Chapter 111: Ezra Vs Seth

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15 minutes earlier

After Seth ends the call with Ezra, he turned back to Sabine who still had her arms chained above her head. "Well Sabine this was fun but now I gotta go torture and kill your husband. And maybe when I'm done you can be my play thing." Seth said. Sabine looked up at him and frowned. "You won't win. Ezra has faced stronger people than you and still won. After what you did he'll kill you. And if you think he'll quit than you're definitely wrong. Ezra Bridger never quits. Count on that." Sabine said. Seth had a smirk and walked up to her and grabbed her by her chin. Sabine had fear written on her face as Seth wrapped his other arm around her waist and pulled her even more closer. Seth then pressed his lips on hers. Sabine tried to pull away but Seth kept her still. Sabine felt disgusted having Seth's lips on hers but couldn't do anything about it as tears went down her face. Once Seth parted he let go of Sabine and back up. "Thanks for the good luck kiss." Seth said as he walked out. Sabine had her head down doing nothing but praying for Ezra.

"Please. Please be careful Ezra."

Current time

Seth looked down at Ezra from on top of a building as Ezra looked up at him. Seth couldn't tell because of the helmet but he felt Ezra's anger and bloodlust and smirked under his helmet as he jumped off the building landing a few feet away from Ezra. "I knew you would show up. Guess I made the right choice of picking Sabine. It's easy to get to some people if they have something to lose." Seth said. "Where is she?" Ezra growled. "Oh don't worry about her. You better keep your focus on me if you want to see her again." Seth said. Ezra stayed silent. "I see why you chose her as your mate. She's strong willed, her voice sounds amazing. Well when she screams." Seth said. Right now Seth was trying to enrage Ezra more, but what he said would push Ezra over the edge. "The way she feels is also amazing as well. Her body is a miracle." Seth said and Ezra went wide eyed. "Her skin feels so soft. Along with her lips too." Seth finished.

Ezra lost it.

Lighting surrounded his body from his Force Judgment and he shot lighting at Seth who used his lightsaber to block it. Once Ezra stopped, Seth looked at him while lighting sparked around Ezra's body. "Finally. I get your full power. Time for the fun to begin." Seth said as they both ran towards each other and clashed. Ezra swung his lightsaber at Seth as Seth blocked his attacks and kicked him back. Ezra fired a cable out of his gauntlet and it wrapped around Seth's arm but Seth quickly cut the cable. "You won't get me with the same trick." He said as he ran towards Ezra attacking him with multiple swings from his lightsaber. Ezra dodged and blocked his attacks and used Force Judgment to push him back and sending him flying into a building.

Seth emerged from the building and fired his own lighting towards Ezra. Ezra blocked it but it was powerful enough to force him into a building. Seth then used the Force to lift the building off the ground and have it fall om Ezra. Ezra saw this and immediately put his hands up to stop the building from falling and threw it to the side. He emerged from the rubble and charged at Seth who did the same. They locked horns again and they both went for a slash to the head and they hit each others lightsaber. Seth swung his lightsaber at Ezra's torso and Ezra blocked it and tried to swing at his head with his other lightsaber but Seth grabbed his hand before it could happen. Seth kicked Ezra back and jumped over him swinging his lightsaber at him but Ezra blocked him with both his lightsabers. Seth landed behind him and tried to strike him from behind but Ezra spun around and blocked him and kicked him back. Seth then fired lighting at him and Ezra did the same followed by an explosion sending both of them back. Before Seth could get up, Ezra appeared above him and swung his lightsabers down at him but Seth quickly blocked it and used the Force to push Ezra away. He got up and used the Force to send rocks towards Ezra making Ezra put his arms up to defend him from getting hit. When he looked up he saw Seth in front of him about to swing his lightsaber. Ezra barely dodged it as it scratched his chest armor. Ezra placed a hand on his chest where Seth hit him at. It wasn't a big cut but it was deep. Ezra ran towards Seth and fired a rocket from his jetpack and Seth used the Force to redirect it into a nearby building. Ezra jumped in the air and threw one of his lightsabers at Seth. Seth blocked it and the lightsaber went back to Ezra as he landed back on the ground swing his lightsabers at Seth. Seth dodged his attacks and tried to spin kick Ezra in the head but Ezra dodged it by ducking down giving Seth to opportunity to knee him in the helmet making Ezra stumble back.

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