Chapter 72

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The next day was hard on our Clan Bridger leaders Ezra and Sabine. Their daughter, their star in the sky, the joy in there hearts, Mira, has been taken from them. The Rebels have gone too far this time around. Sabine cried all night thinking what could those rebels be doing to her little girl. Ezra was beyond angry the whole time and just didn't know how to contain it. All he wanted to do is to find and bring home their daughter, and make the rebels suffer for taken her.

Ezra marched into the command room that was already filled with Clan soldiers along with Emily, Alex, Cayde, Anna, Madison, Rex and Ahsoka trying to find Mira. "Any luck trying to find that ship?" Ezra asked. "Sorry Ezra. We can't track where that ship went. We've been trying all night to no avail." Emily explained as everyone turned to Ezra. "Somewhere out there is my daughter. She's one of many people in this Clan, this family, that I would trade my life for. I tell her every damn day that I'll always be there for her no matter what to keep her safe. Knowing that the rebels have robbed MY daughter of her safety boils me to the very limit. I don't give a damn what we have to do. I just want to see my little girl here, safe. Do whatever you have to do. Is that understood?" Ezra said to everyone. "Sir yes sir!" Everyone shouted and got back to work.


Jobin walked around the base after they captured Ezra and Sabine's daughter last night. He was happy to finally get back at them for all the trouble they have cost the Rebellion. Everything was going just how his mother have planned. A rebel soldier then walked up to him. "Sir, your mother is contacting us from Yavin 4." He said. "Well lets not keep her waiting." He said.

He walked into the command center and stood in front of a holo table that revealed Mon Mothma. "Jobin. Was the plan a success?" She asked. Jobin pulled a holo projector from his belt and turned it on revealing Mira sleeping on a metal bench. "Excellent. Make sure nothing happens to her, yet. We'll use her has ransom. Now it is time to make the call." Mothma said with a evil smile.

Back on Concordia

Everyone was still trying to find Mira but with no luck what so ever. It's been almost 24 hours since she was kidnapped and no one knew how she just disappeared without a trace.

Sabine soon entered the command center still tears in her eyes while holding her stomach which got bigger from being pregnant. Ezra saw her enter and immediately went to her side. Sabine rested her forehead on his chest while Ezra held her close. "Please. Tell me you found something. Anything." Sabine pleaded with a sob. "I'm so sorry Sabine. We haven't found anything yet. This is my fault. If I had been able to do more, Mira would still be with us." Ezra blamed himself. "Ez. I don't blame you. It's those rebels fault. They did this and they need to pay." Sabine told him. "I know. They WILL pay." Ezra told her.

"Sir! We have two incoming transmissions. One from Dantooine and one from Yavin 4." A soldier told Ezra. Ezra and Sabine parted. "Put them through." Ezra said. They all stared at the screen and it revealed the two people they hated the most.

"Ezra Bridger. Sabine Wren-Bridger. Glad you could answer our call." Mothma causally said. "Cut the crap! Where's our daughter you damn pigs!" Ezra shouted in anger. "Don't worry she's safe, for now. If you want to keep it that way." Jobin said. "What does that mean?" Sabine asked. "We'll hold on to your daughter for now. She'll remain safe if you stay out of our way from here on out. Fail to follow we'll leave to..." Mothma was saying but Ezra cut her off.

"Shut it! What's stopping us from going to both planets and killing you both. Hell we can do that right now." Ezra said in a cold voice. "Go ahead and try if you can. I'll be waiting Bridger." Jobin said and both transmissions ended. "Emily, Alex. Get the cruisers ready. We're going to Dantooine." Ezra shouted walking out of the command center. "Which ones?" Emily asked before could make it out of the door. "All of them!"

Everyone was ready to leave to Dantooine. Almost every soldier got on a gunship and went to orbit towards the cruisers. Ahsoka volunteered to go with Ezra after Sabine asked her. They both knew what Ezra could do if he was angry and one needed to be there in case that happens. Before Ezra could get on his gunship, Sabine went up to him. "Please bring our little girl home. And make the Rebellion suffer for taking her." She said. Ezra nodded and got on his ship.

Every gunship went into all the cruisers. Ezra walked onto the bridge of one of the Dreadnoughts flanked by Ahsoka, Emily, Alex, Madison, Anna and Cayde. "Is all the ships ready?" Ezra asked. "Yes." Emily said. "Then make the jump." Ezra ordered and the entire Clan Bridger fleet made the jump to hyperspace.

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