Chapter 81

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Ezra stood before the holograms of two of his former closest friends during his in the rebellion. Bail Organa, one of the leaders and creators of the rebellion also a fellow Senator from Alderaan. Leia Organa, princess of Alderaan and daughter to Bail, also one of the leaders of the rebellion. Ezra didn't know why after all this time they would contact him. More importantly his Clan.

"So to what do I own this pleasure?" Ezra asked with arms crossed. "We had heard rumors about a Mandalorian Clan that has been at war with some of our rebels. And rumors about the Clan having a Jedi as there leader. At first we thought it was the Empire but now looking at you, looks like the rumors weren't fake after all." Bail said. "I had thought Mothma told you both what happened." Ezra said. "She told us that the entire Ghost Crew was killed by an Imperial bombing. We mourn all of you and tried to horror your deaths." Leia said. "Well next time don't trust the word of someone like her." Ezra said. "Tell us Ezra, what really happened." Bail said.

"When Mothma sent us on that mission, it was a trap since the beginning. Her own fighters bombed the building where Hera, Kanan, Zeb and Chopper was in and they were all killed. Me and Sabine were the only ones to survive. We left the Rebellion and started our own Clan. We've been at war with Mon Mothma, her son Jobin and her followers for a year now. Jobin kidnapped my daughter and I killed him. You're rebels started this war when they crossed into my territory, attack my Clan, my planet and my family. So why now are you calling me?" Ezra explained. "We're sorry Ezra." Bail said. This took Ezra by surprise not expecting this from them.

"My father is right Ezra. We're sorry that your died that way. We're sorry that Mothma was abusing your Clan and family all this time. And we're sorry not to have know sooner. Once we found out that Mothma lied to us, we kicked her and her followers out of the rebellion for good. We called you because we don't want anymore trouble between Clan Bridger and the Rebellion." Leia explained. "Huh, all this time you should've known this already." Emily muttered under her breath. "Easy Emily. So what do you supposed we do about this?" Ezra asked.

"If you can or want to, meet us on Yavin 4. There we can mark some kind of deal with each other that benefits us all. I know you and your Clan hate the Rebellion now but we wouldn't have to fight each other all the time anymore. We can start a new and live peacefully." Bail said but Ezra still wasn't sure. "Please Ezra. We were good friends in the past. At least take it for consideration. Use our old friendship as a way of believing that we can restart things." Leia spoke up. The way Leia spoke to Ezra made him think about it for a moment. "I'll talk it over with Sabine first and come back to you about it. But you'll have to wait a week. Sabine just came out of labor and I need to be at her side." Ezra told them and they both smiled. "Thank you Ezra. We await your answer." Leia said and the transmission ended. "How can you be willing to trust them easily?" Emily asked. "I've known those two for awhile. There not the type to lie but if Sabine thinks it's alright we'll take extra precautions in going there." Ezra explained as they left to go back to Sabine's room.

When they entered the room, Mira was sitting in bed with Sabine who still had baby Rona in her arms. "So who from the rebels called us?" Sabine asked. "It was Bail Organa and Leia. They kicked Mothma and her followers out of the Rebellion and wants to make some deals with us." Ezra told her. Sabine had a shocked reaction. "Why now? After all this time?" Sabine asked. "They say they didn't know and want to make it up to us my making theses deals. I told them I'd think about it in a week, but truthfully I want to hear what you have to say about this. If you think we shouldn't then I'll stand by you on that." Ezra explained as Sabine looked down trying to think about what should they should.

"If you think we should do it then I support your decision all the way." Sabine told him with a smile of approval but deep down she didn't know for sure if it was a good idea. "Okay. It's settled then. In a week once you're fit for action, we'll go to Yavin 4 and see what we can do." Ezra said as he sat next his his family.

One week later

Everything and everyone was set and ready to go to Yavin 4. Ezra and Sabine were taken half of there forces along with three Dreadnoughts in company. Ahsoka, Emily and Alex were going while Rex, Madison, Cayde and Anna stayed to watch the base.

The Dreadnoughts were in hyperspace on there way to Yavin and Ezra was on the bridge with Sabine looking to hyperspace lanes thinking about what they agreed to. Sabine noticed the grim look on his face grasped his hand locking fingers. "It'll be okay Ez. I'll be okay too. You know that right?" Sabine said. Ezra looked at her with a slight smile. "Yeah I know. Just can't believe we're going back after all this time. I just don't want those memories to come back to me." Ezra said feeling sad. Sabine stood in front of him and wrapped her arms around him laying her head on his chest. "I'm here for you Ez. No matter what I'll always be here." She told him. Ezra looked down at her with a smile and kissed her. "Guys we're coming out of hyperspace." They heard Emily say. "Well lets do this then." Ezra said as they both put on their helmets.

The Dreadnoughts came out of hyperspace over Yavin and the shuttle was ready for landing.

On the planet, Bail and Leia waited for Ezra and Sabine to arrive down to the planet as they saw the three Dreadnoughts in orbit. "They sure came with authority." Leia said. "Well I wouldn't blame them. They been through so much at a young age it's almost hard to believe that they've grown up this much to lead there own army." Bail said. Just then the shuttle landed in front them on the airfield. The ramp lowered and ten Clan Bridger soldiers exited on both sides and saluted.

Then Ezra, Sabine, Emily and Alex exited walking up to Bail and Leia who did the same. Once they were close enough, Ezra and Sabine took off their helmets. "It's really good to see you both again." Bail said. "Likewise Senator." Sabine told him. Then Ezra and Leia locked eyes. "Hey Ezra. It's nice to see you face to face." Leia said with a small smile. "I can say the same princess." Ezra said. Sabine saw the way Leia was looking at Ezra and gave her a side glare for a small moment. "So lets get down to business shall we." Bail said as they walked inside the rebel base.

Once they entered, they sat down at a table with Bail and Leia sitting on one end with rebel soldiers standing behind them and Ezra and Sabine with Emily, Alex and two others standing behind them. Bail placed a holopad at the middle of the table along with a pen. "So lets discuss how to do this. Bail said. "How would we want to cross paths with each other peacefully?" Leia asked. Ezra and Sabine looked at each other and nodded. "First off, we wanna know if there's any other outpost of bases in the Mandalore sector at all." Ezra said. "There are no more. All the remaining ones have been cleared out." Leia said. "And the small space stations?" Sabine asked. "Yes. Those as well." Bail added. "Good. We don't want to rebellion making anymore of those in our sector at all and that's final. Now what are your terms?" Ezra asked. "We would like safe passage through your sectors. Our ships would need a fast hyperspace lane to cross and take out Imperial shipments and bases. Such as the space you hold on Con Cord Dawn." Leia said. Sabine looked towards Ezra for approval and he gave her a nod. "Alright but any and all rebel ships have to get clearance from out checks points which are monitored from our home. If we see even one, we'll capture it." Sabine said. "We agree to those terms." Leia said. "Any Imperial shipments that come in our path is ours and the rebels can not come and attack any Imperial ships without our clearance codes to approve it." Sabine added. "Okay. If that's everything we want then our meeting is over. Now all we need to do is sigh the contract agreeing to the terms and all will be said and done." Bail said and they nodded. They all sighed down what they wanted and there names to prove and sat the pad down. "We thank you for your hospitality and we hope for all of us to follow theses rules." Bail said reaching his hand out and Ezra shook it. Once everything was done,

Their shuttle lifted off and back into the Dreadnought as all three jumped into hyperspace. "Glad that's over with. Now all we need to worry about is the Empire." Sabine said. "The Empire will be a tougher challenge than the rebels." Ezra said as Sabine grabbed his hand. "And we'll face it together. Like always." Sabine said and they shared a kiss.

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