Chapter 27: Paucris Major Part 1

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The day was finally here. Clans Wren and Bridger were ready to travel to Paucris Major and take the old warships. It will be a tough battle, but both Clans were hyped and ready for anything.

Ezra and Sabine walked out of the base with Mira in Ezra's arms with Ursa, Amari and Tristan. They met Emily and Alex with some soldiers getting the fighters ready. When the two saw the others, they walked over to them. "Hey. Is everything ready for the raid?" Ezra asked. "Yes. Everyone is ready, fighters are fueled and Kyber Crystals and power cells are on board the cargo ship." Emily informed. "Good. You two are with me, Sabine and Mira on the Ghost. Make sure everything is prepared." Ezra ordered. "You got it boss." Emily said and her and Alex walked off. Ezra and Sabine turned to Ursa, Amari and Tristan. "You guys will be in your ships leading Clan Wren in the space battle while clearing a path for our Clan to get to orbit. After that you'll join us in the ground assault." Sabine told them. "Alright. You can count on us to get the job done." Amari told them. "I know we can. Good luck." Ezra said. "See you planet side you two." Ursa said and they walked off.

Ezra, Sabine and Mira walked towards the Ghost. It was still in its original paint job but look brand new every day. Sabine nor Ezra didn't want to change a thing about their old home. "Daddy, is that the ship you and mommy told me about?" Mira asked. "Yep. This used to be our old home. We had some crazy memories on the ship." Ezra told her. "It was just you two on that ship?" Mira asked. "No there was others with us. They were our old family from long ago." Sabine said. "What happened to them?" Mira asked. That question made Ezra and Sabine sad and looked down. "They.....passed on from this life before you were born. Because of the same people that threaten us." Ezra told her. Mira felt sad that her parents were sad. She didn't want to see them sad. She wrapped her small arms around her father's neck with embrace. "I'm sorry daddy." She said. Ezra hugged her back and Sabine joined in. "It's okay Mira. They were good people just like you. I bet they would've loved you and you would love them." Ezra said. Mira broke the hug and stared at her father. "You really think so?" She asked. "Of course who wouldn't." Ezra said. Mira smiled more and kissed her fathers nose.

They walked onto the old ship as the ramp lowered. "It's been awhile since we've been in here." Sabine said. They took in their surroundings as they walked inside. Many images appeared as memories in front of them as they walked in the ship. They smiled as they climbed the ladder to the top part of the ship. They walked into the old common room and the kitchen. Then They walked in front of the hallway where their rooms were. They slowly paced through the hall. The first door they opened was Kanan and Hera's room, the small dark room with both their adoptive parents. They slightly smiled at the memories they had of both Kanan and Hera being overprotective parents.

They then went passed Zeb and Ezra's old room. They opened the room and saw some stuff the same. The picture of Zeb, Ezra and Chopper were still on the wall.

 The picture of Zeb, Ezra and Chopper were still on the wall

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The picture was a little dusty and old but still perfect. Sabine chuckled at that memory and Ezra rollded his eyes.

They then can on Sabine's room. They opened it and still saw the painted walls in there. It was dusty and tainted but it was still there. Ezra and Sabine's eyes looked to the left and they saw something that made both of their hearts melt. A painting of the entire crew. Sabine painted it a few days before that mission all those years ago.

 Sabine painted it a few days before that mission all those years ago

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Both of them had tears in there eyes. Mira got out of Ezra's arms and walked around the painted room. She was amazed by so much color in the room. She went over to the painting. Is that them? Your old family?" Mira asked. "Yeah. Yeah they are sweetheart." Sabine said trying her best to hold back a sob as she leaned on Ezra's shoulder.

Mira placed a hand on the picture and closed her eyes. The painting started to glow and move. Ezra and Sabine were shock to see that Mira can use the force to move paintings on the wall. When they stopped moving, Mira turned to her parents and smiled. "I could feel them. They were right here in the room. They were...happy." She told them. Ezra and Sabine kneeled down to her and hugged Mira as the tears came out. Mira hugged them back comforting them.

They broke the group hug and they stared at their daughter. "Thanks for brightening the mood Mira." Ezra said. "I'll always brighten the mood. I don't like to see people sad." Mira said smiling and they smiled back.

They walked out of the room and met Emily and Alex in the hallway. "Is everyone ready?" Sabine asked. "Yes. Some of our troops are in the cargo bay. Just waiting on your call." Alex said. "Good. Lets go." Ezra said. They walked into the cockpit and sat down in the chairs. Emily and Alex sat im the back seats, Ezra sat next to the pilot seat with Mira in his lap and Sabine sat in the pilot seat. Ezra began to speak in his comm. "Okay everyone. Lets head out!" Clan Bridger ships and Clan Wren ships lifted off from the base and into orbit. "You ready to see some fun Mira?" Ezra asked. "Yeah!" Mira answered excited. "Okay. Make the jump." Ezra said. All ships made the jump into hyperspace.

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