Chapter 52

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Anna nightmare

"No! Stop!" Anna shouted in darkness as She was being surrounded by men. She was trapped in a corner of her cell not being able to move. She looked at her surroundings and saw that she was back at the imperial labor camp. She realized that she was still a young. This wasn't just a nightmare. It was a memory. Six guys back her into a corner. They had tore her shirt off along with parts of her pants and taken her shoes away. The men had knives, whips, belts, cuffs and chains. One of them grabbed both of Anna's arms and hung them above her head. "Please! Let me go!" They cuffed her hands and wrapped a chain around them. Her hands were now cuffed and chained above her head and she couldn't move. Another guy grabbed both her legs and raised them up. "No! Please!" Another went around behind Anna and put his hands around her neck and in her shirt. Anna was crying and was calling for help but no one heard her. Then the last thing she saw was complete darkness.

End of nightmare

Anna shot up screaming and crying. Her vision was blurred and she could make out a figure walking up to her. "Please! Get away! Stop! I'll kill you!" She shouted. "Whoa! Whoa! Hey Anna! Relax! It's Cayde!" The figure said. Anna focused more and saw it was Cayde. He had both hands on her shoulders. "C-Cayde?" Anna asked still sobbing. "Hey it's okay. You're safe." Cayde reassured her. "W-Where are we?" Anna asked. "We're at one of my hideouts. The Empire has been all over the Underworld after what we did. I figured it was too dangerous to carry an unconscious red head to the Ghost. While I was walking past the building, something told me to go check it out and I thank goodness I did. When we got here, I took care of your broken arm and any other bruises." Cayde explained with a small smile.

Out of nowhere, Anna lunged herself into Cayde's chest hugging tight and crying. Cayde was taken by surprise but comfort her. "They just came out of nowhere and grabbed me. I didn't have time to defend myself. The last thing I remember was walking away from the base and then I was grabbed. After I woke up....I-I was scared of what they would do to me." Anna explained in sobs burring her face into Cayde's chest. "It's okay. They won't hurt you anymore. I made sure of it." Cayde told her.

"It's not only that. It brought back...bad memories." Anna said. "What kind of bed memories?" Cayde asked. "When I was orphaned and my second family was killed, I was put into a labor camp. I was just a child at the time but they didn't care. Then a few nights when I'm in my cell. Men would come in and...and...." Anna trailed off crying again not wanting to say the next word. "Anna." Cayde said softly and pulled her into another hug. They stayed like that for a few minutes while Anna started to slowly stop crying. "I won't let anyone do that to you again. Promise." Cayde said. Anna broke the hug and smiled. Cayde got up and went over to a table. He came back with some cloths. "I took the initiative and got you some new cloths you could sleep in for the night. We can head back to the Ghost in the morning." He said. "Thanks." Anna said and grabbed the cloths. "Now try not to take too long. I just made some food and I don't want it to get cold." Cayde said and Anna chuckled. "Okay I'll be out soon." She said and Cayde walked out to let her get dressed.

At the Ghost

"That's it! I can't take this anymore." Emily said about to walk out of the common room. "Emily you need to stay calm." Ezra said. "But I can't. I feel like every moment I'm not out there searching for her, she could be hurt captured or..." Emily didn't want to finish her sentence. Ezra walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "She'll be fine. I can sense she's with Cayde at the moment." Ezra said. "You really can?" Emily asked. "Yes. As long as he's around, he won't let anything happen to her. I know it." Ezra said with a reassuring smile. Emily sighed with relief but was still kinda worried. "Alright. In the morning we'll go look for them. We can't tonight because of Imperial patrols." Ezra told her and Emily smiled.

Back at Cayde's hideout

Cayde was making his and Anna's plate of food and had two drinks next to him. "Mmmm, food smells good." Anna said behind him. Cayde turned around and his eyes widened with amazement. Anna was wearing a pair of skinny shorts with long socks, and a long sleeve shirt that covered half her upper body while revealing her stomach and torso. Anna noticed him staring and blushed. "You look nice." Cayde complemented. "Thanks." Anna said. Cayde grabbed both their plates and set them down on a table. They both sat down and started to eat.

After eating their food, they sat back in there chairs stuffed. "That was good." Cayde stated. "Indeed." Anna added. Cayde took one last sip of his drink and gave out a burp. He quickly covered his mouth in embarrassment. Anna smirked and took one last sip of her drink giving out a big burp and they both laughed. "Well look at the time. You should get some rest. I'll take the watch for the night." Cayde said. Anna got up but was hesitant to leave. "What's wrong?" Cayde asked. "I...really don't feel comfortable sleeping by myself after the....night I had. Can I near you." Anna asked blushing. Cayde smiled. "Sure." He said and Anna smiled.

They both sat on a couch staring out the window of the Underworld city. Anna got closer to Cayde as he put an arm around her. They stayed like that for what felt like forever. Then Anna turned over to look at Cayde who looked back at her. They were now staring into each others eyes getting lost in thought. Cayde used his hand to stroke the back of her head while Anna put a hand on his chest. Cayde then put his other hand on Anna's thigh and she flinched at the touch. Cayde quickly drew his hand away. "Sorry. Didn't mean to go that far. I..." "No. It's okay. Maybe this will help me forget." Anna said grabbing his hand placing it back on her thigh. Then she moved his hand up to her waist and lower back. Cayde smiled. "Ya know. I always loved red heads." He said.

Then their lips made contact with each other send a rush in both of them. They slowly started to make out with each other. Anna moved both her hands behind Cayde's neck gripping him tight while Cayde moved his hand up and down her back and waist still kissing. Cayde then decided to take off his shirt and all that was on was his tank top. He moved his lips down to Anna's neck and slowly started to kiss her there. Anna let out a few giggles before moaning at the contact. Cayde moved back up to her lips and continued to make out. He then laid down to let Anna be on top of him still kissing. Holding each other close, they made out with each other all night.

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