Chapter 29: Paucris Major Part 3

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The Ghost, Clan Bridger and Clan Wren ships landed on the planets surface. They walked out of the ships. Ezra and Sabine were about to walk out of the Ghost when they saw Mira behind them. "Sweetie, what are you doing?" Sabine asked. "I wanna come with you." Mira stated. "I'm sorry Mira but you can't. It'll be too dangerous for you." Ezra told her. Mira looked down sad. Ezra kneeled down to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. You'll be here on the Ghost with Alex helping him fly the ship. You'll be able to watch us in the air." He told his daughter. Mira looked up and smiled.

Emily and Alex walked up to them. "So I'll be in charge of the ship?" Alex asked. "Yes. You'll be assisting us along with the other fighters in bomb runs on the base. And your job is to also protect the transports holding the power cells and the Kyber Crystals." Ezra explained. "So it will be just me flying the ship?" Alex asked. "No. Mira will be your co-pilot." Sabine said. Alex looked down at Mira who smiled up at him. "Ha, I'm in great hands." He said brushing Mira's hair with his hand. "Okay we should get going." Sabine said. "Come on Alex, lets fly!" Mira said excited as she grabbed his hand and pulled him ahead. Alex looked back at the others and saw Emily smirking. "Have fun." Emily said and Alex rolled his eyes.

Ezra, Sabine and Emily walked out of the Ghost and it took off with other fighters. They walked towards Ursa who was with some of her people and some of Ezra and Sabine's Clan. "Okay so what now?" Ursa asked. "Emily can you get a read out on the rebel base and where those warships are?" Ezra asked her. "I'll try. Give me a sec." Emily said as she started to type coordinates into her wrist device. "Okay got. No surprise here. The warships and the rebel base is located in the same area. Five clicks south." Emily informed. "Okay. Everyone, we're moving out. Once we get to the rebel base, we destroy any and everything then get those warships. Understood!" Ezra said. "Yes sir!" They shouted. They all flew in the air with their jetpacks to the direction of the rebel base.

They all were flying in the air towards the base. They flew passed huge rocks, ship parts and other pieces of broken down ships. "Boss look." Emily said pointing forward. Ezra looked ahead and saw what she was looking at. "Escape pods. No doubt that rebels are nearby. Keep your guard up." Ezra said to them. As they flew more they finally saw some rebels near other escape pods. "There they are, get ready!" Sabine said. When the rebels saw them coming, they began firing on them. They dodged all the blaster bolts coming at them and fired back. They fired rockets at the rebels killing most of them but more was still there.

Emily jumped down throwing detonators at the rebels killing more.  One rebel grabbed on to her and Emily flew up in the air. She was flying high in the air trying to shake the rebel off of her. She then elbowed him in the helmet cracking it and making him loose his grip and plumbed to the ground. They finished off the rest of the rebels. "Alright that all of them. Lets keep moving." Ezra ordered and they continued on.

They continued on to their destination. They were flying and flying until Emily saw something. "Boss, I see it." She informed. Ezra gestured everyone to land. They landed and ran on top of a hill and looked at the base in the distance.

 They landed and ran on top of a hill and looked at the base in the distance

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