can't argue there." Cayde added. Then Their stomachs made a noise making them sit up. "You hungry?" Cayde asked. "Yeah." Anna said rubbing the back of her head. "Okay I'll go out and find some food. Maybe there's a market nearby." Cayde said getting up. "I'll come too." Anna said. "No way. I'll look for some food. You rest up, okay." Cayde said. "*sighs* okay. Be safe." Anna said. Cayde leaned down and gave Anna a quick kiss then grabbed his helmet. "Love you." Cayde said while walking out. "Love you too." Anna said back as Cayde left. Anna gave out a small yawn as she laid down on the couch feel tired. Soon she let her eyes close and drifted off to sleep.

1 hour later

Anna woke up to the sound of hard heavy footsteps coming from outside. She shot her head up and looked towards the window at the door. She saw the shadow of a figure growing bigger as it approached the door. She knew it wasn't Cayde and quickly got off the couch grabbing her blasters off the table and limping over to the counter to hide behind. She heard the door get kicked down and heavy footsteps come inside. She peeked over the side to see a tall skinny imperial droid walk inside.

 She peeked over the side to see a tall skinny imperial droid walk inside

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"Karabast." Anna whispered. The droid started to look around the room and walk towards where Anna is hiding. As the droid was about to go around the counter Anna crawled away on the other side. Anna made her way into the hallway and hid in a room. Once she did that she heard the droid coming her way. She limped over to the bed and rolled under it. She droid walked into the room and made its way to the bed. Anna covered her mouth with one hand and was grasping her blaster with her other hand.

After a few moments, the droid walked out of the room and out of site. Anna gave out a sigh of relief. Thinking that the droid probably left Anna crawled out of the bed and limped her way towards the door. As she made her way out the door, she was back handed by a metal arm in the face knocking her down. She looked to see the droid walking up to her. Anna grabbed her blaster and fired at the droid. The shots made contact with it's chest but the droid wasn't fazed by it. Anna started to try and crawl away but the droid grabbed her leg and squeeze her sprained ankle making her scream in pain. Anna swung her body up and grabbed into the metal arm. She got out her knife and stabbed the arm multiple times. The droid's metal arm then dropped Anna letting her fall to the ground. She tried to crawl away again but this time the droid grabbed her by the neck lifting her off the ground. The droid then started to squeeze her neck. Anna tried to fight off the arm hitting it and trying to pry herself free but to no avail. Anna's vision started to get spotty and her strength was leaving her along with her air. Anna's arms went limp as she was slowly starting to lose her life.

Then a blaster went off and a bolt hit the droid in the arm making it drop Anna to the ground. The droid looked to see Cayde standing there blaster raised. "Get your hands off my girl." He said and did a spin kick on the droid in the chest. The droid tried to punch Cayde but he dodged it and did another kick. The droid then threw a punch at Cayde's chest knocking him back. Cayde rolled over and was about to crawl away but the droid grabbed him from the back of the neck and lifted him up repeatedly slamming him back and forward on the wall. When the droid was about to do it again, Cayde got his legs up to block him from hitting the wall and pushed back. Cayde flip over the droid and jumped on its back. He then grabbed his blaster and shot it multiple times in the back of the neck. The droid started to fry from the inside and it fell dead on the ground. Cayde stood over it breathing heavy.

"Anna." Cayde immediately went over to a unconscious Anna on the ground. He fell his knees and cradled Anna in his arms. He took off his helmet and pressed his ear against her chest. "She's Alive. Thank goodness." Cayde said hugging Anna. While he had her in his arms Cayde laid back against the wall exhausted and tired. He grabbed onto Anna's hand and held it. "I got you. I got you." He repeated kissing her forehead. Soon he felt tired and soon drifted off to sleep with Anna in his arms.

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