Chapter 8

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After the long travel, the ships exited hyperspace over Concordia. They landed and began to unload the cargo. Mira ran out of the base towards her parents. She hugged Ezra's leg. "Mommy! Daddy! You're back!" She said. Ezra bushed her hair with her hand while Sabine kneeled down and hugged her. "Did you guys beat up bad guys?" Mira asked. "Yes we did sweetie. We always do." Sabine told her. Ezra picked her up and pressed his nose on hers. "Mira I got a surprise for you." Ezra said. "What is it?!" Mira asked excited. "Close your eyes." He told her. Mira closed her eyes. Ezra pulled something out of a bag. "Now open them." Ezra said. Mira opened her eyes and saw a stormtrooper helmet in front of her. "Wow!" She shouted. She grabbed the helmet and put it on. "Agh! I'm a buckethead! I'm gonna get you all!" Mira pretend which made Ezra and Sabine laugh. "Careful Ezra. It's a stormtrooper. We don't wanna get beat up by her." Sabine said playing along with the game. "Don't worry I know how to deal with her." Ezra said. He picked Mira up with the force and had her upside down. Mira was laughing and spinning in the air. Sabine took off the helmet and gave Mira a raspberry on the cheek which made Mira giggle. Sabine grabbed Mira in her arms and picked up the helmet. "Can we paint this later on mommy?" Mira asked. "Of course we can. I love painting with you." Sabine told her.

Then a soldier ran up to them. "Sorry to disturb you, but there is another transmission from the Rebellion." He said. "Great now what." Sabine said. "Daddy?" Mira asked concerned. "It's okay Mira. We'll be alright. Sabine take her to her room, I'll meet you in the command center." Ezra said. "Alright." Sabine said and the walked to their locations.

After Sabine put Mira in her room, her and Ezra walked into the command center. "Put the transmission through." Ezra ordered. Then Mothma appeared as a holo image. "I thought I made myself clear when I said not to get in our way." She said. "And we told you we don't take orders from you. We told you to stay out of our territory and look how many of your rebels paid the price." Sabine said. "Well,I warned you." Mothma simply said. Then a terminal started to beep. "Sir! We are detecting several ships coming out of hyperspace!" A soldier said. They pulled up a holo image of the ships. Three rebel cruisers and twenty starfighters. "Mothma, if you think that's enough to stop us, then let us give you a quick dose of reality." Ezra said and ended the transmission. "Emily, Alex. Prepare all fighters. We got incoming." Ezra ordered in his com. "Yes sir!" They both said. "Set the base on alert and engage our defenses." Sabine ordered. "Yes ma'am!" Soldiers shouted and they got to work.

Ezra and Sabine ran out the base towards their starfighters. "Everyone ready to go?" Ezra asked. "Yeah boss. We're ready on our end." Emily answered. "Alright. All wings prepare to engage!" Ezra ordered and they lifted off.

They all flew out of the planet's orbit to meet the rebels. "Huh. They don't look so tough." Emily stated. "You're right about that. Stay in attack formation and follow my lead." Ezra ordered. "We're right behind you boss." Alex said.

They proceed to attack the fighters before heading for the cruisers. They were able to out maneuver a lot of the rebel fighters and destroy ten of them. They flew back around for another attack run run on the last bit of fighters.

"Emily, you're with me. Lets destroy one of those cruisers." Ezra ordered. "I'm on your tail." Emily said. They flew towards one of the cruisers. They fired EMPs to knock out the shields and then dropped bombs right on top of it and the cruiser blew up. "Alright good work." Ezra said. They rejoined Sabine and Alex in taken out the fighters. After destroying most of the rebel forces, the rebels that was left retreated in defeat.

"Alright! That will show them!" Emily shouted in the com. "Good work everybody. Now lets head back." Ezra said and they all headed back to the base.

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