Part 45

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This gif is perfection

This gif is perfection

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"Hey hey hey." Sebin announced her entrance, making the only figure in the room turn to look at her.

"Hi." Jaehyun replied shortly, putting down the weights he was currently holding.

"You don't seem so excited to see me." The girl pouted as she walked up to him, dropping her towel and water bottle onto the bench.

Jaehyun's eyes raked over her body, sliding across the dark sports bra, leggings, trainers and her tied hair. But soon after, he looked away with a smirk.

"Who's ever excited to see you?"

"Oh shut up jerk." Sebin rolled her eyes, making him chuckle. 

"Ready for our lesson?" Jaehyun changed the topic whilst pointing towards the boxing sack that was right beside them.

"No, I would much rather be in bed right now."
"Must I remind you that you asked for these self defence lessons?"
"Didn't think that you would expect me to get up at 8am."

"Just come here and put on some gloves." Jaehyun rolled his eyes and Sebin ran up to him with a giggle.

He handed him smaller-size gloves and began showing her how to wrap the bandage around her palm.

As Sebin took mental notes, all of her thinking process stopped as she noticed a small detail.

"Why are your knuckles bruised?" She interrupted him as he spoke.

Jaehyun looked down and realized that his hand was indeed a little swelled, the faded blue-black on his fingers. He narrowed his eyes at it, then glanced back up.

"Oh, that's nothing."

"What do you mean nothing, that's bloated as shit." Sebin continued scolding, grabbing his hand to take a closer look. "You should get it treated. What did you even do, did you fall or some shit? Dumbass."

As she rambled on and on, Jaehyun was just simply staring at her. He felt a nice, ticklish warmth spreading through his body.

'She does have a caring side.'
He thought to himself, enchanted by her beauty.

"It's ridiculous that somehow you're always hurt in some way, and it's honestly so-" Sebin paused upon looking up, eyes widening a little as she noticed their proximity. Not only that, but she noticed the look Jaehyun had on his face, the way he stared at her as if he was in a daze.

'Goddamn it.'
The girl thought to herself, her throat feeling dry as she swallowed hard. 

Sebin hurriedly cleared her throat, dropping his hand. "Just... go see Taeil soon. Actually we should cancel this, you shouldn't be punching shit with your hand like-" 

"Sebin." The girl froze at the solid mention of her name. She looked up to find Jaehyun staring down at her with soft eyes. "It's okay, really. There's no need for Taeil, it doesn't hurt that much."
"No buts. Just come here and let me show you how to put these on without getting hurt." 

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