Chapter 74

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Mira stood before her kidnapper and was really scared. She backed up to the wall unable to move anywhere as Jobin walked closer to her. Mira had tears rolling down her face unable to cry or scream. Jobin kneeled down to her. "It's okay. I'm not here to hurt you. I just wanna talk." He said. "A...About w...what?" Mira stuttered. "About your parents. Mainly your father." Jobin said. Mira looked at him up and down. "No. You're one of the bad people my mommy and daddy told me about." Mira said. "So your parents said we was bad people? Ha. You don't know the half of it." Jobin said running a hand through her long blue hair. Mira tried to shuffle away but Jobin grabbed her arm. "You really think we're the bad guys, you need to take a look at your parents." He said.

Mira still had tears going down her face. "I want my Mommy and Daddy!" She shouted. "Of course you do. Because you think your parents are heros in your eyes. They've killed people too. Good soldiers who lay down there lives to kill the real enemy." Jobin said. "I don't believe you! My parents are good." Mira stated. "Wrong. But if you don't believe me, then I'll show you." Jobin said.

A holo projector turned on in the room showing Ezra in some of his fights with the rebels. The projector showed Ezra cutting down rebels one by one. Mira watched in shock. This was the first she was seeing Ezra actually killing. She couldn't watch anymore and looked away. "No. Look at it." Jobin said grabbing her by the head and turning her towards the projector. Mira was being forced to watch her father kill rebels and didn't want to see anymore.

Soon the projector stopped and Mira looked down feeling horrified by what she saw. "You see. If your parents were as good as you say, then why is your father killing people?" Jobin asked and Mira stayed silent. Jobin sighed and left the room. Once he left Mira fell to her knees crying. "Mommy....Daddy.....please save me."

Dantooine orbit

The rebel base was destroyed and the Clan Bridger forces pulled out but there was nothing there on Mira's whereabouts. Ezra stood in front of the holo table on the bridge waiting for Sabine to answer and she soon did. Sabine appeared with tear streak eyes from crying. "Did you do it?" She asked wiping away her tears. "We destroyed the base...but neither Jobin or Mira was there to begin with." Ezra told her. Sabine looked like she was gonna cry again. Ezra reached his hand out to her in some form of reassurance and Sabine did the same.

"Are......Are you coming back here?" Sabine choked out trying not to cry anymore. "I can't. Not yet. I'm sending some of the cruisers back home but I'm not." Ezra said. "What are you gonna do?" Sabine asked. "When he got that information from Emily and Alex a few months back, it held information about all know rebel outposts in the outer rim. I'm going to it every last one until Mira is found. If I come across any officers, we'll interrogate them to see if they know where our daughter is." Ezra explained in a angry voice.

"Ez." Sabine called out making him look up. "You only call me that when you're worried." Ezra stated. "Don't forget why you're doing this. You're out there getting our daughter back. We're not worrying about revenge yet." Sabine told him. "They need to pay Sabine. All of them. I will make them suffer." Ezra said. "Ez, please. Don't become the one thing that you swore you'd never be. I love you and I'll always be by your side, but I don't want you to go on a dark path. So please, for me and for Mira." Sabine said in a caring tone. Ezra looked down rubbing his forehead. "*sighs* you're right. I'm sorry. I'll do everything I can to get our daughter back I promise." He said. Sabine slightly smiled and reached her hand out to him again as he did the same. "I love you." He said. "I love you too. Be safe." Sabine said and the call ended.

A few seconds later, Emily, Madison, Alex, Ahsoka, Anna and Cayde entered the bridge. "You know you all don't have to come with me. We'll be gone from home for awhile." Ezra told them. "Hey you're gonna need all the help you can get." Alex stated. "We'll show those rebels what happens when you challenge us." Cayde said. "And we'll be here for you no matter what." Anna said. "Every step of the way." Madison added. "And besides, Mira means everything to us and the Clan. The reason why we keep fighting the good fight. We all love that kid and we'll do everything to get her back." Emily told him. "They're right Ezra. We're here for you and we'll support you always." Ahsoka added and Ezra smiled. "Set up the hyperdrive and head for the closest rebel outpost." Ezra ordered and they nodded. Once they set the coordinates, they jumped into hyperspace.

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