Chapter 86: Battle Of Mandalore part 2

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In the Capital city of Sundari, the entire city was mostly abandoned. Some people in the city couldn't afford to go underground. So they were left in their homes with barely any food or water.

At the palace, most of the imperial garrison was there guarding the palace and inside the throne room was Grand Admiral Thrawn. He turned the whole throne room into a command center and was studying the city's layout until Seth walked in. "Ah Seth. What a nice surprise. What can I do for you?" Thrawn asked. "I want to back out there. I want Bridger." Seth said. "Seth like I said before, Clan Bridger would never let get close to their dear leader." Thrawn said. "But I want to fight him again. I can't fail this time." Seth said. "I understand, but Lord Vader instructed me to keep you hear until further notice." Thrawn said. Then a imperial officer ran in. "Sir our fleet is under attack by the Mandalorians!" He said. "Well Seth. It looks like you'll get your get chance sooner than expected." Thrawn said.

On one of the cruisers, Bo and Roman were walking side by side in the hangar bay on their way to their gunship while watching everyone run to theirs. "The hardest part of all this is landing our troops on the ground." Bo stated. "Once we land we'll have our hands full with the imperials. They'll give us some trouble but nothing we can't handle." Roman said as they both got on their gunship. "Well then lets get started." Bo said as they took off from the cruiser.

Ursa, Amari and Tristan got onto their gunship in their cruiser. "So here we go. In another warzone on Mandalore." Ursa said. "I thought you loved this thrill." Amari said with a smirk. "Well of course I do. But I enjoy the thrill with you more." Ursa said smirking back. "Seriously guys. C'mon on." Tristan said and they laughed. "Pilot take off." Amari said and they took off from the cruiser.

Alex was walking with Ezra and Sabine. "Alex did you hear about the last time we were on Mandalore?" Ezra asked. "Yes but I only heard about it from other people. Saying that the last time you two blew up an imperial cruiser." Alex said. "Well you're right about that. We also saved Sabine's father and that's how I learned to fly a jetpack." Ezra explained. "After spinning out of control a few times. He had more trouble controlling a jetpack than beating me in a lightsaber duel." Sabine added as they got on their gunship. "That sounds....Entertaining." Alex said. Ezra smirked over at Sabine. "It was." He said before the gunship doors closed and took off.

Alex met up with Anna and Cayde on their gunship and soon Emily and Madison joined them. "We all set Alex?" Emily asked. "Yep. Ezra and Sabine already took off." Alex told her. "Well they have a head start. We'll have to catch up." Emily said as their gunship took off.

Multiple gunships hauling troops and tanks took off from the cruisers flying past all the imperial ships while the cruisers moved in closer.

Back at the palace Thrawn and Seth were watching the space battle on a holotable. "Sir enemy cruisers are moving in closer." An officer said. "Active the orbital cannons. We'll stop their supply of reinforcements." Thrawn ordered.

Imperial orbital cannon control

Imperial orbital cannon control

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