Chapter 46

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"Emily, Anna. Meet Cayde."

Ezra walked up to Cayde and locked hands with each other. "Nice to see you finally make to the planet after all this time." Cayde said. "Well leading a Clan is hard work old friend. I'm surprised you're still alive." Ezra said. "Hey. Haven't bite the dust yet. Nothin on this planet can kill me." Cayde told him.

He looked behind Ezra and saw Emily and Anna. He walked up to them both. "A pleasure to meet you both." He said. They both took their helmets off and looked at each other and back at Cayde. When Cayde saw Anna, hid eyes widened and jaw half open. He walked up to her and grabbed her hand. "Hi my name's Cayde. What's yours?" He said. "Uh...Anna." Anna said. "It's nice to meet you Anna." Cayde said and kissed her hand. Anna smiled and turned red. "T-Thanks. Nice to meet you too." She said. Then they heard sirens in the distance. "We should head out. Bucketheads will be here soon." Cayde said. "We can catch up once we get to the Ghost. Lets go." Ezra said and they ran.

They ran down the streets past people and threw alleyways all the way back to the Ghost. That's when they saw four squads of stormtroopers around it and some of them had on black and red armor. They took cover behind a building. "Great. It looks like we're gonna have to fight our way to the ship." Ezra said. "How do we do that?" Emily asked. "It doesn't look like there's a way to fight them head on." Anna added. "Guess we don't have a choice." Ezra stated. He was about to step out to the open but Cayde stopped him. "Ezra Bridger: always ready for a full force fight. How bout this: Emily and Anna go up top the buildings and you can over there on the other buildings and you all wait for my signal." He explained. "What are you gonna do?" Emily asked. "Me? I'm gonna walk up to them, give them a little talking, put a bolt in most of there heads and maybe grab a bite to eat when I'm done." Cayde answered. "Wait. Are really sure you wanna go over there by yourself? What if something happens and we can't get to you?" Anna asked concerned. "Ah don't worry. I'll be fine. Besides, I'm the best at what I do." Cayde answered. He put his helmet on and put his hood over his head. He gave them a thumbs up and they nodded and got into their positions.

When they got into there positions, Cayde walked out into the open and towards the stormtroopers. As he got closer the stormtroopers saw him. "Hello there." Cayde said. They all pointed there blasters at him. Cayde threw his hands in the air. "Whoa whoa whoa! Easy! I come in peace! Hold your fire." Cayde said. The stormtroopers looked at each other and back at him. "What are you doing here?" One elite stormtrooper asked. "I just wanted to come over here and say that's my ship you all are surrounding." Cayde said. "Well it's in the wrong place. You landed here illegally and now you're coming with us." Another elite said. "Um...yeah nope. Not gonna work for me here." Cayde said.

"What do you mean no?" The elite asked. "Oh what? You didn't hear me? I could've swore I was using my outdoor voice. Alright then I'll put it in a way you can understand. No. Way. In. Hell." Cayde said. "Your mistake is thinking you got a damn choice boy." The elite said as he shot the ground near him. "Wow. By that shot, I can tell you were trying to aim at my head but those buckets you all got on is messing up how you shoot. Have you all ever sent a complaint about that? Believe me, I would." Cayde said with a chuckle. The stormtroopers looked at each other confused.

"Now in all seriousness, your mistake is thinking you know what you're getting yourself into right now." Cayde said as he pulled out his blaster. "Now while I had this conversation with you fine stupid gentlemen, I have counted how many of you are here. I count at least maybe fifteen white buckets and five dark buckets. I'm betting I can put eight bolts in six of you white buckets and two in you dark buckets. I mean I could handle you all myself but what would be left for my friends." Cayde explained. "Friends?" The elite asked.

Just then, blaster bolts came from both sides of them taking out some stormtroopers. They looked up to their right and saw Emily and Anna. They looked up to their left and saw Ezra. Stormtroopers started to charge at Cayde while firing at him. Cayde brought his blaster to his hip and fired back at them. "Okay that's one.....two......three......four.......just two more and done." He said as he shot down the troopers in front of him with all headshots. Soon the others jumped down from there spots and attacked the troopers. Cayde was walking at a calm and chill pace as two more troopers came at him. "Five...and....six." He said as he shot them down. He then saw two elites coming at him. One tried to punch him but Cayde grabbed his arm and shot him in the head. He kicked the other in the gut and shot him in the head as well. "Welp that takes care of that." He said.

Ezra took out his share of troopers and so did Emily. Anna took out most of them but some came from behind her ready to gun her down. Just then Cayde blasted down the troopers behind her. He walked up to Anna. "More bolts than I thought but still good." Cayde said and Anna smiled under her helmet. "We should move the Ghost before more show up." Ezra suggested. They all got on the Ghost and took off from the area.

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