Part 16

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Sebin took a irregularly deep breath as she frowned in her sleep, slowly gaining consciousness

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Sebin took a irregularly deep breath as she frowned in her sleep, slowly gaining consciousness. Her whole body felt stiff and numb and it took her a great lot of effort to even move a single muscle. 

She groaned loudly, the throbbing headache piercing her head and one of her hands travelled up to her forehead.

Her mind was empty and with her eyes closed, she had no awareness whatsoever.

As she massaged her temple to try to ease the headache, her memories began rushing back, making her jolt up, now fully conscious. 


Sebin was chilling in her living room as usual. She looked around the mess that was her apartment.

"I really need to clean this pig hole." She muttered to herself as she noticed the towers of dirty dishes beside her sink, the smell of instant ramen still lingering in the air.

Suddenly, there was a firm knock at her front door. Sebin's head snapped towards it, confusion and a weird, eerie feeling filling her body. Her eyes trailed towards the watch on the wall, realizing that it was almost midnight.

A spark of hope ignited in the girl.

'Is it Jaehyun again?' She thought, her heart skipping a beat. Somehow, she had been wishing to see him again. And the thought made her act rashly as she skipped over to the front door.

"Who is it?" She actually bothered asking, putting one ear against the cold material.

"It's Jaehyun." The deep, male voice replied, but Sebin was too tired to notice that it did not sound like Jaehyun at all. Yet due to her foolishness and dumb desire, she opened the door wide with a small smile.

Well that faded quickly.

She didn't even get a chance to react as she made short eye contact with the mask male, before he lunged at her, covering her mouth. Sebin immediately began resisting, but the guy's other hand went up to her neck and squeezed.

The girl began choking, trying to stay calm and breathe but that was extremely difficult. She then attempted to defend herself, her knee instinctively aiming for his shin.

The man groaned and his grip on her loosened, allowing Sebin to step back and run further into her apartment. Big mistake.

As she ran into the kitchen to try to find any sort of weapon, she heard the guy tipping everything over behind her. As she grabbed the nearest pot, she turned around and blindly swung it. But the man caught her wrist and easily disarmed her. He forcefully turned her around and his arm went around her neck, restricting her airways yet again.

Sebin kept thrashing and kicking, but soon began losing consciousness and she blacked out.

A few minutes later, her eyes opened as she felt herself bouncing up-and-down. She easily identified the dark alley as she was thrown over someone's shoulder and he was sprinting away. He still wasn't aware of her awakening. That's when she did the most rational thing she had done all night.

She let out the loudest, most blood-curdling scream she could manage and immediately set the man off guard. She hoped that the many people living in these apartments would wake up and look out their window and call the police or something.

He was immediately caught of guard and dropped the girl to the ground. And then the last thing she remembered was his arm rapidly swinging in her direction, and then the whole world went black again.

------ end of flashback-----

"Oh no." Sebin muttered, eyes wide as she looked around the medical office. "Oh nononono."

She began getting frantic as she looked for any sort of escape. Her watchful eyes managed to spot a couple of things she could use in her self defense as well as a white door.

'It's probably locked.' She began calculating in her head. 'That means that my best shot at escaping is a sneak attack at whoever walks in.'

She staggered upwards, carefully walking over to a metal stroller positioned not-too-far away. She grabbed a pair of sharp scissors as well as a small knife.

'Come on, you can do this.' Sebin took a deep breath. 'Just attack them and then run for your life, you can escape this.'

As she continued reassuring herself, she jumped at the door suddenly opening. Without a thought or a care about who just came in, Sebin aimed and upon emitting a piercing battle cry, she threw the pair of scissors there.

The man who just came in looked to his left to find the sharp tips of the weapon were dug into the wall right beside his head. But instead of doing anything about it, an amused smile came up to his lips as his eyes slowly turned back towards the girl who was panting.

"You have pretty good aim, I must admit." He let out a breathy laugh.

Sebin, still terrified, raised the operating knife to throw it as well. Yet the guy raised his hands in the air in surrender. "Woah, calm down. I literally just saved you from death and this is how you repay me?" 

"What is this place? Who are you?" Sebin forced her best intimidating or at least a 'I'm not scared of you' voice, yet was close to failing. The guy could obviously see her trembling hands and sighed.

"My name's Moon Taeil, I'm a doctor."

"But this isn't the hospital." The girl answered, the panic and confusion seeping into her voice.

"Yes, it isn't indeed" Taeil looked around. "There's a lot of explaining I need to do, but first of all, you weren't kidnapped." 

"What do you mean? That guy took me!" She was still untrusting.

"Yeah, but one of our members managed to save you. Do you know Jung Jaehyun?" 

Sebin froze, hearing the familiar name. Due to the initial shock, she slowly lowered the knife.

"Well, that's a bit better." Taeil smiled warmly.

"Where exactly am I?" The girl asked suspicious, her eyes narrowing.

"At the NCT headquarters." 

Surprise surprise everybody

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Surprise surprise everybody

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