Chapter 3

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Ezra and his Mandalorians stole the supply ship and took it to their home planet. On the way home, Ezra was going over the data list of Imperial supply convoys going in and out of the Mandalore system. "Wha'cha looking at Ezra?" Emily asked coming next to him. "A list of supply convoys. This will be a good source to use when we do missions." Ezra answered. "Cool. Is there any you want me to do when we get back?" Emily asked. "Just to make sure all the supplies on this ship is unloaded and anything we can use to upgrade our ships. After that, it's just gonna be a slow rest of the day." Ezra explained. "You got it." Emily said. "Sir we're coming out of hyperspace." The pilot said. "Good tell the soldiers to prepare for our arrival." Ezra ordered. The ship came out of hyperspace over the planet Conordia. "Home sweet home as always." Emily stated. "Yeah, come on lets head down." Ezra said and they walked out of the bridge.

The supply ship and other Mandalorian ships landed at the base. A female Mandalorian walked towards the ship accompanied by ten other Mandalorians. The ramp lowered and Ezra, Emily along with other Mandalorians walked down the ramp. The female Mandalorian took off her helmet and smiled. Ezra took off his helmet as well. "Hey Sabine." He said walking up to her. "Hey Ez. Good to see you make it back ok." Sabine said and kissed him. "The mission was a success. We got loads of supplies on this ship." Ezra told her. "Can't wait to see what we got." Sabine said. "Emily have the soldiers unload the ship." Ezra ordered. "Got it. You heard him, lets go." Emily and the soldiers followed her on the ship.

"How have things been here?" Ezra asked. "Slow. A little too slow. It's quite boring without you." Sabine said. "Oh so that's the reason why you love having me around." Ezra said joking. "No there's more." Sabine stated. "Like what?" Ezra asked. "Well, I get to look at you, that's one thing." Sabine said. "Oh this face can't compare to the beautiful face I'm staring at." Ezra said and kissed her again. "Speaking of beautiful faces, where's the other face I love to see?" Ezra asked.

Then a five year old girl sprinted towards Ezra and hugged him. "Daddy you're back!" She said. "There's my little Lothcat! You missed me Mira." Ezra said picking ber up. "Uh-huh. Mommy and I missed you a lot!" Mira said. Ezra kissed her forehead. "Well I'm back now. I couldn't stay away for too long." He said. Emily walked up next to Ezra. "Hey Emily what is it?" Sabine asked. "We found something you both should see. It's pretty interesting." Emily answered.

They followed Emily into the ships cargo hold. They came across a huge crate. "Go on, open it." Emily said. The soldiers opened it and a beaming light came out of it. "The scanners were detecting a massive energy source in this one and we thought it would be best to tell you before opening it." Emily explained. Sabine and Ezra walked up to the crate and looked inside. "Daddy what is that?" Mira asked. "That, Mira is called a Kyber Crystal." Ezra answered. "What does it do?" Mira asked. "It's energy source that can power anything. It's what powers my lightsabers." Ezra explained. "Was there anything else that is good?" Sabine asked. "A few weapons, food, explosives and more stuff still being processed." Emily said. "Alright good work. Put the weapons and explosives in the armory and the food in the mess hall." Ezra ordered. "On it." Emily said. "I gotta take this data pad to the command center real quick. I'll meet you in the throne room." Ezra told Sabine. "Alright see you then." Sabine said and kissed him.

Ezra walked to the command center with data pad in hand. He walked inside and everyone put their fist on their chest and bowed their heads. "At ease. I'm here to drop off some intel." Ezra said. "Intel about what sir?" A soldier asked. "It holds information about Imperial supply convoys moving in and out of the Mandalore system. I want all the data off this pad downloaded into our computers." Ezra ordered. "Yes sir." The soldier said and took the data pad. "Thank you." Ezra told him and walked out.

As Ezra was about to enter the throne room he felt something threw the force and smirked. The opened the door and Sabine was sitting in her throne chair smiling. "Hey Sabine where's Mira?" Ezra asked smirking. Sabine gestured her head up behind him. Before Ezra turned around, Mira jumped on his shoulders and covered his eyes. "Oh no! Tiny hands, my one weakness! Who could do this to me!" Ezra said playing along. "It's me daddy! I got snuck up on you." Mira said. "Yes you did. Now here's my counter attack!" Ezra said. He used the force to lift her in the air. Mira was smiling and laughing as she floated in the air. Sabine smiled and chuckled at her two most important people in the galaxy to her. Ezra lowered Mira in his arms and walked towards his throne chair.

He sat down with Mira in his lap. "Daddy are you going out tomorrow again?" Mira asked. "Yes. Why?" Ezra answered. "Can I come with you please? I wanna see you fight bad guys!" Mira asked. "Sorry, but you're still too young to go." Ezra said. Mira looked down feeling sad. "Hey don't worry. When you're old enough you can go on any mission you want with me." Ezra reassured her. Mira smiled and hugged her farther. "Thanks daddy." She said. She yawned and fell to sleep in Ezra's arms. "Wow, she actually fell asleep this time." Sabine said. "Really?" Ezra asked. "Yeah, while you were go, she would barely want to sleep." Sabine explained. "Yeah she's a tough one. I can already see the Mandalorian and Jedi in her." Ezra said. "She is gonna be the best warrior we've ever trained." Sabine added. "Of course she is. She's our daughter after all." Ezra stated. Sabine smiled and leaned over to kiss him.
"I love Sabine."
"Love you more Ezra."

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