Chapter 35

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Emily and Alex were captured by the rebels during their mission on Dantooine. Alex was injured due to a blast wound on his side and no one didn't give them any meds. They have been captured for almost two days and they didn't have a plan of escape yet.

Emily and Alex had their armor and weapons taking off. They were put in a room hooked up to two machines hang from the ceiling and was put into an x position off the ground facing each other. They were left in the room alone in silence.

"Emily." Alex called out in a weak voice. "Alex.?" Emily asked. "I'm sorry...for getting myself shot and both of us captured like this." Alex said. "It's not your fault. Try not to talk much. You need your strength so we can get outta here." Emily told him. "I'm probably not gonna make it long with my wound." Alex said and coughed out some blood. "Don't say that. We're gonna get outta here and you WILL be alright." Emily tried to reassure him. Alex coughed out more blood and his breathing was heavy and weak. Emily looked down at him and saw blood coming out of his shirt from the blast wound. Emily looked down at the floor thinking how were they gonna get out of this.

Her thoughts were broken by the door opening. They both looked and saw Jobin with two rebels soldiers behind him. "So, how have you two been enjoying your stay here?" Jobin asked. "It's been very peachy." Emily stated in a sarcastic tone. Jobin looked over at Alex who was looking very weak. "Mando, you don't look so good." Jobin said smirking. "Get *coughs* scraped, rebel scum." Alex said as he coughed out more blood.

"Hmm. So let's begin shall we." Jobin said. He walked towards Emily and looked at her. "Such a fine young women, wasting her talents on a pitiful clan." Jobin said. "We kicked your ass time and time again." Emily said jerking her head forward at him but he did not flinch. Jobin put his hand on her cheek and went down to her chin. Emily tried to jerk her head away but Jobin grabbed her by the jaw. "Don't touch me." Emily spat. "Jobin! Get away from her!" Alex weakly shouted in anger. Jobin let go of Emily and faced Alex. He then gave Alex a hard punch in the face. "Alex!" Emily shouted. "You are in no position to threaten me." Jobin said. He then pressed a button on his wrist and Emily felt electrical shocks go through her body. She tried to hold in her screams but it made it worst and the flood gates broke and she was screaming in total pain.

When it stopped, she was breathing heavy and her body was smoking. "Now that I got your attention. I've noticed that you two work close with your leader, Ezra. That means that you two are at the top of the leader board behind him. Let's start with you girl." Jobin said and turned back the Emily. "Tell me everything you know about Ezra and how to defeat him and your clan." Jobin demanded. "Never! I'll never betray my clan, especially Ezra." Emily said. "So be it." Jobin said.

He pressed the button on his wrist but instead of Emily getting shocked, Alex was shocked. Jobin Stepped out of the way for Emily see Alex get tortured right in front of her. Emily's eyes widened as tears threaten to for but Emily held them back. She turned her head away not wanting to see Alex in the state he's in, but Jobin grabbed her by the jaw and forced her head to Alex. Emily was being forced to watch as Alex was electrocuted painfully and screamed in pain. "Stop!" Emily shouted. Alex's torture stopped and Alex was pale and his breathing was weak and heavy. "He's already hurt badly. What good is torturing him?" Emily asked. "It's for you to suffer. I've read up a lot about Clan Bridger. You; Emily, the strong explosive free minded young girl. Mandalorian pride at its best. Barely has any weaknesses to show on the battlefield. But you do have a weakness." Jobin explained.

"You don't know anything about me or my Clan. I'm Mandalorian. I never have weaknesses." Emily told him. "In fact you do. What some people on the battlefield don't know and only the people close to you know. You care too much about your closest people and you'll want to do anything to save or protect them. Take this young man Alex for an example; I see the way you look at him and I'm thinking maybe he's more then a friend to you." Jobin said.

Emily did a quick glace over a Alex and back to Jobin. "I thought so. You gonna tell me everything you know on how to defeat your clan?" Jobin asked. "No." Emily said. Jobin pressed the button again and Alex's torment continued as he screamed in pain. Emily ached on the inside feeling scared for Alex as she watched him be tortured. She tried to break free from her machine but to no avail. All she could do is watch and listen to Alex's being tortured.

After 30 minutes, the torture stopped and Alex groan a little and coughed out more blood. "He's suffering in two different ways, through his blast wound and his torture. Do you want him to keep going through it? If you tell me what I want to know, I'll personally make sure he gets the proper meds and treatment he needs. All you need to do is say the word." Jobin explained to Emily. Emily didn't know what to do. She didn't want to betray the Clan, but she didn't want Alex to be tortured anymore. Or die.

"E...Emily." Alex called out. "Alex. I'm here. Stay with me." Emily said. Alex slowly raised his head to look at her. He saw the worry, concern and scared expression on her face. Alex slightly smirked. "Hehe. Never see you look at me like that before." He said very weak trying to stay awake. "Alex please stay with me." Emily told him. "Listen...Emily....w-what ever y-you do....don't worry about me.......don't give this bastard anything." Alex said. "Alex." Emily said softly. "*sighs* if that's how it's gonna be then fine. Lets have fun all together and then take turns." Jobin said. He pressed the button again and both of them was tortured.

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