Chapter 10

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The next morning Ezra woke up still in Mira's bed. He looked to his left and saw Mira still cuddled up on his arm and Sabine had an arm around Mira still sound asleep. Ezra gently stroked Sabine's cheek waking her up. "*yawns* is it time?" Sabine asked. "Yeah come on we gotta go." Ezra whispered. Sabine got out of bed and stretched. Ezra was trying to get up without waking Mira. Mira let out a soft groan as she slowly woke up. "Daddy where are you going?" Mira asked. "Mommy and I have to meet Emily and Alex in the command room." Ezra told her. "Can I *yawns* come with you?" Mira asked trying to stay awake. "You're still too sleepy. Go ahead back to sleep. We'll be back later on today." Ezra said. "Okay." Mira said going back to sleep. "Okay lets go get ready." Sabine said and they both walked out of the room.

After they got their armor and equipment on, they entered the command room and saw already there. "Attention!" Emily shouted and everyone stood up and saluted Ezra and Sabine. "At ease everyone." Sabine said and everyone went back to work. "So boss how are we gonna fire back at the rebels?" Emily asked. Ezra walked up to the holo table and pulled up a planet. "Since we've been in the rebellion, we know most of their hideouts." Ezra stated. "This one is called Havoc Outpost. Me and Ezra's been there before many times. This outpost holds rebel base locations throughout the know reaches of the galaxy. This will be our first target." Sabine explained. "Why not just attack their main base on Yavin 4? We know that's where Mothma and mostly the whole rebellion is." Alex asked. "I thought about it and no. We wanna make sure they can't go and hide somewhere to retaliate against us. If we wanna hurt them, we gotta do it slowly." Ezra explained. "I think it's a good plan, doing this will cripple those rebels hard." Emily said. "So it's official. Sabine I need you to stay here. If the rebels do a counter attack while we're both gone, this base is gonna need a leader with them." Ezra said. "Alright, I doubt they will counter attack, but okay." Sabine told him. "Okay them. Emily, Alex, get the men ready. We leave at 0900 ASAP." Ezra ordered. "Yes sir." They said and left.

Everyone was outside the base readying the fighters for departure. "Okay, I set the coordinates for the outpost And I gave Emily the encryption key so you can hack the all the data that outpost has. And I made sure you all have enough explosives to blow it sky high." Sabine said. "Okay good. Listen, I know you wanted to come and everything and I'm always the one leaving while you stay here......" Ezra said. "It's fine Ezra. You're right, they need at least one of us here to run things if the rebels come back. It'll be fine." Sabine told him. Ezra smiled and kissed her. He walked onto the ship. "Love you!" Ezra said to her. "Love you more!" Sabine said back. The ships took off and left the planet. "All ships are ready to go boss." Emily said. "Alright, enter hyperspace." Ezra ordered and they all jumped into hyperspace.

All ships were in hyperspace heading for the Havoc Outpost. It was gonna take 5 hours to get there so some were sleeping or going over their weapons. Ezra was in his room meditating when he heard a knock at the door. "Come in." The door opened and Emily was at the door. "Hey Emily what's wrong?" Ezra asked. "Uh.....I......I don't it's pretty stupid to ask. I mean you're my boss and stuff." Emily stuttered looking away and down. Ezra got up from the floor, went to go sit down on the bed and gestured her to sit next to him. Emily nodded and sat down. "Hey. I'm more than just your boss. I'm a friend. You can talk to me." Ezra said placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Do......Do you think Alex likes me?" Emily asked. Ezra's eyes widened not expecting that question. "What makes you think he likes you?" Ezra asked. "It's just, he always wants to do stuff with me. We have fun together always and we're always so competitive with each other." Emily explained. "I know how you feel." Ezra said. "You do?" Emily asked raising an eyebrow. "Mm. To be honest, I was trying to imprest Sabine when I first met her." Ezra explained and Emily laughed a little. "Oh haha. Anyway, we were always competitive with each other too, wanting to do stuff with each other and we always have fun too. The day we admitted our feelings for each other was the best day." Ezra told her. "Wow. You never told me that before." Emily said.

"So, do you like Alex?" Ezra asked. Emily's face turned red. " I mean- maybe- I mean..." Emily stuttered. Ezra gave out a small laugh. "It's not funny! I'm confused about all this." Emily said. "That's how I acted when Sabine asked me if I liked her." Ezra stated. "Well maybe I like him." Emily said. "Sabine told me that when I asked her." Ezra stated. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Take my advice. Just go for it. Me and Sabine went for it after awhile and look where we are now. If you like him just tell him." Ezra told her. "What if I'm wrong and I ruin our friendship with each other?" Emily asked. "If he doesn't then that's on him. You are one of the best Mandalorians in our clan and if he doesn't see that then he doesn't know what he's missing." Ezra said. Emily smiled at him. "Thanks Ezra, after the mission I'm gonna go for it." She said. Emily then hugged him and he hugged back. They broke the hug. "It feels good to talk about it with you." Emily said. "I'm always here if you wanna talk whenever you want to." Ezra told her. Then their coms beeped. "Sir we are almost about to come out of hyperspace." The pilot said. "Ready Emily?" Ezra asked. "Ready as I'll ever be." Emily told her and they left the room.

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