Chapter 15

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It had been almost ten hours since they left for the planet Teth. Mostly everyone was sleeping trying to rest themselves before they got their. All except Ezra. He stayed awake most of the way. He laid in bed looking at the ceiling of his room. His thoughts were too preoccupied by his family. It had only been a few hours and he missed seeing their faces. The way Sabine always smiled at him. The way Mira always knew how to bright up the room just by her presence. He loved everything about them. He sat up from his bed and grabbed something off his belt. It was a holo projector. He turned it on and it was a picture of his family on Mira's 5th birthday.

 He turned it on and it was a picture of his family on Mira's 5th birthday

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He smiled at the picture feeling happy that he has a family like this.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. He used the force to open it and Emily stood at the doorway. "Hey Emily what is it?" Ezra asked. "We're about to drop out of hyperspace over Teth in three minutes." Emily said. "Alright lets head to the cockpit." Ezra said, he got up and left to the cockpit with Emily.

They entered the cockpit and saw Amari and Tristan already there waiting. "Just in time. We're coming out of hyperspace." Amari stated and the ships came out of hyperspace over Teth. When they saw the planet it had no blockade. "Why doesn't this planet have an imperial blockade?" Amari asked. "On the planet is a small research base. There is barely a military occupation on this planet. Just a science and research station." Emily explained. "Then this should be easy." Tristan stated. "Not likely. Here let me show you." Emily said and pulled up a holo projector of the research base. "Though the base is small, but it has a number of guards, vehicles and turrets. Their base is located at the top of this mountain. It looks like they build it over a ancient ruin. All we need is a plan to get in." Emily explained.

"I've got an idea." Ezra said and made the holo projector zoom out to the surrounding forest. "We land our forces a couple kilos away from the base. We walked threw the forest so not to alert them with our jetpacks and take out any patrols along the way. Once we get to the bottom of the mountain side, we'll ascend up using our jetpacks, catching them off guard. We clear out the court yard and make our way though the base killing every imperial on sight. We figure out where the Kyber Crystal is and once the base is clear, we call in the transports for pick up." Ezra explained. "That's a good plan." Amari said. "Yeah let's do this!" Emily added pounding her fist together. "Always the hyped one aren't ya Em." Ezra chuckled. "It's how I am." Emily stated. "All ships land at these coordinates." Ezra ordered in his com.

All ships landed in the on the outskirts in the forest. Ezra, Emily, Tristan and Amari walked out of their ship and other Clan Bridger members walked out of their ships. "Pilots, stay here and wait for my signal." Ezra ordered. "Yes sir." They all said in the coms. Ezra gestured everyone to move out into the forest.

They all ran quickly and quietly though the forest. It was dark so they switched to night vision to see better. As they were ran Ezra lifted his hand in the air and everyone stopped. He tapped on the side of his helmet gesturing them to listen. They all heard distant chatter not far from them. Most of the soldiers got out their blasters and got into a ready stance. Ezra put his hand behind them telling them to hold their positions. He then gestured Emily to come next to him. When Emily got next to him, he pointed up to the trees and Emily nodded.

They both jumped jumped into the trees. They jumped across branch from branch until they looked down to see five stormtroopers on the ground. Once they were right over them. Ezra jumped down ignited both his lightsabers and cutting the heads off of two troopers, he quickly deactivated his lightsabers and disappeared in the dark. The stormtroopers were looking around asking each other questions. Emily came up behind one and stabbed him in the helmet with her knife and disappeared. Ezra ignited his lightsabers from behind the last two stormtroopers and cut their blasters in half. Emily came from behind one and stabbed him right in the back, Ezra used his lightsabers and stabbed the last stormtrooper deep in the chest. "All clear. Lets move." Ezra whispered in his com and they all kept moving.

After a few more minutes, they were at the mountain side. "Okay. If we head straight up is where the base is." Emily said. "Alright Clan Bridger. Ascend the mountain via jetpacks quietly. Once at the top, we engage." Ezra said and they all nodded. They used their jetpacks to ascend to the top of the mountain slowly and carefully. The Imperials had spot lights and ties going around the mountain sides so they had to stop their ascend and hang onto the vines hanging on the side. Another tie patrol came around and Ezra gestured everyone to stop and grab on to the vines. Thanks to the dark night, the imperials couldn't see them on the mountain. Once the ties left they continued their ascent.

They were finally underneath the cliff of the base. "Everyone ready?" Ezra asked and they all nodded. "On three. One........Two........Three!" Ezra said and the attack began. They all flew in the air above the cliff and fired their rockets at the troopers. The alarms went off all around the base and stormtroopers flooded the landing pad. All Clan Bridger soldiers fired at all the Imperial troops as they came forward. Most of Clan Bridger threw bombs knocking the troopers off the landing pad and others charged forward for hand to hand combat. Ezra and his forces pushed though to the court yard where AT-STs were. They walkers fired at them but missed. Amari and Tristan led some forces in the air and firing at the walkers. Ezra and Emily stayed on the ground with the others and delt with the remaining stormtroopers. After they destroyed the AT-STs, they heard huge stomping.

They looked to see a AT-AT walker heading for them. It fired its cannons at them and barely missed. Ezra jumped out of his cover and ran towards the giant walker igniting both his lightsabers. Once he got close, Ezra threw his lightsabers in the air and they sliced the legs of the walker. Ezra force jumped in the air catching both his lightsabers and landing on top of the walker. He cut a circle into the walker and jumped inside. Once he jumped inside he was met by some stormtroopers. Ezra swung his lightsabers cutting and slicing all the stormtroopers. Once he was done he began cutting the engines with his lightsabers. He ran to the front and killed both pilots of the walker. He sliced the controls and threw a bomb inside neck. Ezra cut a hole into the roof of the walker and jumped out. When he jumped out, the back of the walker started to explode and the walker was falling forward. Ezra jumped off landing on the ground as the walker landed right behind him.

"Okay that was pretty cool." Tristan said. "Cool? It was awesome! Ezra always like doing things in style." Emily corrected him. "Alright lets clear out the rest of the base." Ezra ordered. "Yes sir!" His soldiers shouted.


It was an all nighter, but it was worth it. They destroyed the remaining imperials and searched the base for the Kyber Crystal. Ezra, Amari and Tristan were outside in the court yard when they got a transmission from Emily. "Go ahead." Ezra said. "Boss, we found it." Emily said and Ezra, Amari and Tristan walked inside the base. They made it to Emily's location and found her and other solders surrounding a large glowing crate. Ezra walked up to it and saw it. "Yep. That's a Kyber Crystal." Ezra said. "How can you tell?" Tristan asked. "My connection to the force lets me tell if this is an actually Kyber Crystal or not. And this is definitely real." Ezra explained. "Nice work everyone. Lets load this up on the ship." Ezra ordered.

Once they got the Crystal on board one of the ships. They took off from the base. "Hey Ezra. Check this out." Emily said. She lifted her wrist and pressed a button and the base exploded. "Ha! You've spent way too much time with Sabine." Ezra stated. "Yeah only my daughter can make an explosion like that." Amari added. "I like making things go 'boom'. What can I say." Emily said and they all chuckled.

Once out of Teth's orbit, everyone was waiting on the next set of coordinates. "Alright Emily. Where to now?" Ezra asked. "The next planet we go to is called Sullest. The information said that their is one Kyber Crystal in an Imperial supply factory. It should take us at least 48 hours to get their." Emily explained. "Alright that's our next objective. All ships make the jump." Ezra ordered and all the Clan Bridger ships entered hyperspace.

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