Part 32

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She could feel his short, labored exhales escaping his lips and fanning onto hers

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She could feel his short, labored exhales escaping his lips and fanning onto hers. His nose was nearly brushing hers, the spark ignited by the anticipation lighting up her insides. The eye contact they held felt like it lasted centuries, eternally deep and intense as it dug into them both. 

Then he leaned back again, his sweaty t-shirt barely laying on the mat for 3 seconds before he sat up once again. 

Sebin had to close her eyes in order to compose herself, her mind freely running wild with thoughts she wasn't supposed to be having. This had been going on for only 2 minutes, although it felt as if Jaehyun was going at it for hours on end, dragging her into an endless cycle of quick heart beats and butterflies tickling her stomach. 

This was because the way he had told her to help him with the sit-ups was her holding down his feet with her hands, sitting on top of it basically forcing her to spread her legs, his in the middle and her head to be diagonally above his kneecaps. That is why, every time he sat straight, their faces got so close that it became difficult to breathe. And this wasn't rare either, Jaehyun had an absolutely desirable, amazing body and took on the 50 sit-ups with ease.

Sebin bit her lip, following his movements and not backing down from their eye-contact. She knew that this wasn't right. No, it was wrong.

Her getting feelings for Jaehyun?

That's why she so dearly anticipated when he would stop.

'Why did you even accept to help him?' She thought, mentally face-palming.

"What are you thinking about?" Jaehyun asked through breaths, interrupting her thoughts.

"Nothing really." Sebin hummed, trying to not sound intrigued or intimidated. "When are you gonna be done?"

"Why?" He raised an eyebrow. "Are you in a rush or something?"

"Actually, yes. Yes I am."

Jaehyun couldn't help himself and let out a low chuckle, looking away in disbelief. 

Sebin's brows furrowed. "What?"

"Where exactly are you going that you're in such a rush?" He asked, now facing her again. "Your blind date that you can't even go on because you're only supposed to stay here?"

The girl rolled her eyes. "It's not even today."

"Then where are going?"

"Mind your own business broski." Sebin tried to remain composed.

"Ew, that sounds disgusting." Jaehyun cringed.

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