Chapter 4

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The next day

Ezra woke early in the morning while the sun was starting to rise. He looked to his side and saw Sabine was still sleep. He kissed her on the cheek and got out of bed to put on his armor. He walked out of the room and headed to Mira's room. He opened the door and saw her starting to wake up. "Hey Mira. What are you doing up early?" He asked. "I wanted to see you before you left." Mira answered. Ezra walked over to her bed and sat down. "I'm not leaving until later on. I'm just going to do my morning patrol around the base." Ezra told her. "Can I join you daddy? Please." Mira asked. "Well since you're already up, I guess you can." Ezra told her. "Yay!" She shouted and Ezra chuckled. He picked her up and walked out the room.

Ezra walked around with Mira in her arms. As they walked around, people stopped what they were doing and saluted Ezra. "Daddy, why do they do that?" Mira asked. "Because I'm their leader. Me and your mom are in charge of everyone and everything here. And one day so will you." Ezra answered. "Really. I can't wait! I'm gonna be just like you daddy." Mira said. "Who knows, you're probably gonna be better." Ezra told her.

While walking they met Emily on the way. "Hello Mira. How are you doing?" She asked while giving her a high five. "I'm doing good. Daddy was telling me about being a leader." Mira said. "Well I can't wait for that to happen. By the way, Ezra I wanted to show you what we did with the Kyber Crystal." Emily told him. "Alright lead the way." He said.

They walked in the reactor room of the base. "We decided to use some of the energy to power the base and use the rest to power the all the ships power cells." Emily explained. "Good work, Emily." Ezra asked. "Thanks. One more thing, Alex returned from his recon mission and is in the training room." Emily told him. "Alright lets go see him." Ezra said.

Ezra, Mira and Emily entered the training room. They saw Alex and some Mandalorian rookies doing target practice. "Remember to keep a tight grip on the blaster! Breath, aim then fire!" Alex said. "Sounds like you have your hands full here." Ezra said. Alex turned around. "Hey boss. Just giving the shinnies some advice." Alex stated. "Well that's good." Ezra said. "Agh! I keep missing!" A rookie said. "Don't worry you'll get the hang of it." Alex told him. "Not likely. This hole thing is full of bantha-" "Hey! Watch what you say kid." Ezra warned. The rookie saw Ezra with Mira in his arms and bowed his head. "Apologizes sir. I didn't know you were here." He said. "One of Ezra's most important rules is never swear in front of his daughter." Alex said to him. "Here let me show you how it's done." Ezra said. He put Mira down and grabbed his blaster. He walked forward and started to shoot down all targets. After he was done the rookies all clapped their hands. "Wow who taught you how to shoot?" A rookie asked.

"I did." A voice said. They turned around and saw Sabine walking to them. "Mommy!" Mira said and hugged her. "Hello my little starbird. I see you've been hanging out with your father." Sabine said. "Yes! I'm having fun." Mira said. Sabine picked her up and walked over to kiss Ezra. "Hope you don't mind I didn't wake you." Ezra said. "No it's fine. What are you doing today?" Sabine asked. "Yeah I'm taking Emily, Alex and some others on a mission for today. I'll probably be back later on." Ezra said. "Cool. When do we leave?" Emily asked. "We leave in a few. So get the men ready." Ezra ordered. "You're the boss. C'mon Alex lets go." Emily said and they walked away.

Everyone was ready and waiting for Ezra so they could leave. "Be careful out there." Sabine said. "I will." He said. "I wish I can go with you daddy." Mira said sadly. Ezra put a hand on her head. "Hey don't worry. One day me, you and your mom will go on a mission together. And you can see us kick butt." He reassured her. Mira smiled and hugged Ezra's hand to her face. Ezra hugged her and kissed Sabine. "Bye daddy!" Mira said. Ezra waved bye and got on the ship. "Alright everyone lets head out." Ezra said and the ships took off.

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