Chapter 23

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Three days passed and everything was almost ready for the upcoming mission to Paucris Major. Many power cells were filled with Kyber Crystal energy and more was almost done.

Ezra, Sabine, Emily and Alex were in the command center going over a side mission for them. Ezra pulled up a holo image on the table. "Over the passed few weeks we've been monitoring rebel frequencies and we caught something good." Ezra explained and played the transmission. "Yavin 4 to rebel station; we just sent a supply convoy to your sector. It will arrive in three hours. Yavin 4 out." The transmission ended.

"So where's the convoy?" Emily asked. "No surprise, it's going through our sector of space. It turns out, the rebels had a outpost in our sector without us knowing." Sabine said. "This is our mission: first, we take out the convoy and steal their supplies. Then we download the stations coordinates from the ship. After that, we head to the rebel station, steal their supplies and destroy the entire station." Ezra said. "You can count on us boss." Alex told him. "Yeah lets do it." Emily added. "Alright, prepare the men and lets move out." Ezra ordered and they left.

They were now outside at the airfield. Everyone was ready to get going on the mission. "All set boss." Emily informed. "Good. All we're waiting for now is Sabine." Ezra said. "Ezra!" Sabine shouted running over to him. "What kept you?" Ezra asked. "Sorry, had to go check on Mira. She's asleep right now." Sabine answered. "Okay, lets get going." Ezra said. They all got on the ship and the ships took off from the base and into hyperspace.

After a few minutes, Clan Bridger ships came out of hyperspace and saw four rebel cruisers.

After a few minutes, Clan Bridger ships came out of hyperspace and saw four rebel cruisers

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"That's the convoy? It doesn't look like much." Emily said. "Well what can you expect from rebels. Weak ships but number of mindless soldiers always running into useless fights." Alex stated. "Indeed." Ezra said. "Sir. The rebel command ship is trying to contact us." A pilot said. "*sighs* put through." Ezra said slightly annoyed. "Mandalorian ships; stand down now or you will be fired at." A rebel officer warned. "Clan Bridger, go give them our counter offer." Sabine ordered. "Yes ma'am." Pilots said and got into attack formation.

They fired rockets at the small corvette ships taking out their shields. The command ships launched several A-wings and they started to attack. Clan Bridger and rebel fighters fired at one another. Clan Bridger fighters easily took out the rebels fighters. "Good. Now all ships fire EMP rounds." Ezra ordered in his comm. All ships fired rockets at all the ships and a pulse wave came off of them knocking out all their systems. "Nice work everyone. Pick a ship and start raiding for supplies." Ezra ordered. "Yes sir." They came back.

Two ships docked themselves on to the command ship and Ezra, Sabine, Alex and Emily walked on to the ship. They soon were met by rebel soldiers. "Freeze Mandalorians!" One shouted. "Wrong choice of words." Ezra said and lifted his hands. They rebel soldiers were frozen in their place unable to move or talk. "Kill them." Ezra ordered and they all fired at the frozen troopers dead. "Fan out. I want this everything on this ship stripped and brought back here." Sabine ordered. "Yes ma'am!" They all said and left to different directions. Ezra, Sabine, Emily, Alex and two others walked towards the bridge.

Once they got their, they saw the door was sealed shut. Emily was about to step up and hack it but Ezra stopped her. "I got it." He said. He grabbed one of his lightsabers. He ignited it and put it through the door. He began to cut a hole in the door. Emily gestured to Alex and the two other solders to get on each side of the door and they did. Once Ezra was done, he pulled out his lightsaber from the door and used the force to push the door out. Emily, Alex and the solders jumped in and blasted the rebel soldiers left and right. Two rebel officers was about to go for the attack but Emily side kicked the first one, kicked the other one hard in the knee causing it to bend back and through him into the other one. Another was coming from behind Emily but Alex came behind him and snapped his neck. Emily turned to him and gave him a thumbs up and he did the same. Once the rebel soldiers were killed the rebel commander was the only one left and he surrendered getting on his knees

"Clear!" Emily informed and Ezra and Sabine walked in. "What do you scum want?" The rebel commander asked earning a hit in the back of the head by Alex. "Give us the coordinates to the rebel station in our sector." Ezra said. "I'll never give them to you. You're nothing but a bunch of savages that need to be in your place. Especially you Bridger." He said. "So you know who I am." Ezra said. "Yeah I've read your file. Former Jedi turned Mandalorian. And Sabine Wren. Traitors the both of you." He said. Sabine scoffed. "Please. More lies from Mon Mothma I presume. You all are nothing but pawns in her game that not even she knows how to play." She said. "What do you know. Nothing but war." The rebel commander said.

"Enough. Give us the coordinates now." Ezra said. "I'll never give you anything you meatheads." The rebel commander said. "Emily. Persuade him." Ezra ordered. Emily walked up to the rebel with fist balled up. She picked him up by the collar and punched him in the face. As he fell down, Emily kicked him in the face. She then kicked him in the chest and kneed him in his temple. Blood started to come out of his head. Emily grabbed his arm and put her elbow into his breaking it hearing the snapped and he yelled in pain. "Now I could do this myself but Emily here, she's really good at torturing people than me." Ezra said. "You people are sick." The rebel commander said in pain.

Ezra looked at Emily and she nodded. She pulled out her blaster and shot him in leg. She started her kicking again. Emily kicked him in the face, gut and back breaking every bone in his body. "This is getting boring. His limbs are breaking to easily for me." Emily said. "Try cutting him. Maybe that will be more enjoyable." Alex suggested. Emily pulled out her knife and tore off his shirt. She placed her foot on his spine and started to put cut marks on his back. He yelled in pain struggling to get her off.

Once she was done, Emily picked him up by the hair and slammed his face into the control terminal and he fell to the ground. "Is he still alive?" Sabine asked. Emily kicked him in the side and they heard a grunt. "Yep he's still breathing." She said. "Huh, tuff bastard." Sabine stated. The rebel commander grabbed Emily by the leg and tried to pick himself up. "Ah, still got some fight in him. I would be impressed if he wasn't a rebel." Emily said and they all laughed. While one of the rebel's hands grabbed onto her belt, she felt the other hand go somewhere else. "It's not a good idea to touch a female Mandalorian there." Emily said and kneed him in the side of his head. She then slammed her foot on to his cheek causing him to fall face first to the metal ground.

Ezra walked up to him and kneeled down to the rebel while he was still under Emily's foot. "So. You ready to cooperate with us now?" Ezra asked. He did not answer. Ezra looked up at Emily. "See if his voice still works." He told her. Emily stomped her foot on the rebels face again and they heard a yell in pain. "Please stop!" He pleaded. "Oh so you still can talk. Are ready to give us what we want now or do you still need more persuasion?" Ezra asked again. "Yes! Just call off your dog!" The rebel said. "What the hell did you just call me?!" Emily shouted and continued to kick him.

Once she stopped she backed up. "You brought that last beat down on yourself. Now give us what we want." Ezra said. The rebel struggled to get up to the terminal. Once he did, he put in a code and a chip. He grabbed the chip and handed it to Ezra. "There that's the coordinates." He said. "Good. This ship is dead. Lets leave him here." Ezra said. They were about to leave but the rebel commander said something. "Bridger, the rebellion will have your head for this. You're nothing but a street rat. A big fat load of bantha crap that doesn't deserve to live. You sniveling little son of a-!" Before he could finish he was blasted in the stomach.

Everyone saw Sabine with her blaster out smoking and aimed at him. "No one talks about my husband like that." She said and put her blaster in her holster. Ezra took her hand. He slightly lifted his helmet up and kissed Sabine's hand. "Alright everyone, lets head to these coordinates and destroy that station." Ezra ordered.

They all returned to their ships and detached from the rebel cruisers. "Everyone's ready boss." Emily said. "Okay make the jump." Ezra said and they jumped into hyperspace.

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