Chapter 25

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Clan Bridger stood before the man with white armor and lightsaber. His armor was nothing like they never seen before. Neither Ezra or Sabine knew this kind of armor when they were in the rebellion. The man took a few more steps and was met with blasters aimed at him.

"So, is this guy some type of Jedi?" Alex asked. Ezra scoffed and said, "He ain't no Jedi." Ezra said. "Indeed. I am not a Jedi but that doesn't mean I didn't learn how to use it." The man said. "Who are you?" Sabine asked. "My name is Jobin. I am apart of the RVD, Rebel Vanguard Division, swore only to take orders from General Mon Mothma herself." Jobin said. "Huh, we heard about you guys when we're apart of the rebellion. Rebels like you never failed a mission." Ezra said. "Correct. I intend to keep my streak alive and well. And to do so, I'll have to fight you." Jobin said pointing his lightsaber at Ezra. "Oh Please. I could take you down without a sweat." Ezra stated. "Didn't think of you to chicken out on a fight. Maybe I could ask your wife to challenge me. Perhaps if I beat her, I can put you in your place." Jobin said.

That triggered Ezra. "How 'bout I make you eat your own words." Ezra said. "Well bring it." Jobin told him. Ezra looked at Sabine and she nodded. "Everyone finish the mission and follow me." Sabine ordered. "Yes ma'am." Clan Bridger soldiers said. "Good luck Ezra." She added and they left.

Ezra ignited his lightsabers and walked towards Jobin. "Ooooh. This is gonna be fun. I haven't had a real challenge." Jobin said. "Are you gonna keep on talking or do I have to make you shut up." Ezra said. They both pointed their lightsabers at each other. They ran towards each other and clashed. They clashed their lightsabers back and forward with each other. Jobin went for a swing and Ezra backflipped out of the way and used the force to push him back. Jobin put his lightsaber into the floor slowing himself from the push. He got up and a fired a shockwave out of his wrist gauntlet. The impact made Ezra stumble a bit but he controlled himself. As Jobin went for the attack, Ezra flew in the air with his jetpack. He put one of his lightsabers on his belt and grabbed his blaster. He shot at Jobin a few times and Jobin blocked the shots with his wrist shield. Jobin fired a grapple in the air and it caught Ezra on the chest plate. He yanked Ezra down to the floor and went for the attack again. Ezra blocked his attack and rolled over to kick him back.

They both ran towards each other and clashed again. Ezra pushed him back and fired a lasso at Jobin's neck. Ezra flew into the and taking Jobin with him. Ezra swung Jobin into some crates and let go of the lasso. Jobin got up and fired blaster bolts from his wrist. Ezra deflected the bolts and flew straight at him. Ezra tackled Jobin in the air and against the wall. Jobin quickly kneed Ezra in the helmet a few times and threw Ezra off of him. They both landed on the ground. "This is awesome! In all my years I've never had a good fight like this!" Jobin said. "Careful about what you do kid. Cause this might be your last match if you don't step it up." Ezra told him. "Yeah, you're right. What do you say we kick things up a notch." Jobin suggested. "Fine by me. Just so you know I won't hold back." Ezra informed. "Well what do ya know, great minds think alike. So lets do this." Jobin said and they clashed again.

Sabine, Emily and some other Clan Bridger soldiers were running throughout the station on their way to the power room. "Emily, how much farther do we have to go?" Sabine asked. "Actually not that far. It's up ahead." Emily said. "Good. Cause I wanna get this done and head back to Ezra." Sabine said. "You're worried about him?" Emily asked. "Of course I am. I don't want him to get hurt or anything." Sabine stated. "Hey it's okay. We both know Ezra can handle anything that the Rebellion or the Empire throws at him. He'll be alright." Emily reassured her and Sabine smiled under her helmet.

They entered the power room and looked around in the big room. "Spread out. I want the charges placed at the weakest points of this place." Sabine ordered. "Yes ma'am!" The soldiers said and got to work. They set charges on terminals, power cells, wall and more. Emily walked towards on of the terminals and began to hack it. "Emily, what are you doing?" Sabine asked. "I'm about add more fireworks to the show." Emily answered. Once she was done, the screens was flashing red and saying 'reactor meltdown in progress.' "I taught you too well Em." Sabine stated. "Aw shucks Sabine. You're making me blush." Emily joked and they both laughed.

"Alex, how are things at your end?" Sabine asked n her comm. "Almost ready. We got most of the supplies." Alex answered. "Well you better hurry. Emily just added a Grand Finale to this mission." Sabine told him. "Aw crap I know what that means. C'mon people I wanted this stuff out of here yesterday. Pick up the pace or we'll be apart of Emily's firework show." Alex said and ended the transmission. "Okay we're moving people. Lets head back to the ships." Sabine ordered. "Yes ma'am!" They said and ran out of the power room.

Ezra and Jobin were still in a heated battle with each other. Clashing lightsabers back and forward like crazy. Ezra side step one of his attacks and side kicked Jobin in the gut. Jobin retaliated with a spin kick. Ezra blocked it but it made him stumble back a little. Ezra swung his lightsaber at Jobin and he blocked it with his wrist shield. Jobin swung his lightsaber at Ezra and he blocked it with his. They were locked horns with each other trying to get the upper hand. They pushed each other back. Jobin fired a cable at Ezra's helmet. He yanked Ezra towards him and kicked him in the helmet making Ezra fall back. Ezra slowly got up on one knee trying to steady himself after that kick. Jobin walked towards him and put his lightsaber in the air ready to strike Ezra down.

Then a blaster bolt hit Jobin in the helmet making him stumble back. He looked to the source and saw Sabine and other Clan Bridger soldiers shooting at Jobin. "Emily! Get Ezra! Alex cover her!" Sabine ordered. "Right!" They both said. They ran next to Ezra still shooting at Jobin. Emily put Ezra's arm around her and helped him to his feet. She turned and walked Ezra towards the ship with Alex not far behind. Jobin was about to attack again but Alex still shot at him making Jobin back up. Jobin then ran out a door way and out of sight.

Clan Bridger got on their ships and they took off from the station. Emily sat Ezra down in a chair and Sabine kneeled down next to him. She took off both of their helmets. "Ezra, you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, thanks for the assist." Ezra said. Sabine smiled and kissed him on the lips. "So you guys placed the charges?" Ezra asked. "Yep. They should be going off!" Emily said. Just when she said that, a huge explosion happened around the station. "Damn. How many charges did you use?" Ezra asked surprised. "That was mostly Emily's handy work. She started a reactor meltdown." Sabine told him. "And I have no regret!" Emily said proudly and they laughed. "Okay guys. Lets head back home." Ezra ordered and all their ships jumped into hyperspace.

Yavin 4

A ship exited hyperspace over Yavin 4 and entered the planets orbit. The pilot have the clearance codes and landed at the rebel base. Once he landed, he jumped out of his ship and walked towards the command center.

Once he entered he saw Mon Mothma. When she saw him, she immediately went over to him. "Jobin, are you okay?" She asked. "Yes ma'am. But the station has been destroyed." Jobin answered. "Let me guess. Clan Bridger?" Mothma said. "Yes. I'm sorry. I failed to keep the station safe." Jobin said. Mon Mothma placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it. There will be another day. I'm just glad that you are safe and back to me." She told him. Jobin smiled and hugged her.

"Thanks, mom."

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