Part 30

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"Okay but I literally haven't been eating that much why does my stomach look like a distorted seal

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"Okay but I literally haven't been eating that much why does my stomach look like a distorted seal."

Sebin continuously shifted and turned in front of the huge mirror in Jaehyun's bathroom. She was butt naked, only the fogginess of the glass covering her up slightly because of the boiling shower she just had. Her long dark was now completely soaked, sticking to her smooth and soft skin. Touching around her stomach and rib area, she squeezed at the slight rolls of fat that formed whenever she wasn't standing completely straight.

The girl frowned. "Okay, Taeyong and Jaemin are definitely feeding me some special hidden fat to make me heavy so I can't run away." She immediately went to conspiracies to explain her new body, completely ignoring the empty box of ice cream that she had devoured by herself the night before.

With a small shrug, she then turned and finally decided to cover herself up, first sliding on her underwear and bra before putting on a giant t-shirt and shorts. Upon looking around, she realized that her hair brush was nowhere on the counter, therefore went over to the door, unlocked it, and left. 

Although her wet hair was literally dripping everywhere, soaking through her white shirt, she decided that it would be a truly amazing idea to go out into the hallway where everybody could see her. She felt a shiver run down her spine as the temperature out there was much lower, but she just got on her tip-toes and began making her way down towards the staircase. That was because she had remembered that her hair brush was chilling on a counter in the living room since the night before.

Just as she was about to turn the corner, Sebin yelped as she felt a hand wrap around her forearm and yank her backwards with force. She turned around to see a wide-eyed Haeun standing there, holding her.

"Fucking hell, when did you even get here?? I didn't hear you at all! Can you like float or some shit!" Sebin began her rant, feeling her racing heart beginning to calm down after the initial scare.

"Sorry, but sis, what are you wearing." Haeun asked, letting go of her forearm and crossing her arms. She looked the elder girl up and down disapprovingly. "Your t-shirt is see through, you should go change." 

"But I just need to run for my brush..." Sebin began, pointing towards the staircase but shut her mouth seeing Haeun's hard stare.

The younger girl sighed. "I'll just lend you mine. Gosh, you're reckless." She exclaimed, before turning around and beginning to walk back down the hallway.

Sebin was shocked for a second, mouth parting in shock.

"Reckless? What, I'm older than you! You shouldn't speak like that to an elder!" She yelled out beyond her, running to catch up.

"Well that's hypocritical. You always speak like that to Jaehyun, he's a year older." Haeun pointed out wittily, receiving a death glare in return.

"Wait what, no, I- okay you're right, nevermind." 


A small silent followed the last grunt, then the two girls burst out into laughter. Both were laying on Haeun's giant bed, mirroring each other with their heads almost touching. Sebin's hair was now almost completely dried off, as they had been hanging out for some time now.

"I'm literally so glad that I don't have to go to work, I feel like I could just sleep all day." Sebin confessed, hand going under her head as a pillow.

Haeun giggled lightly, turning to face the elder girl. "Well good thing you're here with us so you don't have to work."
"I wouldn't really call it a good thing, but okay, whatever you say." 

The two burst out into more innocent chuckling, whilst just appreciating the presence of another example of the female species beside them.

"How did you meet Jisung?" The question came out naturally, following the comfortable conversation.

"How I met Jisung? Oh, it was at a bus stop when I was 16. His dumbass ran into me while I was waiting for the bus to my new school and figured out we go to the same school and are the same age. We went through quite a lot of shit and began went out like almost a year later." Haeun reminisced with a small smile on her face.

"Awe, that's cute." Sebin admitted, seeing the younger girl's sparkling eyes as she told the story.

"How about you and your multiple boyfriends?"
"I said I don't-"
"Okay, okay." Haeun giggled. "But how was your lovelife?"

"Well, I got my first boyfriend in high school, but that didn't last very long of course." Sebin began, also reminiscing on the past. "Then, when I was 20, I got into a two year relationship with a guy in my college class. He was sweet and nice and all, but after graduating, he became very toxic and possessive. I loved him, but got sick of it so I broke up with him. Then a few months later, I got into a relationship with this really nice guy but it just wasn't working out, so we broke up about 5 months later."

"Damn. So I was right then."
"Haeun, no-"
"I'm kidding, jeez." Haeun wheezed. "But woah, that sounds complicated."

"Yeah. I'm so desirable you know." Sebin placed a delicate hand over her forehead dramatically.

"Yes, yes, of course." The younger girl played along. 

"Anyways, do you think that I can get out of here and go to the gym soon or something?" Sebin turned to the side to face Haeun.

"Gym? There's one on the top floor, and also one on the bottom floor! You're free to use it, just ask someone to get you there."

"Oh wow, thank you."

Its 11pm and I'm baking cookies

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Its 11pm and I'm baking cookies

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