Chapter 61

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It was a small plan but simple. The prison had a underground sewer system right underneath it. The entrance was not far from where they were. Emily and Alex would enter the sewers from this entrance, travel all the way through. The exit is unclear where is goes out to but they would find out once the plan goes into action. They sneak their way into the security room and find out which cell is Madison's. After that, they make their way to the cell take out any guards along the way and break her out. If they run into any big trouble or if they can't make it back to the sewer entrance, they'll try to escape with jetpacks.

It was night time and Emily and Alex stood on top of a hill as they saw the sewer entrance had a imperial patrol group around. "You ready Em?" Alex asked. "Yeah. I'm ready." Emily said. They both slid down the hill and ran at the stormtroopers in different directions. They both pulled out some EMP grenades and threw them in the center of them. When they went off, the troopers helmet lights were off and their guns weren't working. Before they could look around, they got blind sided by both Emily and Alex. Emily kicked two in the head and shot three in the chest while Alex shot two more down.

"Alright, clear. Lets get this open." Alex said as he kneeled down to the entrance. It was heavy but Alex was strong enough to lift it and set it down. He rose up with a huff and looked at Emily who was looking at him. "What?" He asked. "Nothing. Just always loved how strong you are." Emily said and Alex smiled under his helmet. "C'mon, ladies first." Alex said. "Thank you." Emily told him as she jumped down in the sewer.

They jumped down and was met with sewer water high above their ankles half way up the shin. "Ewww. When we get back to base, I'm gonna wash my cloths and take a shower for a few hours." Emily stated. "You won't be the only one." Alex added and they started to wall further in the sewer.

Emily and Alex have been walking through the sewer tunnel for a couple of minutes in silence. Alex saw Emily was a bit uneasy about seeing her big sister again. Alex did feel bad about how Emily's relationship with her sister ended. He could tell just by seeing and listening that Emily took it to heart. Her hands were shaking and it looked like she felt vulnerable now which was something not everyone could see. To try and make her feel better He grabbed Emily's hand and locked fingers with hers and gave her hand a tight squeeze. Emily looked up and him and sighed. "Alex I know you're trying to make me feel better and it's really sweet but I don't if I'm ready to see her again." Emily told him. "What do you mean?" Alex asked. "It's just, I was so lost not having her around. When I ever needed it, she always comforted me in my darkest times. She always tell me that everything will be okay as long as we had each other." Emily explained. "Oh, so I don't do all that for you?" Alex said a little sad. Emily turned to stand in front of him. "No. Alex I didn't mean it like that. You've been so sweet to me since day one and I thank you for that. Madison was, to me in that time, the only family I had left. Losing her, broke me, until you brought me back." She told him placing a hand on his chest.

"I know I can't understand how you feel because I never had any siblings, but I can share the pain in losing someone you love. I watched my parents get gunned down right in front of me. I never got a second chance with them, but now you got a second chance with your sister. I say take it. It's one thing to lose your family. But it's another to have a second chance at it." Alex told her grabbing her hand and placing one his heart. Emily smiled under her helmet at him. She couldn't tell, but she knew he was smiling back. "Alex, I love you so much." Emily told him. "I love you too Em. Now, what do you say we do this mission." Alex said back and Emily nodded.

They soon found themselves at the end of tunnel and looked up to see a hatch. Alex climbed up the ladder and opened the hatch. Once it opened he peeked his head out to find himself in a empty cafeteria. "Alex, what do you see?" Emily asked from the bottom. "It's okay. We're at some cafeteria. It looks like no one else is here. C'mon up." Alex said climbing out. He reached his hand down to Emily and she took it while climbing out. They looked around and saw a door. They ran to the door and into the hallway.

As they ran down the halls in search for the security room, they had to sneak past many guards and patrols. Soon they made it to the security room and to their surprise, no one was there. They took this as an advantage and walked towards the terminal. Emily started to go through the systems in search for the cell Madison was in. Alex was standing guard at the door until he heard a gasp from Emily. Alex immediately went over to her. He was about to ask what's wrong until he saw what she was looking at. It wad Madison. She was on her knees facing the wall and had her arms chained to both sides of the wall. Her shirt was ripped and her back was opened

Suddenly, the door opened in the cell and a man walked behind Madison. Emily immediately turned on the audio on the terminal and they heard him speak. "So weak. Just like always. It's such a shame you couldn't fall in line." The man said as he trailed a finger down Madison's bare back making her flinch. He then started to trail his hands all over Madison's body. "Stop! Don't touch me!" Madison shouted. "It seems you need another lesson on who's the boss." The man said as he grabbed a whip off his belt. He then backed up and started to whip Madison on her bare back making her scream in pain.

Emily couldn't take it anymore. She got up from the chair and ran at the door but Alex grabbed her arm. "Emily no. We can't be seen." He said. Emily turned her head back to him with tears. "She's my sister. I have to help her." She said trying to pry herself away from him. "Emily. We can't." Alex said pulling her into a hug. Emily stopped struggling but soon burst into tears and cried into his chest. They could still here Madison screaming in pain and Alex turned off the audio on the terminal. Emily hugged Alex tighter still crying. Soon Alex looked back at the terminal and saw the man had left Madison's cell. "Okay. Now we can go." He said and Emily nodded.

Soon they ran into the area where Madison's cell would be and started to look around. "Emily. Over here." She heard Alex say. She ran over and saw Alex standing in front of a cell door. "The door's already unlocked for you. I'll stand guard out here." Alex told her. "Thank you so much Alex." Emily told him. "Anytime Em. Now go get her." Alex said. Emily stood in front of the door. She was frozen in her place just staring at the door. "W-What should I say? It's been years." Emily asked. "Don't think about it just listen to this." Alex said placing a hand over her chest where her heart is. With a shaky sigh, Emily pressed the button and the door open.

She walked inside she heard some sobs. Emily saw her sister crying while still chained up. "Madison." Emily said softly. She ran over to her and immediately started to unchain her. When she was done, Emily held Madison in her arms on the ground. "Madison? Can you hear me?" Emily asked. Madison slowly opened her eyes and saw her. "Wha...Who are you?" She asked. Emily took off her helmet and placed it on the ground. "It's me Maddy. It's Emily." She said. Her eyes widened in shock and placed a hand on her cheek. "Emily. My little sister. All grown-up." She said as both of them went into tears crying in each others arms.

Once they parted they smiled at each other. "But how? How are you here?" Madison asked. "I'll explain everything once we get you outta here. Can you walk?" Emily said helping her up. "Yeah. I can." Madison said. "Good. Lets go. We don't have much time." Emily said and they walked out of the cell to meet Alex. "Hey. I'm Alex. Emily's boyfriend." Alex introduced. "Boyfriend hmm." Madison said nudging Emily on the arm who blushed. "I'll explain that too but right now we need to get outta here." Emily told her but before they could do anything they were surrounding by stormtroopers. Emily, Alex and Madison was back to back with each other as more stormtroopers came.

Suddenly they heard slow clapping coming at them. Emily and Madison turned around and a gasp came out of their mouths. "Well well well. My two brats. Finally together." The man said with a cold voice that both sisters wished they could forget.


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